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Game sheet of Suzette (file), Game of September 29, 2011 at 21:35

Word find
Word played
1 AEGILNT AGILE H4 14 -56 14 5/5 GELATIN H4 70 70 5/5
2 ?DEOPTV P(A)VED 5E 20 -63 34 5/5 P(I)VOTED 11C 83 153 5/5
3 AEHIINS SINE 12H 19 -11 53 4/4 SHAPEN C8 30 183 4/5
4 AGIJNRT JAG 7G 21 -32 74 4/4 JIN 10F 53 236 4/5
5 ?BLOSWY BLOWE(D) 5D 20 -90 94 4/4 SOWBE(L)LY 5D 110 346 4/5
6 AEIMORS MORES D1 20 -44 114 4/4 MORALISE J1 64 410 4/5
7 ACDEHLO CHAM 1G 33 -17 147 4/4 HAL(I)DE D8 50 460 4/5
8 ACDERRY DASHY 8A 36 -3 183 4/4 CYMAR 1H 39 499 4/5
9 EFLNORV             FIER 9G 33 532 4/5
10 AEEIRRT RASH 8A 21 -53 204 3/4 TEARIER K8 74 606 4/5
11 AGILNOO LINGS D1 14 -10 218 4/4 NASHI 8A 24 630 4/5
12 GIOPRTU PORTS D1 20 -42 238 4/4 TROUPING A2 62 692 4/5
13 AEFILOV FLAVOR 14F 22 -20 260 3/5 FAVRILE 14H 42 734 4/6
14 CDNOOSW WOODS O10 24 -8 284 4/5 ODSO O12 32 766 4/6

Total: 284/766 or -482 for 37.07%
Rank: 4623

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