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Game of September 30, 2011 at 22:01, 7 players - after 14 words played
1. 465 pts TwoFold
2. 451 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 445 pts mylover81

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeeimr   H3    72    72   emerita
 2. ?aegkvz   G7    64   136   kazi
 3. abegisy   5E    52   188   bigeyes
 4. adehlns  11A    89   277   handles
 5. illostt  H11    30   307   stoit
 6. adflmru   3F    82   389   dreamful
 7. ahilntu   2J    56   445   hinau
 8. diortux   6J    52   497   xi
 9. egiinor   8A    83   580   originate
10. aeflnrt  14H    88   668   inflater
11. ejoprst   M8    86   754   jetports
12. acddeno   8K    45   799   cajon
13. adgiopt   1G    42   841   pagod
14. adeiotu  A10    33   874   thoued


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6589 FileTwoFold     1 13:23  -409  465     1.7146 mylover81   1 12:35  -429  445 
  2.6405 FileGrace_Tjie  1 14:17  -423  451            Group: intermediate
  3.7146 Filemylover81   1 12:35  -429  445     1.6589 TwoFold     1 13:23  -409  465 
  4.5177 Filecoffeeman   0 15:21  -549  325     2.6405 Grace_Tjie  1 14:17  -423  451 
  5.6808 FileGLOBEMAN    0  6:53  -633  241     3.6808 GLOBEMAN    0  6:53  -633  241 
  6.6484 Fileiwhist      1  3:37  -642  232     4.6484 iwhist      1  3:37  -642  232 
  7.6095 FileJoykor      0  3:49  -787   87     5.6095 Joykor      0  3:49  -787   87 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5177 coffeeman   0 15:21  -549  325 

On 1st draw, EMERI(T)A H3 72 --- EMERITA a retired woman who retains an honorary title [n]
Other tops: EMIRA(T)E H3 72, EM(P)AIRE H3 72, MEA(L)IER H4 72, MEA(T)IER H4 72, REMA(N)IE H2 72, RE(R)EMAI H8 72, (R)EREMAI H8 72, (S)ERIEMA H7 72
Other moves: EMERI(T)A H2 68, EMERI(T)A H4 68, EMERI(T)A H6 68, EMERI(T)A H8 68, EMIRA(T)E H2 68
MEA(T)IER H4 22 coffeeman
MARI(N)E H4 20 TwoFold
MI(N)ER H4 18 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, KAZ(I) G7 64 --- KAZI a lavatory [n]
Other moves: AG(A)ZE G6 54, (A)GAZE G6 54, GAZE G7 53, GAZE(D) G7 53, GAZE(R) G7 53
ZAG G9 44 TwoFold
(S)AZ G7 44 Grace_Tjie
Z(O)EA G9 43 mylover81
GRAZE 6G 35 coffeeman

On 3rd draw, BIGEYES 5E 52 --- BIGEYE a marine fish [n]
Other moves: GYBES 11C 39, ABSEY 11E 37, ABYES 11C 37, BAYES 11C 37, BIGEYES 3C 36
BAYS 11D 35 mylover81
SEG I7 32 TwoFold
GIBES I9 26 coffeeman
AYE G2 23 Grace_Tjie

On 4th draw, HANDLES 11A 89 --- HANDLE to touch with the hands [v]
Other tops: HANDSEL 11C 89
Other moves: HANSELED 3B 80, HANSELED J1 66, HANSELED 3D 64, HANDSELS K1 62, HAYED I3 43
SHADE 11G 35 coffeeman
HEADS 11C 35 mylover81
RAH 6H 32 TwoFold
HANDLE F10 32 Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, STOIT H11 30 --- STOIT to bounce [v]
Other tops: ILLTHS A7 30, LITHOS A8 30, STILL H11 30, STILT H11 30, THILLS A10 30, THIOLS A10 30, TILTHS A7 30
Other moves: HILLO A11 27, HILLS A11 27, HILTS A11 27, HOIST A11 27, HOLTS A11 27
HOIST A11 27 Grace_Tjie, TwoFold
HILTS A11 27 coffeeman
SLOTH A7 24 mylover81

On 6th draw, DREAMFUL 3F 82 --- DREAMFUL dreamy [adj]
Other moves: DREAMFUL J3 68, FLUIDRAM 14E 68, FULHAM A8 45, MADAFU B10 36, FARAD B10 34
FA 10B 28 iwhist, TwoFold, Grace_Tjie
FARM 4J 25 mylover81
HAM A11 9 coffeeman

On 7th draw, HINAU 2J 56 --- HINAU (Maori) a New Zealand tree [n]
Other moves: THIN 2I 39, AHI 2I 36, AHINT 4K 36, HAITH A11 36, HIN 2J 36
AHI 10A 34 Grace_Tjie
RAH 6H 32 iwhist
HAUNT B10 32 mylover81
HINT 6J 30 TwoFold
LATH A8 21 coffeeman

On 8th draw, XI 6J 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: XI I9 44, XU I9 44, DETOX F10 39, OX I12 36, XI 1N 36
XI 6J 52 iwhist, TwoFold, mylover81, Grace_Tjie
OR 1J 16 coffeeman

On 9th draw, ORIGINA(T)E 8A 83 --- ORIGINATE [v]
Other moves: REOILING E7 59, GORHEN A8 33, NIGHER A8 33, REGO I7 33, NEG I7 32
NEG I7 32 iwhist
HINGE A11 30 TwoFold
HOING A11 30 mylover81, coffeeman
NEGRO 1F 26 Grace_Tjie

On 10th draw, INFLATER 14H 88 --- INFLATER one that inflates [n]
Other moves: FLOREANT 13F 76, INFLATE 14H 36, FALTER B10 34, ALEF 6C 32, FAE 10B 32
EF 10A 31 iwhist, mylover81
REF 6D 31 Grace_Tjie

On 11th draw, JETPORTS M8 86 --- JETPORT an airport for jets [n]
Other moves: JAPERS B10 62, JASPER B10 62, SJOE 10A 62, JAPER B10 60, JAPES B10 60
JORS O12 57 iwhist, mylover81, Grace_Tjie
JOE 10B 56 TwoFold, GLOBEMAN
JESTER N10 29 coffeeman

On 12th draw, CAJON 8K 45 --- CAJON a steep-sided canyon [n]
Other moves: ECOD 1H 36, ACNODE N5 33, CANOED N7 33, CEDARN O10 33, HADED A11 33
JOE 8M 30 Grace_Tjie, TwoFold, mylover81, GLOBEMAN, Joykor
HONDA A11 30 coffeeman

On 13th draw, PAGOD 1G 42 --- PAGOD a pagoda [n]
Other moves: PEG I7 38, APOD 1H 36, TEPA I7 35, DEG I7 34, AIKIDO 7E 32
APORT O11 30 GLOBEMAN, mylover81
PART O12 27 Joykor
POD 1M 25 Grace_Tjie
OP 10A 25 TwoFold
PRO O13 15 coffeeman

On 14th draw, THOUED A10 33 --- THOU to address as "thou" (the 2d person sing. pronoun in the nominative case) [v]
Other moves: AIKIDO 7E 32, HATED A11 30, HOAED A11 30, IDEA 12A 29, ODEA 12A 29
HATED A11 30 coffeeman, Joykor, GLOBEMAN
HAUTE A11 27 TwoFold
ADORE O11 24 Grace_Tjie
DARE O12 21 mylover81

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