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Game of September 30, 2011 at 18:56, 3 players - after 14 words played
1. 443 pts sunshine12
2. 69 pts suitable
3. 34 pts lesft

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?degnsu   H7    70    70   augends
 2. ceimnow  11C    26    96   cowmen
 3. ?hnoprt   8H    89   185   upthrown
 4. aeijnru   J4    69   254   jauntier
 5. aeeghln  12D    39   293   heald
 6. acdlort   5D    94   387   cartload
 7. abeeipz   D1    56   443   zebec
 8. aeeiost   F1    62   505   etaerios
 9. aefinov   1D    42   547   zoeae
10. agilory  13C    44   591   royals
11. fgprsuy   L1    38   629   frugs
12. adeiimt   O6    62   691   miniated
13. eeiorsy   6A    34   725   oyes
14. afinovx   1K    54   779   affix


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6951 Filesunshine12  1 14:41  -336  443     1.6951 sunshine12  1 14:41  -336  443 
  2.5856 Filesuitable    0  2:30  -710   69            Group: novice
  3.3991 Filelesft       0  1:27  -745   34     1.5856 suitable    0  2:30  -710   69 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3991 lesft       0  1:27  -745   34 

On 1st draw, (A)UGENDS H7 70 --- AUGEND a number to which another is to be added [n]
Other tops: DENGU(E)S H4 70, DUNGE(R)S H4 70, D(E)NGUES H4 70, GE(R)UNDS H4 70, GE(R)UNDS H7 70, GUND(I)ES H4 70, GU(L)DENS H4 70, NUDGE(R)S H2 70, SNUDGE(D) H8 70, SNUDGE(S) H8 70, SNUG(G)ED H6 70, SNU(D)GED H6 70, SNU(D)GED H8 70, SNU(G)GED H6 70, SNU(G)GED H8 70, SUED(I)NG H6 70, S(C)UNGED H6 70, S(C)UNGED H8 70, UNEDG(E)S H8 70, UN(E)DGES H8 70, (A)UGENDS H2 70, (B)EDUNGS H2 70, (B)EDUNGS H7 70, (S)NUDGES H8 70
Other moves: DENGU(E)S H2 68, DENGU(E)S H3 68, DENGU(E)S H6 68, DENGU(E)S H8 68, DUNGE(R)S H2 68
SUED(I)NG H6 20 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, COWMEN 11C 26 --- COWMAN one who owns cattle [n]
Other tops: CWM I6 26
Other moves: DEMONIC 12H 24, INCOMES 13B 24, WINCED 12C 24, WINCES 13C 24, MOWN I5 23
COWMEN I3 21 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, UPTHRO(W)N 8H 89 --- UPTHROW to throw upward [v]
Other moves: (U)PTHROWN E5 80, HORNPO(U)T D6 76, H(A)PT(E)RON 7G 69, HORNP(O)UT 8B 63, H(O)RNPOUT 8B 63
HO(O) 12C 25 sunshine12

On 4th draw, JAUNTIER J4 69 --- JAUNTY having a lively and self-confident manner [adj]
Other moves: JAI 7M 38, JA 7M 35, RAJ G5 34, HEJIRA K8 32, JUICER C8 32
JA 7M 35 sunshine12

On 5th draw, HEALD 12D 39 --- HEALD to incline [v]
Other moves: LAH 10D 36, NAH 10D 36, AH 10E 33, GHEE 12B 32, HANG K3 32
LAH 10D 36 sunshine12

On 6th draw, CARTLOAD 5D 94 --- CARTLOAD as much as a cart can hold [n]
Other moves: DOCTORAL M7 82, DOCTORAL M4 63, CROTALS 13B 41, CARLOAD 5E 40, COALTAR 5E 36
CLAD K2 29 sunshine12

On 7th draw, ZEBEC D1 56 --- ZEBEC a sailing ship [n]
Other moves: BEZEL H1 51, BEZIL H1 51, PEAZE 10D 51, JEEZ 4J 43, ZA 7M 43
ZA 7M 43 sunshine12

On 8th draw, ETAERIOS F1 62 --- ETAERIO an aggregated fruit like a blackberry [n]
Other moves: AZOTISE 1C 48, AZOTES 1C 45, TEAZES 1A 45, TOAZES 1A 45, SEAZE 1A 42
TEASE 6A 28 sunshine12

On 9th draw, ZOEAE 1D 42 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: FOVEAS 8A 39, NAIVES 8A 39, FAVEL H1 36, NEFS 13E 32, FOEN 13C 31
JIVE 4J 31 sunshine12

On 10th draw, ROYALS 13C 44 --- ROYAL a size of printing paper [n]
Other moves: *L*Y*S 8A 39, JAILOR 4J 31, RIYALS 8A 30, ROYALS 8A 30, G*Y 13C 29
JAY 4J 29 sunshine12

On 11th draw, FRUGS L1 38 --- FRUG to perform a type of vigorous dance [v]
Other moves: GYPS 6A 37, SYRUPS 8A 36, UPBRAYS 3B 36, GYRUS L1 34, UPBRAY 3B 34
GYPS 6A 37 sunshine12

On 12th draw, MINIATED O6 62 --- MINIATE to paint vermilion [v]
Other moves: MAFTED 1J 36, AMIDES 8A 33, IMIDES 8A 33, ADMITS 8A 30, DAFTIE 1J 30
FAME 1L 27 sunshine12

On 13th draw, OYES 6A 34 --- OYES a proclamation [n]
Other tops: EYES 6A 34, RYES 6A 34
Other moves: YES 6B 33, YFERE 1K 33, YOS 6B 33, YIRRS 2J 32, YORES 2J 32
RYES 6A 34 sunshine12
SERIES 8A 21 suitable
ROSY 11J 14 lesft

On 14th draw, AFFIX 1K 54 --- AFFIX to attach [v]
Other moves: FAX 7A 48, FORNIX 2J 48, FOX 7A 48, VARIX 2J 46, AXIONS 8A 42
FOX 7A 48 sunshine12
FAX 7A 48 suitable
RAX 11J 20 lesft

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