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Game sheet of Suzette (file), Game of September 29, 2011 at 18:33

Word find
Word played
1 AEKLNRZ RAZE H5 26 -30 26 3/4 KRANZ H8 56 56 3/4
2 AADENOX AXED 10H 14 -21 40 3/3 XOANA I10 35 91 3/4
3 ADFSTTY FA H14 20 -21 60 4/4 SAY J12 41 132 3/5
4 ?AEEORS SA(V)ER 15J 11 -75 71 4/4 KREASO(T)E 8H 86 218 3/5
5 ?DINQRT SQ(U)INT L8 28 -4 99 3/3 QINDAR K4 32 250 3/5
6 DEILORT             DOLERITE O1 80 330 4/5
7 CEMORSV             COAXES 10F 40 370 4/5
8 ?AIOPTY             POTICA(R)Y F6 70 440 4/8
9 AEHLRUV             OVERHAUL M8 86 526 4/8
10 EFILNOT             FEINT N10 58 584 6/8
11 BEEGHPT             PEH L12 41 625 6/8
12 BELOSTU             BOLETUS E1 74 699 6/8
13 AEIJLMU             JAM E11 50 749 7/8
14 ADEENRT             BANTERED 1E 89 838 7/8

Total: 99/838 or -739 for 11.81%
Rank: 4708

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