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Game of September 30, 2011 at 12:48, 7 players - after 14 words played
1. 410 pts TwoFold
2. 310 pts sunshine12
3. 296 pts worsie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?efntuz   H4    46    46   zante
 2. acefgnx   I3    36    82   fax
 3. ailnrtt   8A    77   159   rattline
 4. eegkort   J2    36   195   keg
 5. chooqrw   K1    24   219   how
 6. ?cegnov   D4    76   295   coveting
 7. aehlnos   7G    70   365   ethanols
 8. abeiqrs   1E    45   410   bearish
 9. dopruwy   6J    37   447   yow
10. aeimnpr   2A    86   533   permian
11. aijlort   N1    32   565   jailors
12. beimnrt   K5    36   601   bonnier
13. adfoptu   O1    52   653   oaf
14. ddeiost  11A    72   725   dodgiest


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6540 FileTwoFold     4 12:03  -315  410     1.6540 TwoFold     4 12:03  -315  410 
  2.6972 Filesunshine12  1 10:52  -415  310     2.6972 sunshine12  1 10:52  -415  310 
  3.5982 Fileworsie      2  7:52  -429  296     3.6082 raggedy01   0  1:00  -659   66 
  4.5462 Fileginalee     0 12:50  -436  289            Group: novice
  5.4700 FileSuzette     0 15:33  -473  252     1.5982 worsie      2  7:52  -429  296 
  6.5543 Fileayoba       0  6:07  -609  116     2.5462 ginalee     0 12:50  -436  289 
  7.6082 Fileraggedy01   0  1:00  -659   66     3.5543 ayoba       0  6:07  -609  116 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4700 Suzette     0 15:33  -473  252 

On 1st draw, Z(A)NTE H4 46 --- ZANTE satinwood [n]
Other tops: NE(R)TZ H8 46
Other moves: FUTZE(D) H4 42, FUTZE(S) H4 42, FUZE(D) H4 40, FUZE(E) H4 40, FUZE(S) H4 40
FUZE(S) H4 40 Suzette, worsie
FUZE(D) H4 40 ginalee
FEZ H6 30 TwoFold

On 2nd draw, FAX I3 36 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other moves: AXE I4 31, ANNEX 6F 30, AX I4 28, CAGE I3 25, FANE I3 25
FAX I3 36 TwoFold
AXE I7 24 worsie
FAZE 4F 16 Suzette

On 3rd draw, RATTLINE 8A 77 --- RATTLINE one of the ropes forming the steps of a ladder on [n]
Other moves: RATTLIN G8 61, RATTLIN I8 61, TZARINA 4G 32, ANTIT(A)X 5C 26, LARN(A)X 5D 24
TAIN G5 21 sunshine12
TAIT G5 21 TwoFold
(A)XIL 5H 20 ginalee
FAINT 3I 16 worsie
RETAIL 8G 7 Suzette

On 4th draw, KEG J2 36 --- KEG a small barrel [n] --- KEG to store in a keg (a small barrel) [v]
Other moves: EGER J3 34, GEEK J4 33, GERE J4 29, GERT J4 29, GEE J4 28
KEG J2 36 worsie, TwoFold
GET J4 28 sunshine12
RET(A)X 5E 22 ginalee
ZAG 4H 13 Suzette

On 5th draw, HOW K1 24 --- HOW a method of doing something [n]
Other tops: COHORT C3 24
Other moves: COW K1 23, CHOWRI F3 22, COHORT D3 22, THROW D8 22, WHOOT D4 22
HOW K1 24 TwoFold, worsie
THROW D8 22 ginalee
WO G5 19 sunshine12
CHAR B6 15 Suzette

On 6th draw, COVET(I)NG D4 76 --- COVET to desire greatly [v]
Other moves: COVE(R)ING F3 69, COVE(T)ING F3 69, COVER(I)NG A4 66, CONVERG(E) A3 64, CONV(E)RGE A3 64
HOVE(L) 1K 33 worsie
HOVE(R) 1K 33 ginalee, sunshine12
H(A)VEN 1K 30 TwoFold
(S)EC 9H 18 Suzette

On 7th draw, ETHANOLS 7G 70 --- ETHANOL an alcohol [n]
Other moves: HASH 1H 39, HOWSO K1 36, LEASH 1G 33, NESH 9F 31, NOSH 9F 31
HOLES 1K 27 worsie, TwoFold
HONES 1K 27 sunshine12, ginalee
SHALE 9H 26 Suzette

On 8th draw, BEARISH 1E 45 --- BEARISH resembling a bear (a large mammal) [adj]
Other tops: BASHER 1H 45
Other moves: BARISH 1F 42, BRASH 1G 39, RASHIE 1H 39, SHERIA 1J 39, NIQABS 10D 37
HAIRS 1K 27 TwoFold
SABER 9H 22 Suzette
QIS N5 14 sunshine12
GRAB 11D 14 ginalee

On 9th draw, YOW 6J 37 --- YOW to yowl [v]
Other moves: DUROYS N2 36, YUP 6J 35, YOD 6J 33, DOWRY 2A 31, POW 6J 31
YOW 6J 37 TwoFold, sunshine12
PROWL M3 20 Suzette
OW 8N 17 worsie
GROW 11D 16 ginalee

On 10th draw, PERMIAN 2A 86 --- PERMIAN of or pertaining to a certain geologic time period [adj]
Other moves: PEARMAIN B6 74, PEARMAIN B3 66, PANIM 2B 44, PAIN 8L 42, PAIR 8L 42
PRIME 2C 31 TwoFold
PRIMES N2 24 Suzette
PANEL M3 24 sunshine12
PRIME 2A 22 ginalee
AIM 8M 19 ayoba
PAVER 6B 18 worsie

On 11th draw, JAILORS N1 32 --- JAILOR a keeper of a jail [n]
Other tops: JANITOR 10B 32, TOLARJI B5 32
Other moves: RIOJAS N2 30, JIAO B6 27, JAGIR 11B 26, JAROOL 5A 26, JIGOT 11B 26
JIN 10B 26 worsie, ayoba
ORA 1A 25 sunshine12
APORT A1 24 TwoFold
JAILS N3 14 Suzette

On 12th draw, BONNIER K5 36 --- BONNY pretty or healthy [adj]
Other moves: AMBIENT B8 34, WOMBIER L6 34, ENWOMB L4 32, MPRET A1 30, BEWORM L4 28
BEN M3 22 sunshine12
GRIME 11D 16 ginalee, TwoFold
MENT 10B 12 Suzette, ayoba

On 13th draw, OAF O1 52 --- OAF a clumsy, stupid person [n]
Other moves: ADO O1 44, OAT O1 40, AD O1 39, OD O1 39, UFO 1A 37
ADO O1 44 TwoFold, ayoba
OD O1 39 sunshine12, raggedy01
AT O1 35 worsie
JO 1N 27 ginalee
GAP 11D 12 Suzette

On 14th draw, DODGIEST 11A 72 --- DODGY evasive [adj]
Other moves: SPODDIER A1 42, SPIDE A1 30, SPITED A1 30, SPODE A1 30, ODE 1A 29
SPITED A1 30 ginalee
OPTED A1 27 raggedy01
SPED A1 27 TwoFold
DOTES J10 21 sunshine12
DINED 10B 15 ayoba
DEEDS 10J 13 Suzette

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