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Game of October 1, 2011 at 07:09, 6 players
1. 572 pts mylover81
2. 495 pts Stranger
3. 385 pts Lucylulu

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?akloou   H4    28    28   koolah
 2. ?dnrruv   5E    36    64   runover
 3. acdeeor   7F    64   128   coleader
 4. acegmop   G9    74   202   compage
 5. eilssst  10F    72   274   lossiest
 6. dehintw  15A   194   468   whitened
 7. aeiinrt  12G    72   540   paintier
 8. abeefny   8L    50   590   feeb
 9. ahimotx  14B    51   641   oxim
10. efnorty  11K    39   680   fey
11. aaejnou  14G    32   712   ganja
12. aegilpy  15K    44   756   ayelp
13. abdeiuu  13M    30   786   deb
14. arstuvz   L1    40   826   tzars
15. egnnruv   3I    26   852   vegan
16. aiinort   1E    74   926   antiriot
17. giilouw   2L    28   954   zig
18. dhlotuw   2B    27   981   dhow
19. ioqtuuu   1A    36  1017   qi

Remaining tiles: lotuuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7138 Filemylover81   2 16:04  -445  572     1.7138 mylover81   2 16:04  -445  572 
  2.7113 FileStranger    3 15:12  -522  495     2.7113 Stranger    3 15:12  -522  495 
  3.6143 FileLucylulu    2 17:05  -632  385            Group: intermediate
  4.5494 Fileayoba       1 20:08  -640  377     1.6143 Lucylulu    2 17:05  -632  385 
  5.5058 Filegmills0     0 15:23  -788  229            Group: novice
  6.5332 Filemarigold    0  7:58  -818  199     1.5494 ayoba       1 20:08  -640  377 
                                             2.5058 gmills0     0 15:23  -788  229 
                                             3.5332 marigold    0  7:58  -818  199 

On 1st draw, KOOLA(H) H4 28 --- KOOLAH a small furry Australian marsupial [n]
Other tops: KA(G)OOL H4 28, KA(G)OUL H4 28, KOULA(N) H4 28, U(P)LOOK H7 28
Other moves: KA(R)OO H4 26, KA(Z)OO H4 26, KLOO(F) H4 26, KOAL(A) H4 26, KOLA(S) H4 26
LOOK H7 16 marigold

On 2nd draw, RUNOV(E)R 5E 36 --- RUNOVER matter for publication that exceeds the allotted space [n]
Other moves: DRUNK(E)R 4D 22, DRUNK 4D 20, DRUNK(S) 4D 20, DROV(E)R 5F 18, DRU(N)K 4D 18
V(A)N I3 16 mylover81
D(A)RN G8 7 ayoba

On 3rd draw, COLEADER 7F 64 --- COLEADER one that coleads [n]
Other tops: RECOALED 7C 64
Other moves: CADEE 4A 24, CADRE 4A 24, CREDO 4A 24, DECARE 4J 24, DECARE 6J 23
DECOR 6J 22 Stranger
DECOR 4J 20 marigold
DEAR 6J 17 mylover81
CAREER K3 8 ayoba

On 4th draw, COMPAGE G9 74 --- COMPAGE a structure [n]
Other moves: OMEGA 8K 45, MEGA 8L 39, POMACE 4J 31, CAMPO 4A 30, CAMEO 4A 26
MEGA 8L 39 Stranger
CAMPO 4A 30 mylover81
PAGE 6L 17 Lucylulu
PEG 6L 16 ayoba

On 5th draw, LOSSIEST 10F 72 --- LOSSY causing dissipation of electrical energy [adj]
Other moves: STIRLESS M4 59, ISLETS N2 28, ISTLES N2 28, LISSES N2 28, STEILS N2 28
LISTS L1 22 mylover81
LIT H13 20 Stranger
LEST 8L 20 ayoba
LESS 8L 20 Lucylulu, marigold

On 6th draw, WHITENED 15A 194 --- WHITEN to make white [v]
Other moves: WHITENED 15C 107, HEWN 8L 53, THEWED 15C 51, WHINED 15C 51, WHITED 15C 51
WHITENED 15A 144 mylover81
HEWN 8L 53 Stranger
WHINED 15C 51 marigold
HEND 8L 47 Lucylulu
DENT 8L 28 ayoba

On 7th draw, PAINTIER 12G 72 --- PAINTY covered with paint [adj]
Other moves: INERT 8K 26, INEARTH B9 24, OATEN 6H 23, OATER 6H 23, RETAIN 6J 22
RENT 8L 20 ayoba, Lucylulu, Stranger
TEAR 8L 20 mylover81
TRAIN M10 10 gmills0
REINS L6 6 marigold

On 8th draw, FEEB 8L 50 --- FEEB a wimp (a weak or ineffectual person) [n]
Other moves: FEEN 8L 44, FAY 11K 39, FEY 11K 39, BEENAH B10 34, NEAFE 13I 34
FEEB 8L 50 Stranger, Lucylulu
FEEN 8L 44 ayoba
BEEFY 4J 31 marigold
EYE 8M 20 mylover81
REEF N12 14 gmills0

On 9th draw, OXIM 14B 51 --- OXIM a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: HOAX 4C 39, OX 13L 38, AX 14B 37, HOX 4D 37, OX 14B 37
OX 13L 38 Stranger, mylover81
AX 14B 37 ayoba
MAX 4D 35 marigold
(E)XAM J5 28 gmills0
EX M12 18 Lucylulu

On 10th draw, FEY 11K 39 --- FEY slightly mad [adj] --- FEY to clean out [v]
Other tops: FRY 11K 39
Other moves: FREON 11K 36, TONEY 6J 35, FROE 11K 34, FEY 9M 33, FRY 9M 33
FEY 13M 30 Lucylulu, Stranger, mylover81
FOYER 4J 28 ayoba
TREY M10 14 gmills0

On 11th draw, GANJA 14G 32 --- GANJA cannabis used for smoking [n]
Other tops: GAUJE 14G 32
Other moves: UNJAM 11C 30, JANE 6B 29, JAM 11E 26, JAN(E) J2 26, JEAN 4C 26
JEAN 4C 26 mylover81, Stranger
JANE 4B 24 Lucylulu
RAJA N12 22 gmills0
RAJ N12 20 marigold
JO 4D 20 ayoba

On 12th draw, AYELP 15K 44 --- AYELP in a state of yelping [adv]
Other moves: GILPY 15K 39, AGLEY 15K 35, GILPEY 4A 35, GAILY 15K 33, PYGAL E8 32
YAP 4J 22 Stranger
AYE 15J 21 mylover81, Lucylulu
RAPE N12 12 gmills0
AL K14 2 ayoba

On 13th draw, DEB 13M 30 --- DEB a debutante [n]
Other moves: DEI 13M 26, DE 13M 24, DIXI C12 24, ADIEU 6K 22, BEDIM 11C 22
DEB 13M 30 Stranger
ABIDE 4A 20 mylover81
BADE 4J 19 Lucylulu
BEAD 4J 19 ayoba
BRED K4 7 gmills0

On 14th draw, TZARS L1 40 --- TZAR an emperor or king [n]
Other moves: VARUS L1 34, VATUS L1 34, VAUTS L1 34, ZAS L3 34, AZUR(E) J1 33
ZAS L3 34 mylover81
ZA 4D 24 ayoba, Stranger
RAZ(E) J2 14 gmills0
ZIT D13 12 Lucylulu

On 15th draw, VEGAN 3I 26 --- VEGAN one that eats only plant products [n]
Other moves: GUV E10 24, GEN(E)VA J2 21, GURNET 1G 21, URGENT 1G 21, GRAVEN 3J 20
URGENT 1G 21 mylover81
GRUNT 1H 18 Stranger
VANE 3K 14 gmills0
URGE 4B 12 ayoba

On 16th draw, ANTIRIOT 1E 74 --- ANTIRIOT designed to prevent or end riots [adj]
Other moves: NAZIR 2J 41, AZON 2K 31, ZATI 2L 28, ZITI 2L 28, ZONA 2L 28
ZONA 2L 28 Stranger, mylover81
ZOA 2L 26 Lucylulu
TAXI C12 22 gmills0
TRAIT 1H 15 ayoba

On 17th draw, ZIG 2L 28 --- ZIG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: ZOL 2L 26, GLOW 2B 21, IGLU E9 20, W*G 4D 19, GIO E10 18
ZIG 2L 28 mylover81
ZOL 2L 26 gmills0, Lucylulu
GLOW 2B 21 ayoba
W*G 4D 19 Stranger

On 18th draw, DHOW 2B 27 --- DHOW an Arabian sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: WHOM 11D 26, THOWL 2A 24, HOWL 2B 22, WHOT 2B 22, DOTH 2B 21
WOULD 2A 21 mylover81
WHIT D12 20 gmills0
WHO 4C 20 Stranger
WHO 2D 20 ayoba
HOLD 2B 19 Lucylulu

On 19th draw, QI 1A 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUIM 11D 32, QUOIT D11 28, QUIT D12 26, IO 3B 17, OI 3B 17
QI 1A 36 Stranger, ayoba, mylover81, Lucylulu
QUIT D12 26 gmills0

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