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Game of September 30, 2011 at 06:48, 2 players - after 14 words played
1. 159 pts marigold
2. 40 pts strykyster

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eeglnt   H4    68    68   gentles
 2. deeioru   7G    62   130   etourdie
 3. ?inoorv   4A    80   210   vrooming
 4. acdepst   N1    80   290   aspected
 5. ilnnors   J4    62   352   linurons
 6. aeiirsz   L7    88   440   diarizes
 7. aaaehmt   8A   100   540   haematal
 8. oprstuw   1L    39   579   wrap
 9. adeefno  M11    40   619   fado
10. aeioors   O8    30   649   ariose
11. beellmt   E4    36   685   meltable
12. dehiint   B2    34   719   derth
13. aimnoyy  D11    30   749   anomy
14. agginqy   A1    36   785   qi


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5308 Filemarigold    1  7:27  -626  159     1.5308 marigold    1  7:27  -626  159 
  2.4683 Filestrykyster  0  3:45  -745   40            Group: not rated
                                             1.4683 strykyster  0  3:45  -745   40 

On 1st draw, GENTLE(S) H4 68 --- GENTLE to tame [v]
Other tops: GENTE(E)L H4 68, GENTLE(D) H4 68, GENTLE(R) H4 68, GENT(E)EL H4 68, GENT(I)LE H4 68, GLENTE(D) H4 68, G(E)NTEEL H4 68, NEGLE(C)T H2 68
Other moves: ELEG(A)NT H2 66, ELEG(A)NT H3 66, ELEG(A)NT H4 66, ELEG(A)NT H6 66, ELEG(A)NT H7 66

On 2nd draw, ETOURDIE 7G 62 --- ETOURDIE thoughtless (feminine form) [adj]
Other moves: DOREE I3 19, RUDIE G3 19, IDEE I4 17, OURIE G3 17, GOURDE 4H 16
ERODE I2 15 strykyster

On 3rd draw, VROO(M)ING 4A 80 --- VROOM to run an engine at high speed [v]
Other moves: GROOVIN(G) 4H 72, INGROOV(E) 4F 72, (G)ROOVING 4A 72, IN(G)ROOVE 5A 70, O(M)NIVORE 5A 70
VE(T) 9G 9 strykyster

On 4th draw, ASPECTED N1 80 --- ASPECT to look at [v]
COPS C3 16 strykyster

On 5th draw, LINURONS J4 62 --- LINURON a herbicide [n]
Other moves: ONLINERS 9C 61, LION O1 30, LOIN O1 30, LOIR O1 30, NOIL O1 30

On 6th draw, DIARIZES L7 88 --- DIARIZE to keep a diary [v]
Other moves: ZEAS 1L 69, VIZIERS A4 57, AVIZES A3 54, IZARS O8 54, VEZIRS A4 54

On 7th draw, HAEMATAL 8A 100 --- HAEMATAL pertaining to the blood [adj]
Other moves: AHEM O1 58, THEM O1 58, ATHAME O8 51, ATHAME 3B 43, THAE O1 42
HAM 1M 24 marigold

On 8th draw, WRAP 1L 39 --- WRAP to enclose in something wound or folded about [v]
Other tops: POSTWAR 1I 39
Other moves: POURSEW C3 34, POURSEW 13G 32, STROW B2 32, SWOP 3C 32, WO O1 32
WRAP 1L 39 marigold

On 9th draw, FADO M11 40 --- FADO a Portuguese folk song [n]
Other moves: DOF M11 38, FARED K5 37, FAD M11 36, FANO M11 36, OAF M11 35
FEND C7 13 marigold

On 10th draw, ARIOSE O8 30 --- ARIOSE in the manner of an aria [adj]
Other tops: ARIOSO O8 30, OOSIER O8 30
Other moves: AEROS O8 27, AESIR O8 27, ARISE O8 27, AROSE O8 27, OORIE O8 27
SIR 15M 18 marigold

On 11th draw, (M)ELTABLE E4 36 --- MELT to change from a solid to a liquid state by heat [adj] --- MELTABLE able to be melted [adj]
Other moves: BESOM 14J 30, BESOT 14J 26, BLET 3C 25, EMBLEM D7 24, METE 9C 24
BERM B2 16 marigold

On 12th draw, DERTH B2 34 --- DERTH scarcity [n]
Other moves: EDH 7A 28, EDH 9A 28, HIDER K3 28, EDH 3B 27, ETH 7A 26

On 13th draw, ANOMY D11 30 --- ANOMY hopelessness caused by a breakdown of rules [n]
Other tops: MYOPY 3K 30, YAMPY 3K 30
Other moves: MOAI C3 27, MOOI C3 27, NOMOI C1 27, ANOMY F10 26, MASON 14J 26
YO A1 18 marigold

On 14th draw, QI A1 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QIGONG 13A 34, GYNY 15A 33, QI 10N 31, GAY C11 30, GIGA C11 28
QI 10N 31 marigold

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