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Game of September 29, 2011 at 23:55, 5 players - after 14 words played
1. 429 pts Gypsylady
2. 412 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 411 pts musdrive

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eegnrs   H8    68    68   enrages
 2. adhinqt  14F    32   100   qis
 3. aeirrrt  11D    78   178   terraria
 4. ceeilst   D8    74   252   testicle
 5. adinouy  15A    27   279   doyen
 6. degoswz  14B    51   330   zol
 7. begirst  10J    29   359   begirt
 8. ?aioouv   N7    70   429   ovarious
 9. aadeino  13A    40   469   dance
10. egmnopw   8L    42   511   wove
11. finorsu  O12    45   556   fris
12. aflmost   C3    91   647   flotsam
13. aaeghlm   D1    33   680   gleam
14. elnopty   O1   103   783   polytene


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6717 FileGypsylady   2 16:10  -354  429     1.7241 musdrive    3 13:02  -372  411 
  2.6805 FileGLOBEMAN    4 12:20  -371  412            Group: intermediate
  3.7241 Filemusdrive    3 13:02  -372  411     1.6717 Gypsylady   2 16:10  -354  429 
  4.6969 Filesunshine12  4 13:34  -402  381     2.6805 GLOBEMAN    4 12:20  -371  412 
  5.4690 FileSuzette     0  1:53  -776    7     3.6969 sunshine12  4 13:34  -402  381 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4690 Suzette     0  1:53  -776    7 

On 1st draw, ENR(A)GES H8 68 --- ENRAGE to make very angry [v]
Other tops: ENG(O)RES H2 68, GEN(D)ERS H4 68, GEREN(T)S H4 68, GER(M)ENS H4 68, GRE(I)SEN H4 68, G(Y)RENES H4 68, NEGRES(S) H2 68, NEGRE(S)S H2 68, NEGR(O)ES H2 68, REGEN(T)S H2 68, RENEG(E)S H8 68, REN(E)GES H8 68, R(E)NEGES H8 68
Other moves: ENG(O)RES H3 66, ENG(O)RES H4 66, ENG(O)RES H6 66, ENG(O)RES H7 66, ENG(O)RES H8 66
GEN(D)ERS H4 68 Gypsylady
GEN(D)ERS H4 18 GLOBEMAN, musdrive, sunshine12

On 2nd draw, QIS 14F 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QAN(A)T 11E 26, Q(A)NAT 11G 26, DAH G11 25, AHI G12 24, NAH G11 23
QIS 14F 32 Gypsylady, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, musdrive

On 3rd draw, TERR(A)RIA 11D 78 --- TERRARIA glass enclosures for plants or small animals [n] --- TERRARIUM a glass enclosure for plants, pl TERRARIUMS or TERRARIA [n]
Other moves: TERRARI(A) 11A 64, TARRIER G2 61, TARRIER I2 61, TAR(A)IRE 11E 24, TEARIER 13G 21
TARRIER G2 61 Gypsylady
TERRIER 13G 21 musdrive
RAIT 15D 18 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 4th draw, TESTICLE D8 74 --- TESTICLE a male reproductive gland [n]
Other moves: TELESTIC D6 72, SECTILE I3 67, CENTILES 9F 63, SECTILE G2 63, SECTILE I2 63
CITES 12A 26 musdrive
QI F14 11 sunshine12
ELECTS 8H 9 Gypsylady

On 5th draw, DOYEN 15A 27 --- DOYEN the senior member of a group [n]
Other tops: NOYED 15A 27
Other moves: OUNDY I5 26, UNDY I6 25, AUNTY 8A 24, DAY C7 24, DAY I7 24
YODE 15A 24 GLOBEMAN, musdrive
AUNTY 8A 24 Gypsylady

On 6th draw, ZOL 14B 51 --- ZOL a spliff, a marijuana cigarette [n]
Other moves: ZEST 8A 39, DZOS 10J 36, DOZES 12K 35, DZO 10J 35, DOZES E5 34
ZOL 14B 51 GLOBEMAN, musdrive, sunshine12
ZEST 8A 39 Gypsylady

On 7th draw, BEGIRT 10J 29 --- BEGIRD to surround [v]
Other moves: BERGS 10J 28, BESTIR 10J 28, BESIT 10J 27, BESTI 10J 27, BEGS 10J 25
BERGS 10J 28 musdrive
BEGS 10J 25 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
BRITS 8A 21 Gypsylady
GI J10 7 Suzette

On 8th draw, OVARIOU(S) N7 70 --- OVARIOUS consisting of eggs [adj]
Other moves: O(C)TAVO O8 36, A(L)CO 13B 32, A(S)CI 13B 32, OVATIO(N) O7 30, OUTVI(E) O8 27
VITA O8 21 Gypsylady, sunshine12
OVAT(E) O7 21 musdrive

On 9th draw, DANCE 13A 40 --- DANCE to move rhythmically to music [v]
Other moves: ANCE 13B 36, DIANOIA M9 34, DEVA 8L 30, DIVA 8L 30, DIVE 8L 30
DOVE 8L 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, Gypsylady
DIVE 8L 30 musdrive

On 10th draw, WOVE 8L 42 --- WEAVE to form by interlacing threads [v]
Other moves: GOWNED A8 36, MOVE 8L 36, MONGED A8 33, PONGED A8 33, ENOW O12 30
WOVE 8L 42 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, musdrive
WENT 8A 21 Gypsylady

On 11th draw, FRIS O12 45 --- FRIS the fast section of a Hungarian dance [n]
Other tops: FROS O12 45
Other moves: FORTIS 8A 27, FURIOSO M2 25, FONTS 8A 24, FORTS 8A 24, FRITS 8A 24
FRIS O12 45 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
FORTIS 8A 27 musdrive
FORTS 8A 24 Gypsylady

On 12th draw, FLOTSAM C3 91 --- FLOTSAM floating wreckage of a ship or its cargo [n]
Other moves: FLOTSAM E3 80, FLOTSAM G2 68, FLOTSAM I2 68, OF M12 28, FLOTAS 8A 27
OF M12 28 musdrive, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
FLATS 8A 24 Gypsylady

On 13th draw, GLEAM D1 33 --- GLEAM to shine with a soft radiance [v]
Other moves: MAHOE 7K 30, MEATH 8A 30, AHEM B7 28, HALMA 4A 28, GLEAM B1 27
MEATH 8A 30 musdrive, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
HOM 7M 25 Gypsylady

On 14th draw, POLYTENE O1 103 --- POLYTENE having chromosomes of a certain type [adj]
Other moves: POYNTED A7 42, PLOYED A8 39, PONGY 1A 33, GENTLY 1D 30, PEATY 8A 30
PONGY 1A 33 musdrive
PLATY 8A 30 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
GENTLY 1D 30 Gypsylady

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