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Game of October 1, 2011 at 02:38, 4 players
1. 513 pts Zweep
2. 382 pts albee2411
3. 199 pts Suzette

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeelotv   H4    26    26   valete
 2. aadenrt   8H    80   106   tartaned
 3. ?hiiiow   G5    27   133   hew
 4. aloptuw   M3    30   163   uptown
 5. adfoosy   N4    33   196   oaf
 6. adeilux   O1    77   273   eaux
 7. aeiimst   K5    90   363   imitates
 8. cdegirr   F6    29   392   cedi
 9. aeeiqrt   E9    35   427   qat
10. celnopr  11A    62   489   plectron
11. eginotv   O8    92   581   devoting
12. ?fiinoy   B8    40   621   foyling
13. abgiilr   A4    45   666   biali
14. eghlmor   J6    45   711   horme
15. denorrz  L11    39   750   dozer
16. agiorsu   C2    74   824   giaours
17. beijkrs  N11    45   869   jibe
18. degknsu  15G    36   905   dunkers
19. glnrrsy   9J    28   933   mays

Remaining tiles: glnrr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6387 FileZweep       3 18:05  -420  513     1.6387 Zweep       3 18:05  -420  513 
  2.4448 Filealbee2411   0 21:45  -551  382            Group: novice
  3.4724 FileSuzette     0 15:27  -734  199     1.5936 ritavanl    1  2:12  -835   98 
  4.5936 Fileritavanl    1  2:12  -835   98            Group: not rated
                                             1.4448 albee2411   0 21:45  -551  382 
                                             2.4724 Suzette     0 15:27  -734  199 

On 1st draw, VALETE H4 26 --- VALETE farewell [n]
Other tops: VELATE H4 26, VELETA H4 26
Other moves: VALET H4 24, VEALE H4 24, VOLAE H4 24, VOLET H4 24, VOLTA H4 24
LEAVE H4 18 albee2411
VOTE H5 14 Suzette

On 2nd draw, TARTANED 8H 80 --- TARTANED clad in tartan [adj]
Other moves: TARTANED 8E 61, TANADAR 5E 32, RATED I5 23, TARED G5 23, TARED I5 23
VADE 4H 8 Suzette

On 3rd draw, H(E)W G5 27 --- HEW to cut with an ax [v]
Other tops: H(A)W G5 27
Other moves: HEW 9G 26, WHI(D) 10E 26, WI(S)H 10F 26, WOR(T)H J6 26, (C)HEW 9F 26
WHO G9 22 Zweep
WHIR(L) J5 18 Suzette
ROW(S) J8 14 albee2411

On 4th draw, UPTOWN M3 30 --- UPTOWN the upper part of a city [n]
Other moves: PLOAT F2 25, ATOP F5 24, AWHATO 5E 24, PEW 9G 24, PLOW F2 24
PAW 7L 21 Zweep
PROWL J7 18 Suzette
WARP J6 17 albee2411

On 5th draw, OAF N4 33 --- OAF a clumsy, stupid person [n]
Other tops: FOES N6 33, OOF N4 33
Other moves: FADOS F4 32, FOE N6 32, YADS I7 32, FADO F4 31, OOSY L3 31
FOES N6 33 Zweep
FADDY O5 13 albee2411
FOODY O5 12 Suzette

On 6th draw, EAUX O1 77 --- EAU a river or water [n]
Other tops: ILEX O1 77, ULEX O1 77
Other moves: AXED O1 50, AXILE O1 48, AXEL O1 42, AXIL O1 42, EXUL O1 42
ILEX O1 77 Zweep
LEX 9G 36 Suzette
D(E)LUXE 6F 33 albee2411

On 7th draw, IMITATES K5 90 --- IMITATE to behave in the same way as [v]
Other moves: AMITIES 10B 73, ATIMIES 10B 73, ATIMIES F7 71, IMITATES K3 70, AMITIES F7 67
TAMES I7 25 Zweep
STEAM K7 14 albee2411
MIST K5 12 Suzette

On 8th draw, CEDI F6 29 --- CEDI a monetary unit of Ghana [n]
Other moves: DERIG F6 28, GRICED 10C 27, DRICE F2 26, GRICE F2 26, RICED L11 26
DICER L11 25 Zweep
CIDERS 12F 11 albee2411
CRIES 12G 8 Suzette

On 9th draw, QAT E9 35 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: AERIED 8A 24, AIRTED 8A 24, RAITED 8A 24, RETIED 8A 24, TEARED 8A 24
QI E9 22 Zweep
QIS 12I 12 Suzette
STARE 12K 12 albee2411

On 10th draw, PLECTRON 11A 62 --- PLECTRON a small pointed object for plucking guitar strings [n]
Other moves: COPSE 12H 24, PROLE J2 23, CENSOR 12H 22, CLOSER 12H 22, CORPSE 12G 22
PER D10 16 Zweep
CLONES 12F 9 albee2411
PROS 12H 9 Suzette

On 11th draw, DEVOTING O8 92 --- DEVOTE to give oneself wholly to [v]
Other moves: PIVOT A11 33, EPIGON A10 30, OPTING A10 30, PENGO A11 27, PINGO A11 27
PIVOT A11 33 albee2411, Zweep

On 12th draw, FOYLIN(G) B8 40 --- FOYLE to foil [v]
Other moves: NI(P)PY A8 39, P*oFY A11 39, PYIN(S) A11 39, PYOI(D) A11 39, PY(L)ON A11 39
F(L)IP A8 24 Zweep
F(L)OP A8 24 albee2411

On 13th draw, BIALI A4 45 --- BIALI an onion roll [n]
Other tops: GIBLI A4 45
Other moves: GLIB A6 40, ALIBI A4 39, BRIG A6 39, LIBRI A4 39, BRAIL A5 38
GLIB A6 40 Zweep
BRIG A6 39 albee2411

On 14th draw, HORME J6 45 --- HORME purposeful behaviour [n]
Other moves: HELM L12 34, HERM L12 34, HOLM L12 34, HORE J6 34, HOMER L11 31
HOE C9 24 Zweep
HOME B1 22 albee2411

On 15th draw, DOZER L11 39 --- DOZER one that dozes [n]
Other tops: DOZEN L11 39
Other moves: COZED D11 38, ZONED B1 37, DOZEN B1 36, DOZE L11 35, BONZER 4A 34
ZONED B1 37 albee2411
ZED N11 29 Zweep

On 16th draw, GIAOURS C2 74 --- GIAOUR a non-Muslim [n]
Other moves: GAR M12 36, GAS M12 36, GOA M12 36, GOR M12 36, GOS M12 36
GAS M12 36 Zweep
SOG 9A 14 Suzette

On 17th draw, JIBE N11 45 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other tops: JIBERS 15H 45
Other moves: JIBER 15H 42, BRISKER 15F 39, BIKE N11 36, BIKERS 15H 36, KIBE N11 36
JIBER 15H 42 ritavanl
BIKERS 15H 36 albee2411
RISKER 15G 30 Zweep
JERK 15J 15 Suzette

On 18th draw, DUNKERS 15G 36 --- DUNKER one that dunks [n]
Other moves: KUNE D1 35, NUDGES D1 34, DUNKER 15G 33, DUSKER 15G 33, NUKED H11 33
DUNKERS 15G 36 Zweep, ritavanl
DUNGERS 15G 27 albee2411
KINGS 3B 10 Suzette

On 19th draw, MAYS 9J 28 --- MAY to gather flowers in the spring [v]
Other moves: NYS D3 26, SYN D3 26, BRAGLY 4A 24, MAGS 9J 24, NYS D4 23
SLY I11 23 albee2411
BRAYS 4A 20 Zweep, ritavanl
PLECTRONS 11A 13 Suzette

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