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Game sheet of TwoFold (file), Game of September 29, 2011 at 23:07

Word find
Word played
1 ILLTUVX TUX H6 20   20 6/8 TIX H8   20 6/8
2 ?AENPSU PA(I)NS G9 26 -54 46 4/7 PE(R)SAUNT 8A 80 100 4/8
3 CDEIIRS DICIER I9 26 -14 72 1/7 SCIARID E5 40 140 1/8
4 FFIJOPS JIFFS 12A 63   135 1/7       203 1/8
5 AEEERSW JAWS A12 42   177 1/7       245 1/8
6 ?ACDELM D(I)ME I9 21 -74 198 4/5 SCAM(B)LED 15A 95 340 2/8
7 DELOPRZ ZERO D2 28 -8 226 5/6 ZORIL 10B 36 376 2/8
8 BENOOTV VOTE D2 16 -6 242 3/6 BENTO D1 22 398 2/8
9 AEIOORT BOOTIE 1D 24   266 1/5 BORATE 1D   422 2/8
10 AEEILTT TILT I9 17 -54 283 4/5 AILETTE 14H 71 493 2/8
11 ABEHIPR             PERBORATE 1A 39 532 4/8
12 AGLNOTY             YA 13C 31 563 4/8
13 AEEHNRT             HATERENT M7 82 645 4/9
14 EEGILNO             ENGAOL 8J 27 672 4/9

Total: 283/672 or -389 for 42.11%
Rank: 6939

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