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Game of October 1, 2011 at 12:26, 6 players
1. 350 pts annelhynz
2. 265 pts leobill
3. 247 pts marcous

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeikmpt   H4    36    36   kempt
 2. ?loosuy   7D    67   103   polypous
 3. aeehlty   8K    41   144   hayle
 4. acdgisw   8A    34   178   wadis
 5. ademnuw   K5    56   234   unshamed
 6. ?fhiprt   O6    69   303   prefight
 7. aaeeirt   L8    24   327   arete
 8. abdfoqr  10N    31   358   qi
 9. aglosuw   M3    36   394   logways
10. deinotz   4C    40   434   zendik
11. abiortv   C2    34   468   vizor
12. agijors   L1    44   512   jiao
13. definst   1K    39   551   djins
14. abeertu  N10    38   589   quaere
15. bilnotu   B8    74   663   abutilon
16. abegirt  A12    44   707   bate
17. aeennrt   2A    76   783   revenant
18. aefgorx   A1    60   843   grex
19. acfiior  15H    39   882   orifice

Remaining tiles: acgov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5972 Fileannelhynz   1 15:44  -532  350     1.7151 mylover81   2  4:20  -692  190 
  2.4779 Fileleobill     0 10:35  -617  265     2.7129 Stranger    0  0:48  -862   20 
  3.6523 Filemarcous     0 12:05  -635  247            Group: intermediate
  4.7151 Filemylover81   2  4:20  -692  190     1.6523 marcous     0 12:05  -635  247 
  5.5432 Fileginalee     0  6:05  -786   96            Group: novice
  6.7129 FileStranger    0  0:48  -862   20     1.5972 annelhynz   1 15:44  -532  350 
                                             2.5432 ginalee     0  6:05  -786   96 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4779 leobill     0 10:35  -617  265 

On 1st draw, KEMPT H4 36 --- KEMPT neatly kept [adj]
Other moves: KETMIA H4 34, KEMPT H8 28, KEMPT H5 26, KEMPT H6 26, KEMPT H7 26
PIKE H5 20 Stranger
TEMP H8 16 ginalee

On 2nd draw, (P)OLYPOUS 7D 67 --- POLYPOUS pertaining to a polyp [adj]
Other moves: POLY(P)OUS 7H 64, PO(R)OUSLY 7H 64, LOO(E)YS I5 25, KOU(M)YS 4H 24, KYLO(E)S 4H 24
YEL(L)S 5G 14 ginalee

On 3rd draw, HAYLE 8K 41 --- HAYLE welfare (Spenser) [n]
Other moves: HYLA 8A 35, HYLE 8A 35, HYTE 8A 35, YEAH 6J 33, YAH 6J 32
YEH 6J 32 annelhynz

On 4th draw, WADIS 8A 34 --- WADI the bed of a usually dry watercourse [n]
Other moves: CADIS 8A 31, GAWDS 6J 29, WADI 8A 29, GADIS 8A 28, SWACK 4D 28
WAD I3 20 annelhynz
WASH K5 20 ginalee

On 5th draw, UNSHAMED K5 56 --- SHAME to cause to feel a painful sense of guilt or degradation [adj] --- UNSHAMED not shamed [adj]
Other moves: UNMEWED 5E 52, MAWED 6J 37, DWAUMED C8 36, MANED 6J 34, MAUND 6J 34
MAWED 6J 37 annelhynz
WASHED K5 26 ginalee

On 6th draw, PREFI(G)HT O6 69 --- PREFIGHT preceding a fight [adj]
Other moves: FROST(N)IP E5 48, PITHF(U)L N2 44, PROSIF(Y) E5 44, (T)HRIFT J9 42, FIRTH L11 41
F(E)H 7M 30 annelhynz
DRIFT 12K 20 ginalee

On 7th draw, ARETE L8 24 --- ARETE a sharp mountain ridge [n]
Other tops: AREAE L8 24
Other moves: AERATE J9 23, AREAE L10 22, ARETE L10 22, IRATE L10 22, AARTI L11 20
TRADE 12H 14 leobill
TEAR I2 13 annelhynz

On 8th draw, QI 10N 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: BOYF M6 27, BARDO N2 26, FORBADE 5B 26, LOB N8 26, ABORD M11 25
QI 10N 31 annelhynz
QUAD 5J 14 leobill

On 9th draw, LOGWAYS M3 36 --- LOGWAY a ramp used in logging [n]
Other moves: LOGWAY M3 28, AGLOW M11 26, AWOLS M11 26, WAULKS 4D 26, WAULS L1 26
GLOW M12 21 annelhynz
SWAT 13L 20 leobill

On 10th draw, ZENDIK 4C 40 --- ZENDIK a heretic [n]
Other moves: ADONIZE B8 38, ANODIZE B8 38, ZEATIN B6 37, ZEIN J2 35, ADZE B8 34
ZONE 4L 28 annelhynz, leobill

On 11th draw, VIZOR C2 34 --- VIZOR to provide with a projecting brim [v]
Other moves: BIOTA 5A 31, BORA 5B 29, BOTA 5B 29, BIZ C2 28, ROZIT C2 28
BIZ C2 28 marcous
BAT L2 16 annelhynz

On 12th draw, JIAO L1 44 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: RAJ L2 40, JAGS I1 35, JIGS I1 35, JOGS I1 35, RIOJA J11 35
RAJ L2 40 marcous
JAR N2 24 annelhynz

On 13th draw, DJINS 1K 39 --- DJIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JEDI 1L 36, DIFS I1 33, JEST 1L 33, JETS 1L 33, JINS 1L 33
JETS 1L 33 leobill
JEST 1L 33 annelhynz
DIFS N1 25 marcous

On 14th draw, QUAERE N10 38 --- QUAERE a question [n] --- QUAERE to inquire or question [v]
Other moves: QUEER N10 36, BEAM 6E 24, BET J9 23, BOREE 5B 23, ABATURE B8 22
BORE 5B 18 marcous
BET M12 16 annelhynz
RAVE 2A 14 leobill

On 15th draw, ABUTILON B8 74 --- ABUTILON a flowering plant [n]
Other tops: ABLUTION B8 74
Other moves: BIEN 15L 27, BLET 15L 27, BOET 15L 27, BLUET 15K 24, BON M13 24
BOET 15L 27 leobill
BLET 15L 27 mylover81
BUT M13 24 marcous
BET 15M 15 annelhynz

On 16th draw, BATE A12 44 --- BATE to reduce the force of [v]
Other tops: BETA A12 44
Other moves: GATE A12 36, GETA A12 36, TABI A12 36, BEGIRT J9 34, BARGEE 15J 30
BATE A12 44 mylover81
BITER 15K 24 marcous
GNAT 15A 18 leobill

On 17th draw, REVENANT 2A 76 --- REVENANT one that returns [n]
Other moves: DERATE C8 36, ANTRE C11 29, ENATE C11 29, RANEE C10 28, RENTE C10 28
TANE C12 25 mylover81
NEATER 15J 21 marcous
RAVEN 2A 16 leobill

On 18th draw, GREX A1 60 --- GREX a group of plants with a common hybrid ancestor [n]
Other moves: FOREX 15K 48, GREX 15L 42, FRAGOR A1 36, OXER 15L 36, FEAR 1F 34
GREX A1 60 mylover81
FOREX 15K 48 leobill
AX 1H 33 marcous

On 19th draw, ORIFICE 15H 39 --- ORIFICE a mouth or mouthlike opening [n]
Other moves: FAIR 1F 34, FIAR 1F 34, FACER 15K 33, FIER 15L 33, ICIER 15K 30
FAIR 1F 34 marcous, mylover81, annelhynz
FIER 15L 33 leobill

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