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Game sheet of Suzette (file), Game of September 30, 2011 at 15:54

Word find
Word played
1 EGHILRS             SLEIGH H7 28 28  
2 ACGKOTU SKAT 7H 13 -17 13 3/3 KUTCHA 12D 30 58 4/4
3 AEEIIMN MAKE D10 10 -19 23 3/3 MEANIE 13I 29 87 3/5
4 DFILNOP FILED N10 34 -33 57 1/3 PINFOLDS 7A 67 154 2/5
5 ??AAGIT PAG(E)A(N)T A7 24 -56 81 2/3 PAGI(N)AT(E) A7 80 234 2/5
6 ACHMTUV MUCH E11 22 -20 103 2/3 HUMECT N10 42 276 3/5
7 EGLNOOS LOOTS 15K 18 -33 121 4/4 SNOG 15A 51 327 3/5
8 ABEIORZ ZETA 15L 69 -3 190 1/3 AZOTE 15K 72 399 3/5
9 ABEIRRT BRAT O8 25 -59 215 4/6 ARBITER O5 84 483 3/7
10 AEFRRSW WAFERS D5 13 -23 228 3/5 FEW B10 36 519 2/8
11 AEEERRS MEANIES 13I 9 -13 237 3/4 SERRAE N1 22 541 2/8
12 ABEENPW WASP 1L 39   276 1/6 PAWNEES 1H   580 2/8
13 DIOSUUV VOID 2F 23 -5 299 1/6 VIDUOUS E9 28 608 2/8
14 DEIIORX REX 2G 23 -38 322 7/7 DIXI 14H 61 669 3/9

Total: 322/669 or -347 for 48.13%
Rank: 5142

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