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Game of September 30, 2011 at 19:40, 4 players - after 14 words played
1. 363 pts naomiari
2. 317 pts Gypsylady
3. 245 pts lesft

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?efnnnt   H4    22    22   feint
 2. adeioru   7D    61    83   douanier
 3. ?iillow   8A    33   116   allow
 4. aintwxy   6G    45   161   nixy
 5. aemrrsu   L1    80   241   armures
 6. aekqstw   2J    40   281   warks
 7. aabeiot   B8    30   311   labiate
 8. ehmorss   9F    75   386   moshers
 9. deeinoy  A12    50   436   yede
10. ghilntu   N2    64   500   sunlight
11. adeoptt   O6    34   534   toea
12. beiinot   1H    28   562   biota
13. degiprz   D7    36   598   dorized
14. delnort   D4    44   642   deodorized


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5850 Filenaomiari    1 15:25  -279  363     1.6715 Gypsylady   1 13:58  -325  317 
  2.6715 FileGypsylady   1 13:58  -325  317            Group: novice
  3.3993 Filelesft       0 12:55  -397  245     1.5850 naomiari    1 15:25  -279  363 
  4.5161 Filecoffeeman   0 13:51  -426  216     2.5161 coffeeman   0 13:51  -426  216 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3993 lesft       0 12:55  -397  245 

On 1st draw, FE(I)NT H4 22 --- FEINT ruled with faint lines [adj] --- FEINT to make a deceptive movement [v]
Other tops: FENN(Y) H4 22, FENT(S) H4 22, F(I)ENT H4 22
Other moves: ENF(A)NT H3 18, ENF(A)NT H4 18, ENF(A)NT H7 18, ENF(A)NT H8 18, ENF(A)NT H5 16
FE(I)NT H4 22 naomiari
ENF(A)NT H4 18 Gypsylady
FE(I)NT H8 16 lesft

On 2nd draw, DOUANIER 7D 61 --- DOUANIER a custom-house officer [n]
Other moves: ROADIE G3 23, FOUDRIE 4H 22, FADEUR 4H 20, FADIER 4H 20, FAIRED 4H 20
FADER 4H 18 coffeeman
FRIED 4H 18 lesft
AIDER I1 15 naomiari
READ I3 15 Gypsylady

On 3rd draw, (A)LLOW 8A 33 --- ALLOW to put no obstacle in the way of [v]
Other tops: (P)ILOW 8A 33
Other moves: WOLL(Y) 6J 30, WILI(S) 8A 29, WOL(D) 6J 29, WOL(F) 6J 29, WO(O)L 6J 29
WO 6J 28 naomiari
FOLL(O)W 4H 22 coffeeman
WILL(E)D D2 18 lesft

On 4th draw, N(I)XY 6G 45 --- NIXY an undeliverable piece of mail [n]
Other moves: WANTY 6J 42, WANY 6C 41, WAXY 6J 40, ANY 6D 37, WAX 6J 36
WAXY 6J 40 Gypsylady
WAX I3 31 naomiari
WARTY K5 22 lesft
W(A)XY A7 16 coffeeman

On 5th draw, ARMURES L1 80 --- ARMURE a fabric with a pebbled surface [n]
Other moves: SERUMAL B2 30, AMUSER L4 28, REAMS 9D 28, AMUSE L4 26, ARMERS L2 26
MARES L3 24 naomiari
MEOWS E5 20 lesft, coffeeman
SMEAR 9H 18 Gypsylady

On 6th draw, WARKS 2J 40 --- WARK to endure pain [v]
Other moves: AWAKES 1J 39, KARST 2J 38, KARTS 2J 38, KAWAS 1K 36, WAKAS 1K 36
WAKES 1K 36 naomiari
WEAK 9D 29 coffeeman
KATAS 1K 27 Gypsylady
MASK 3L 20 lesft

On 7th draw, LABIATE B8 30 --- LABIATE a plant with liplike parts [n]
Other tops: AMATE 3K 30
Other moves: BIOTA 1H 28, EMIT 3K 28, IKAT M1 28, KITE M2 28, BIOTA 1F 26
BIOTA 1H 28 Gypsylady
MATE 3L 26 naomiari
TRIBE 5K 14 lesft
BRIE 5K 12 coffeeman

On 8th draw, MOSHERS 9F 75 --- MOSHER one that moshes [n]
Other moves: HEMS A12 54, HERM A12 52, SHOWERS E5 52, HERO A12 46, HERS A12 46
MARSHES 12A 30 lesft
MASHERS 12A 30 coffeeman
SHOW E5 20 naomiari

On 9th draw, YEDE A12 50 --- YEDE to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: YEED A12 49, KYNE M2 40, DENY A12 39, BENDY 10B 34, BONEY 10B 33
DENY A12 39 Gypsylady
DYE 10E 32 naomiari
LABIATED B8 11 coffeeman

On 10th draw, SUNLIGHT N2 64 --- SUNLIGHT the light of the sun [n]
Other moves: GHI C12 37, HIN C13 28, HIT C13 28, HI C13 26, SHULING L9 26
SIGHT L9 18 lesft
UH 1N 17 naomiari

On 11th draw, TOEA O6 34 --- TOEA a monetary unit of Papua New Guinea [n]
Other moves: DOE O6 33, ODEA C10 29, TOE O6 29, MOUP 3L 28, AKE M1 26
DOE O6 33 naomiari, Gypsylady
PHO 8M 24 coffeeman
ROPED K9 16 lesft

On 12th draw, BIOTA 1H 28 --- BIOTA the flora and fauna of a region [n]
Other moves: BENTO 1F 26, MOUE 3L 24, BITO 1G 23, BOREL 5J 22, KO M2 22
BIOTA 1H 28 Gypsylady
BEN 10E 15 naomiari
ROBE K9 12 lesft
BOW E6 8 coffeeman

On 13th draw, DORIZED D7 36 --- DORIZE to become like the Dorians [v]
Other moves: DORIZE D7 32, DOZIER D7 32, SIZED L9 30, SIZER L9 28, SIZE L9 26
SIZED L9 30 Gypsylady
PRIZE 2D 22 naomiari
FEZ 4H 15 lesft

On 14th draw, DEODORIZED D4 44 --- DEODORIZE [v]
Other tops: DOLENT E10 44
Other moves: DONER E10 42, DOTER E10 42, NOTED E10 41, TOLED E10 41, TONED E10 41
DOTER E10 42 naomiari
TOLED E10 41 Gypsylady
ZED 11D 26 coffeeman, lesft

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