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Game of September 29, 2011 at 19:19, 7 players - after 14 words played
1. 393 pts immy
2. 364 pts danmarcy
3. 335 pts Suzette

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegiorv   H4    28    28   virago
 2. deinopw   9C    72   100   pinewood
 3. eimnpsz   K4    49   149   mizens
 4. amnotty   L4    62   211   anomy
 5. aeegnru   E4    86   297   enraunge
 6. ?enrstu  12B    74   371   tonsure
 7. aaeeghr   J5    35   406   hag
 8. abioost   D1    26   432   biota
 9. deilntu   C7    74   506   unpiloted
10. bcdoost   1A    33   539   cobbs
11. ?aeiirr   A1    77   616   criteria
12. deirstv   M8    80   696   strived
13. defijlt   M1    45   741   fjeld
14. aeekotw   C3    41   782   kaw


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6848 Fileimmy        1 11:18  -389  393     1.6848 immy        1 11:18  -389  393 
  2.6407 Filedanmarcy    0 13:33  -418  364     2.6407 danmarcy    0 13:33  -418  364 
  3.4636 FileSuzette     0 14:58  -447  335     3.6175 Thuwal      0 14:09  -453  329 
  4.6175 FileThuwal      0 14:09  -453  329            Group: novice
  5.5541 Fileayoba       0 14:20  -476  306     1.5541 ayoba       0 14:20  -476  306 
  6.4277 Filelynne321MH  0 15:11  -524  258            Group: not rated
  7.3984 Filelesft       0  1:45  -760   22     1.4636 Suzette     0 14:58  -447  335 
                                             2.4277 lynne321MH  0 15:11  -524  258 
                                             3.3984 lesft       0  1:45  -760   22 

On 1st draw, VIRAGO H4 28 --- VIRAGO a noisy, domineering woman [n]
Other tops: VOGIER H4 28
Other moves: VIGOR H4 26, VIRGA H4 26, VIRGE H4 26, VOGIE H4 26, GARVIE H4 24
VIRAGO H4 28 immy
VIGOR H4 26 danmarcy, Thuwal
GRAVE H4 22 ayoba
GAVE H5 16 Suzette

On 2nd draw, PINEWOOD 9C 72 --- PINEWOOD the wood of a pine tree [n]
Other moves: PINEWOOD 9B 68, WIPED I7 37, WIPE I7 35, W*P I7 34, DOWP I7 33
WIPED I7 37 Thuwal
DOWN I7 31 danmarcy
WON I7 26 immy
WIDEN G9 23 ayoba
WIPED 5G 22 Suzette
WIDEN 5G 18 lynne321MH

On 3rd draw, MIZENS K4 49 --- MIZEN a type of sail [n]
Other moves: ZINES 10B 48, ZINES D8 48, PIZES K5 47, SEZ G5 47, ZEINS K5 43
ZINES D8 48 Thuwal
SIZE K9 41 Suzette, immy, danmarcy
MAZES 7G 29 ayoba
ZIP C7 24 lynne321MH

On 4th draw, ANOMY L4 62 --- ANOMY hopelessness caused by a breakdown of rules [n]
Other tops: ATOMY L4 62
Other moves: ATONY L4 56, ANTONYM E5 48, MYNA L3 45, ANONYM 8J 39, MOAN L4 39
ATOM 8A 38 immy
MANY L1 38 danmarcy
MOTTY 4K 28 Suzette
MINTY D8 26 lynne321MH
OM L6 19 ayoba
MI D8 7 Thuwal

On 5th draw, ENRAUNGE E4 86 --- ENRAUNGE to arrange [v]
Other moves: ENRAUNGE E8 68, REGNA M2 33, ENRANGE E5 32, GENA M3 30, URENA M2 30
EUGENIA D4 18 immy
RANG M1 16 danmarcy
GRAN M1 15 lynne321MH
NAG M2 14 Thuwal
RANGE E7 12 Suzette
RE 10B 8 ayoba

On 6th draw, T(O)NSURE 12B 74 --- TONSURE to shave the head of [v]
Other tops: NUTS(I)ER 12B 74, UNREST(S) 12A 74, (B)URSTEN 12B 74, (F)UNSTER 12B 74, (M)UNSTER 12B 74, (P)UNSTER 12B 74
Other moves: UNRE(S)TS 12A 73, UN(D)REST 12C 73, ENTRUS(T) M8 70, EN(C)RUST M8 70, EN(T)RUST M8 70
RENTS 12A 22 Suzette, danmarcy, ayoba
(B)URNS 12A 18 immy
ZONES 6K 16 lynne321MH
ENRAUNGES E4 10 Thuwal

On 7th draw, HAG J5 35 --- HAG to hack [v]
Other tops: AGAR J4 35
Other moves: AAH J5 33, AHA J4 33, RAH J5 33, HATER B10 32, GHEE D3 30
HAW G7 25 immy
HEARE H11 24 ayoba, Suzette
HERE M1 19 danmarcy
GERE H11 5 Thuwal

On 8th draw, BIOTA D1 26 --- BIOTA the flora and fauna of a region [n]
Other tops: BAITS M1 26, BASTI D1 26, BASTO D1 26, BATTS B10 26, BIOGS 10B 26, BITOS B10 26, BITTS B10 26, BOAST M1 26, BOAT D4 26, BOATS M1 26, BOOST M1 26, BOOT D4 26, BOOTS M1 26, BOTAS B10 26, BOTAS M1 26, BOTTS B10 26, OBIAS M1 26, OBITS M1 26, TABOO D2 26
Other moves: BAST M2 24, BATS M2 24, BIAS M2 24, BIST M2 24, BITS M2 24
BAST D1 22 immy
BEATS H11 21 ayoba, danmarcy
BEAST H11 21 Thuwal, lynne321MH, Suzette

On 9th draw, UNPIL(O)TED C7 74 --- UNPILOTED
Other moves: DILUENT 13H 71, UNTILED 11G 70, DILUENT 11H 69, BLUNTED 1D 30, DINGLE 10B 29
BLUNTED 1D 30 immy, Thuwal, ayoba, lynne321MH
BLIND 1D 24 Suzette
DENT M2 22 danmarcy

On 10th draw, COBBS 1A 33 --- COBB a sea gull [n]
Other moves: COBB 1A 30, DOCS M2 28, BODS M2 27, BOOBS 1A 27, BOOBS 1D 27
BOOBS 1A 27 Thuwal, immy, Suzette
BODS M2 27 danmarcy
BOOST 1D 21 ayoba, lynne321MH

On 11th draw, CRI(T)ERIA A1 77 --- CRITERIA standards of judgment [n] --- CRITERION a standard of judgement, pl CRITERIONS or CRITERIA [n]
Other moves: RAI(N)IER 13H 66, RI(V)IERA 13H 66, (H)AIRIER 13H 65, (L)AIRIER 13H 65, RAI(N)IER 11H 64
DRAI(N)ER 15C 24 Thuwal
AD(M)IRER 15B 21 immy
RIDER 15A 21 danmarcy
REDIA(L) 15A 21 lynne321MH
RADE 15A 18 Suzette
(D)EARE H11 12 ayoba

On 12th draw, STRIVED M8 80 --- STRIVE to exert much effort or energy [v]
Other moves: VERDITES 14B 78, DIVERTS 13H 77, STRIVED 13H 76, DIVERTS 11H 75, DERIVES 14B 38
DIVERTS 15C 36 immy
DRIVES 15C 33 ayoba
DIVERS 15C 33 Thuwal
VIDE 15A 27 danmarcy
SEVER H11 24 Suzette

On 13th draw, FJELD M1 45 --- FJELD a high, barren plateau [n]
Other tops: JILTED F2 45
Other moves: FIDDLE 15A 39, JEDI 15A 39, FIDDLE 14J 38, EEJIT H11 36, JIVED 12K 36
JEDI 15A 39 lynne321MH
JIVED 12K 36 Suzette
JIVE 12K 28 immy
FELT M2 26 danmarcy
JET 14B 20 Thuwal
JO 3C 18 ayoba

On 14th draw, KAW C3 41 --- KAW to cry like a crow [v]
Other moves: KOFTA 1K 39, BOWAT C1 38, KETA B10 38, KETE B10 38, WEEKE H11 36
KAT B10 35 immy
FAW 1M 27 Thuwal, danmarcy
FEW 1M 27 lynne321MH
KED 15A 24 ayoba
WEEK 14B 22 lesft
WAVE 12K 20 Suzette

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