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Game of October 1, 2011 at 13:12, 5 players
1. 736 pts PIThompson
2. 734 pts Stranger
3. 647 pts marcous

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acefins   H4    82    82   fascine
 2. ?agimqu  10A    73   155   quagmire
 3. ?cilotv   5E    98   253   locative
 4. elorrsx   6D    53   306   lox
 5. adertty   L1    84   390   yattered
 6. aginrst   1H   158   548   straying
 7. abeejrs   K7    89   637   bajrees
 8. aadeino   I8    32   669   node
 9. aemoort  13D    62   731   tearooms
10. bioptuz  H12    75   806   zobo
11. eflptuu   A7    54   860   pulque
12. aefoprw   3I    32   892   wafter
13. addeils   B2    78   970   daidles
14. ainotwy  14B    55  1025   twiny
15. aeeinpu  15A    42  1067   neep
16. aehioor  11C    28  1095   hoi
17. aeiikor   A1    55  1150   reak
18. giinouv   8H    39  1189   invading

Remaining tiles: hiou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7706 FilePIThompson  6 13:34  -453  736     1.7706 PIThompson  6 13:34  -453  736 
  2.7125 FileStranger    4 16:05  -455  734     2.7125 Stranger    4 16:05  -455  734 
  3.6516 Filemarcous     3 20:20  -542  647            Group: intermediate
  4.5970 Fileannelhynz   1  7:56 -1013  176     1.6516 marcous     3 20:20  -542  647 
  5.3646 FileZEHAVARON   0  2:47 -1147   42            Group: novice
                                             1.5970 annelhynz   1  7:56 -1013  176 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3646 ZEHAVARON   0  2:47 -1147   42 

On 1st draw, FASCINE H4 82 --- FASCINE a bundle of sticks used in building fortifications [n]
Other tops: FANCIES H4 82, FIANCES H4 82
Other moves: FIANCES H8 80, FANCIES H2 76, FANCIES H3 76, FANCIES H6 76, FANCIES H7 76
FANCIES H4 32 PIThompson
FASCINE H4 32 Stranger
FACES H5 20 marcous

On 2nd draw, QUAGMI(R)E 10A 73 --- QUAGMIRE an area of marshy ground [n] --- QUAGMIRE to entangle as in boggy ground [v]
Other tops: QUA(L)MING 9B 73
Other moves: MAQUI(S) 11C 44, UMIAQ(S) 11C 44, QUIM(S) 11D 42, QUAG(S) 11D 40, QUAIG(H)S 6B 40
QUEM(E) 10F 35 PIThompson
SUQ 6H 32 Stranger
QUAI G8 30 marcous
QI G3 26 annelhynz

On 3rd draw, LOCATIV(E) 5E 98 --- LOCATIVE a type of grammatical case [n]
Other tops: O(U)TCAVIL 5D 98, VOCALIT(Y) 5E 98, VOCALI(S)T 5E 98
Other moves: VOCALIT(Y) C7 88, VOCALI(S)T C7 88, LOCATIV(E) C7 82, O(U)TCAVIL C6 80, VO(R)TICAL 5B 74
VATIC(A)L C9 30 PIThompson
(S)OV I10 24 Stranger
VOT(E) G3 18 annelhynz

On 4th draw, LOX 6D 53 --- LOX liquid oxygen [n] --- LOX to supply with lox (liquid oxygen) [v]
Other tops: SOX 6D 53
Other moves: OX 6E 52, LOXES M1 37, OXERS M1 37, SOREX 11H 37, OXES M2 35
LOX 6D 53 PIThompson, annelhynz
SOX 6D 53 Stranger, marcous

On 5th draw, YATT(E)RED L1 84 --- YATTER to talk idly [v]
Other moves: TYDE I8 44, TEDY I8 35, ADRY I9 33, DRAY I10 33, DREY I10 33
READY 7B 29 PIThompson
DRAY 4L 28 Stranger
YEAR 4L 24 marcous
YET I3 15 annelhynz

On 6th draw, STRAYING 1H 158 --- STRAY to wander from the proper area or course [v] --- STRAYING the act of straying [n]
Other moves: STINGRAY 1E 86, STARING 11H 79, RATINGS M7 76, TARINGS M7 76, RATINGS K7 71
STRAYING 1H 108 Stranger, marcous
QINTAR A10 48 PIThompson
SANG I10 27 annelhynz

On 7th draw, BAJREES K7 89 --- BAJREE a type of millet [n]
Other moves: JABERS C9 46, JAGERS D8 44, JAGER D8 42, JESTER 3I 42, JEATS 3I 40
JABERS C9 46 PIThompson
JA 9C 37 Stranger, marcous, annelhynz

On 8th draw, NODE I8 32 --- NODE a swollen enlargement [n]
Other tops: NADA I8 32, NODI I8 32
Other moves: NED I8 31, NOD I8 31, NAIAD 11B 30, ODEA I9 30, ADO I9 29
NIED 11C 26 Stranger
DOEN 11C 26 PIThompson
DINE L12 20 marcous

On 9th draw, TEAROOMS 13D 62 --- TEAROOM a restaurant serving tea [n]
Other moves: TOMO 11C 31, MOAT 11C 29, MOOT 11C 29, AMORT L11 28, ROM 11C 27
MOOT 11C 29 PIThompson
MORE L12 24 marcous
ROOM L12 24 Stranger

On 10th draw, ZOBO H12 75 --- ZOBO a male cross of a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZOBU H12 75
Other moves: ZOOT H12 69, ZOBU M7 56, BOZO H12 54, ZOBU 12A 54, POZ 12F 51
ZOBU H12 75 Stranger
ZOBO H12 75 PIThompson
ZOOT H12 69 marcous

On 11th draw, PULQUE A7 54 --- PULQUE a fermented Mexican beverage [n]
Other moves: TUQUE A8 45, FUEL 9C 29, PLUE 11B 29, ELF L10 26, FLUE 12A 26
TUQUE A8 45 PIThompson, Stranger
PULE 12A 22 marcous

On 12th draw, WAFTER 3I 32 --- WAFTER one that wafts [n]
Other moves: WEB 14F 31, AFORE 14B 28, AW 14E 28, OAF 11D 28, POWTER 3I 28
WEB 14F 31 marcous, PIThompson
AW 14E 28 Stranger

On 13th draw, DAIDLES B2 78 --- DAIDLE to waddle [v]
Other tops: LADDIES B2 78
Other moves: DAIDLES M8 75, SADDLE O3 40, SIDLED O3 40, SLIDED O3 40, SAILED O3 37
SADDLE O3 40 PIThompson, Stranger
LADIES 14A 26 marcous

On 14th draw, TWINY 14B 55 --- TWINY resembling twine (a strong string) [adj]
Other moves: ATONY 14B 49, TAY 2H 36, TOY 2H 36, WANY 14C 35, WAY A1 35
TWINY 14B 55 PIThompson
YAWN C1 35 Stranger
WAY A1 35 marcous

On 15th draw, NEEP 15A 42 --- NEEP a turnip [n]
Other moves: NEAP A1 39, NEEP A1 39, PEEN 15A 32, NIPA A1 31, PINA A1 29
NEEP 15A 42 Stranger, PIThompson, marcous

On 16th draw, HOI 11C 28 --- HOI used to attract attention [interj]
Other tops: HIE 11C 28, HOA 11C 28, HOE 11C 28, HOO 11C 28
Other moves: HEARIE 12J 27, HOA C3 27, HOE C3 27, HOI C3 27, HOO C3 27
RAH A1 26 PIThompson, marcous
RAH C1 25 Stranger

On 17th draw, REAK A1 55 --- REAK to care [v]
Other moves: REAK 9C 31, EIK A1 30, OAK A1 30, OIK A1 30, ROK A1 30
REAK A1 55 Stranger, marcous, PIThompson

On 18th draw, INVADING 8H 39 --- INVADE to enter for conquest or plunder [v]
Other moves: GOV M7 25, GON M7 19, ENVOI 12K 18, KING 4A 18, GO 7E 17
INVADING 8H 39 PIThompson
GOV M7 25 Stranger, marcous

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