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Game of September 30, 2011 at 07:34, 1 player - after 14 words played
1. 30 pts rosdee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ailmotv   H4    28    28   vomit
 2. aepqrrs   G6    24    52   apers
 3. ?afgpwy   F2    45    97   fawny
 4. aeefltt   2B    78   175   flatfeet
 5. deejnru   1A    54   229   jeed
 6. acghiop   1G    48   277   poach
 7. deeiory   L1    44   321   yode
 8. adeostz   5E    68   389   entozoa
 9. ?beeiir  10A    63   452   fiberise
10. ginsssu  11H    68   520   sussing
11. binortw   M8    84   604   twinborn
12. eilortx   8K    60   664   ixtle
13. ailnorv   D8    76   740   overlain
14. adggiou  15H    33   773   gauding


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.3876 Filerosdee      0  2:43  -743   30     1.3876 rosdee      0  2:43  -743   30 

On 1st draw, VOMIT H4 28 --- VOMIT to eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth [v]
Other moves: VIOLA H4 24, VITAL H4 24, VOILA H4 24, VOLTA H4 24, VOLTI H4 24
OVAL H6 14 rosdee

On 2nd draw, APERS G6 24 --- APER one who mimics [n]
Other moves: APER G6 23, APES G6 23, APSE G6 23, PARERS 9C 23, QIS 7G 23
OPERAS 5H 16 rosdee

On 3rd draw, FAW(N)Y F2 45 --- FAWNY of a yellowish-brown color [adj]
Other tops: F(L)AWY F2 45
Other moves: WA(S)PY F2 44, F*GgY F2 43, F*gGY F2 43, PAW(K)Y F2 42, GAW(C)Y F2 39

On 4th draw, FLATFEET 2B 78 --- FLATFOOT a foot condition [n]
Other moves: FLATFEET 2F 72, ALEFT E5 27, TAEL E3 26, WAVELET 4F 26, ALEF E5 25

On 5th draw, JEED 1A 54 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: JADE D1 40, JANE D1 38, ENURED 1G 37, JEE 1A 37, E(N)ROUND 5E 36

On 6th draw, POACH 1G 48 --- POACH to trespass for the purpose of taking game or fish [v]
Other moves: PHI 1G 45, OPAH 1G 43, HAP 1H 41, HIC 1H 41, HIP 1H 41

On 7th draw, YODE L1 44 --- YEAD to go or proceed [v] --- YEDE to go or proceed [v]
Other tops: YEDE L1 44, YEED L1 44, YERD L1 44, YIRD L1 44
Other moves: YORE L1 42, Y*D L1 31, YOD L1 31, YE L1 29, YO L1 29

On 8th draw, E(N)TOZOA 5E 68 --- ENTOZOAN am entozoic parasite [n]
Other moves: TOAZED H10 53, TOAZES H10 50, ADOZE M3 41, ADZES M3 41, ADZE M3 37

On 9th draw, (F)IBERISE 10A 63 --- FIBERISE to break into fibers [v]
Other tops: BOI(S)ERIE J4 63, B(O)ISERIE 10D 63, EBRIETIE(S) 8C 63, IBERISE(S) 10B 63
Other moves: BERI(M)E M2 28, BIRE(M)E M2 28, BIR(D)IE M2 28, BIR(K)IE M2 28, BE(L)IER 6J 27

On 10th draw, SUSSING 11H 68 --- SUSS to figure out [v]
Other moves: SOUSINGS J4 65, SUSSING M4 62, SINGS M2 22, (F)USING A10 21, NISUS M2 20

On 11th draw, TWINBORN M8 84 --- TWINBORN born at the same birth [adj]
Other moves: TWINBORN M4 67, BOW(F)IN A7 33, BROWN 6J 30, WINO 6J 30, WRIT 6J 30

On 12th draw, IXTLE 8K 60 --- IXTLE a strong fibre [n]
Other tops: EXTOL 8K 60, ORI(F)EX A7 60, OXTER 8K 60, (F)OXIER A10 60
Other moves: RE(F)IX A8 57, XI 6J 52, (F)LEXOR A10 39, EXIT M3 37, OXER M3 37

On 13th draw, OVERLAIN D8 76 --- OVERLAY to lay over [v] --- OVERLIE to lie over [v]
Other moves: VINAL 15K 27, (F)LAVIN A10 27, (F)LAVOR A10 27, (F)RIVOL A10 27, E(N)TOZOAL 5E 25

On 14th draw, GAUDING 15H 33 --- GAUD to make merry [v]
Other tops: GOADING 15H 33
Other moves: GUANGO 15J 27, GUIDON 15H 27, DINGO 15K 24, DONGA 15K 24, GONAD 15K 24

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