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Game of September 30, 2011 at 20:29, 8 players - after 14 words played
1. 453 pts Gypsylady
2. 390 pts worsie
3. 355 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bcceip   H8    28    28   bicep
 2. benortt   G7    20    48   nob
 3. ailossv  13C    32    80   silvas
 4. addeert  12H    78   158   predated
 5. ?eilorr   O7    74   232   lowrider
 6. egiknou  12A    36   268   gouk
 7. degintu   M8    72   340   duetting
 8. ehloqst  15K    48   388   toges
 9. ainotvx   A7    42   430   taxing
10. cefinrw  14J    42   472   winner
11. aceeoyz   I6    59   531   oyez
12. aehlnvy   J6    44   575   hay
13. ?eghtvw   H8    39   614   bicepses
14. degijsu   H1    57   671   judges


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6737 FileGypsylady   1 16:45  -218  453     1.6737 Gypsylady   1 16:45  -218  453 
  2.5979 Fileworsie      2 12:14  -281  390     2.6409 Grace_Tjie  2 12:48  -316  355 
  3.6409 FileGrace_Tjie  2 12:48  -316  355     3.6574 TwoFold     3  7:51  -353  318 
  4.6574 FileTwoFold     3  7:51  -353  318            Group: novice
  5.5334 Filemagictwig   1 14:24  -381  290     1.5979 worsie      2 12:14  -281  390 
  6.5157 Filecoffeeman   2 13:38  -417  254     2.5334 magictwig   1 14:24  -381  290 
  7.4553 Filejemae       0 19:40  -441  230     3.5157 coffeeman   2 13:38  -417  254 
  8.3606 Filekp10        0  6:16  -547  124            Group: not rated
                                             1.4553 jemae       0 19:40  -441  230 
                                             2.3606 kp10        0  6:16  -547  124 

On 1st draw, BICEP H8 28 --- BICEP an arm muscle [n]
Other tops: BICEP H4 28, BICEP(S) H4 28, BICEP(S) H8 28, B(O)CCIE H4 28, ICEC(A)P H3 28, ICEC(A)P H7 28, IPEC(A)C H3 28, IPEC(A)C H7 28, PEC(T)IC H4 28, PEC(T)IC H7 28
Other moves: BEC(A)P H4 26, BEC(A)P H8 26, BICC(Y) H4 26, BIC(E)P H4 26, BIC(E)P H8 26
BICEP H4 28 worsie
BICEP(S) H4 28 magictwig, Grace_Tjie
P(U)BIC H4 26 Gypsylady
BI(T)E H7 10 jemae

On 2nd draw, NOB G7 20 --- NOB a wealthy person [n]
Other tops: ROB G7 20
Other moves: OB G8 18, PORTENT 12H 18, PROBE 12H 18, REBOP 12D 18, BOTNET I4 17
PORTENT 12H 18 worsie
BONE G11 15 Gypsylady
COB 10H 13 coffeeman
BONE 11E 12 Grace_Tjie
PORN 12H 6 jemae

On 3rd draw, SILVAS 13C 32 --- SILVA the forest trees of an area [n]
Other tops: AVISOS 13C 32, SALVOS 13C 32, SALVOS 13H 32, SILVAS 13H 32, VIOLAS 13C 32
Other moves: AVISOS F5 31, AVISO F5 28, SALVOS I4 25, SILVAS I4 25, SOVS F8 25
OVAL F5 22 Gypsylady
VAS F6 21 Grace_Tjie
SLAVES 11D 18 magictwig
SAILS 13H 18 kp10, coffeeman
SAILS 13D 18 jemae
LASS 13F 18 worsie

On 4th draw, PREDATED 12H 78 --- PREDATE to date before the actual or a specified time [v]
Other moves: DERATED I3 77, TREADED I3 77, REDATED I3 76, DERATED F2 73, TREADED F2 73
DERATED F2 73 Gypsylady
TRADE 12A 24 coffeeman
READ 12A 20 Grace_Tjie
PEDATE 12H 18 worsie
ADDER F4 18 magictwig
DIRT D12 12 jemae
DEER 11G 5 kp10

On 5th draw, LO(W)RIDER O7 74 --- LOWRIDER a car having a lowered suspension [n]
Other tops: (F)LORIDER O7 74
Other moves: LOI(T)ERER N8 68, LORRIE(S) I3 67, LO(U)RIER F2 67, RO(I)LIER F2 67, LORRIE(S) F2 66
RO(I)LIER F2 67 Gypsylady
(W)ORRIED O6 21 worsie
RO(W)DIER O9 21 coffeeman
ROLE 13L 19 Grace_Tjie
R(A)ILED O7 18 jemae
RO(L)LER F3 14 magictwig
DE(A)L O12 12 kp10

On 6th draw, GOUK 12A 36 --- GOUK a fool [n]
Other moves: NEUK 12A 32, NUKE 12B 32, ENOKI F7 31, KENO F6 30, KINO F6 30
KING 6G 23 worsie
KING D12 22 magictwig
CUKE 10H 20 coffeeman
OKE N5 19 Grace_Tjie
KIND K9 18 jemae
KEN N11 15 Gypsylady
GEN J11 4 kp10

On 7th draw, DUETTING M8 72 --- DUET to perform a duet, DUETS, DUETED, DUETTED, DUETING, DUETTING [v]
Other moves: DUETING A6 27, EDGING A10 27, EDGING A7 27, TIGGED A10 27, TUGGED A10 27
EDGING A10 27 worsie
DUETING A6 27 magictwig
TUGGED A10 27 TwoFold
NED 11J 19 Grace_Tjie
GENT A12 15 jemae
DAG L11 5 kp10

On 8th draw, TOGES 15K 48 --- TOGE a toga [n]
Other tops: LOGES 15K 48
Other moves: EGOS 15L 45, BICEPSES H8 42, GOS 15M 39, HELOTS F6 31, HOSEL 11B 31
LOGES 15K 48 coffeeman
GOS 15M 39 Gypsylady
LO(W)RIDERS O7 27 kp10, worsie
GOTH A12 24 TwoFold
HOLES 6C 16 magictwig
SLOT E12 14 jemae
HOGS 15K 9 Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, TAXING A7 42 --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v] --- TAXING imposition of taxes [n]
Other moves: AXING A8 39, NOX F8 36, TAXON F4 35, TOXIN F4 35, AXON F5 34
TAXING A7 42 coffeeman, TwoFold, Gypsylady
AXING A8 39 worsie
TOXIN F4 35 jemae
COX 10H 28 magictwig
XI F6 27 Grace_Tjie
GAIN A12 15 kp10

On 10th draw, WINNER 14J 42 --- WINNER one that wins [n]
Other tops: FINNER 14J 42
Other moves: RIF B8 38, WEFT 11J 36, IF B9 35, REWIN B6 32, FENI B6 28
RIF B8 38 TwoFold, Gypsylady
IF B9 35 worsie, Grace_Tjie
WE B6 15 magictwig
RICE 11E 12 jemae
WIN 7E 6 kp10

On 11th draw, OYEZ I6 59 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other moves: CAZ I7 56, COZ I7 56, COZY F8 50, COZEY F4 49, COZE F8 47
COZ I7 56 TwoFold
COZEY B4 46 Grace_Tjie
COZY 10H 38 worsie
ZOA B6 36 Gypsylady
ZO F6 33 magictwig
ZEE J10 32 kp10, jemae
ZEE 14A 27 coffeeman

On 12th draw, HAY J6 44 --- HAY to convert into hay (grass, cut and dried for fodder) [v]
Other tops: HEY J6 44
Other moves: HEAVY J2 43, YEH J8 41, VEALY J2 40, AYE J7 35, HYE J5 35
HAY J6 44 TwoFold
HEY J6 44 worsie, Grace_Tjie
HE J6 31 jemae
HEAVY F10 30 coffeeman
HAVEN J2 25 magictwig
HAVEN B4 23 Gypsylady

On 13th draw, BICEPSE(S) H8 39 --- BICEPS an arm muscle [n]
Other moves: THE(O)W K3 34, H(O)W K5 30, V(O)W K5 30, WHET 14A 30, WHE(N) 14A 27
V(O)W K5 30 TwoFold
THEW B5 25 Gypsylady
W(I)T B8 24 Grace_Tjie
WHET B5 22 worsie
WH(I)TE F3 14 magictwig
HOH 6H 9 jemae

On 14th draw, JUDGES H1 57 --- JUDGE to decide on critically [v]
Other moves: JUDIES H1 51, JEDIS B6 49, JEDI B6 42, JUDGES 6B 39, JUDIES 6B 38
JUDGES H1 57 TwoFold
JIG B6 32 Grace_Tjie, Gypsylady, worsie, magictwig
JUG(S) 15E 11 coffeeman

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