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Game of October 2, 2011 at 10:40, 6 players
1. 568 pts Stranger
2. 441 pts kellybelly
3. 439 pts raggedy01

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adefpsy   H4    32    32   fayed
 2. aeioost   4F    20    52   oofiest
 3. aehinoo   G6    30    82   ohone
 4. aeinort   K4    82   164   senorita
 5. abclmot  H10    47   211   tombac
 6. dilnosu   3A    77   288   unsolid
 7. aeglnru  14H    72   360   aulnager
 8. ?bcemns   D2    78   438   combines
 9. aeeilps   O7    83   521   espalier
10. aehjprx   A1    78   599   jeux
11. adikprt   F8    45   644   pika
12. fginorv   8A    30   674   five
13. deilrru   A8    89   763   flurried
14. dehotuw   L9    41   804   towhead
15. agiqrtv   2F    21   825   gait
16. ?aqrtwy   1H    79   904   quay
17. ainrrtu   B1    32   936   arnut
18. eginrvw   N2    30   966   wivern

Remaining tiles: gz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7133 FileStranger    6 17:05  -398  568     1.7133 Stranger    6 17:05  -398  568 
  2.7155 Filekellybelly  2 11:45  -525  441     2.7155 kellybelly  2 11:45  -525  441 
  3.6074 Fileraggedy01   3 20:22  -527  439            Group: intermediate
  4.6115 FileLucylulu    3 17:27  -553  413     1.6074 raggedy01   3 20:22  -527  439 
  5.5023 Filegmills0     1 15:31  -638  328     2.6115 Lucylulu    3 17:27  -553  413 
  6.5338 Filemarigold    1 13:31  -689  277            Group: novice
                                             1.5023 gmills0     1 15:31  -638  328 
                                             2.5338 marigold    1 13:31  -689  277 

On 1st draw, FAYED H4 32 --- FAY to unite closely [v]
Other moves: SPAYED H3 30, FAYED H8 28, PAYED H4 28, PAYSD H4 28, SPAYED H7 28
SPAYED H3 30 Stranger
FADES H4 26 marigold

On 2nd draw, OOFIEST 4F 20 --- OOFY expensive, ostentatious [adj]
Other tops: ATES I4 20, ETAS I4 20, FOOTIES 4H 20, FOOTSIE 4H 20, IOTAS I5 20, TOEAS G5 20, TOEAS I5 20
Other moves: OTIOSE G6 19, OTIOSE I6 19, FASTIE 4H 18, FIESTA 4H 18, FOOTIE 4H 18
ATES I4 20 Stranger
FEAST 4H 16 gmills0
TE G7 9 marigold

On 3rd draw, OHONE G6 30 --- OHONE expressing lamentation [interj]
Other tops: OHONE I6 30
Other moves: OHIA G6 29, OHIA I6 29, AHI G6 27, AHI I6 27, OHO G6 27
OHONE G6 30 Stranger
HOON G7 24 Lucylulu
SHINE K4 16 gmills0
HYENA 6G 13 marigold
HOE G3 12 raggedy01

On 4th draw, SENORITA K4 82 --- SENORITA an unmarried Spanish girl or woman [n]
Other moves: OTARINE E1 75, OTARINE F9 67, ARSONITE K2 66, ROSINATE K2 66, TENTORIA L1 60
TRINE F7 23 marigold
RENT I7 17 raggedy01
EN I6 16 Stranger
STRAIN K4 12 gmills0

On 5th draw, TOMBAC H10 47 --- TOMBAC an alloy of copper and zinc [n]
Other moves: CLOMB F7 41, TOMBAL H10 41, CLOMB 3C 39, CRAMBO 8J 39, CLAM F7 38
CRAMBO 8J 39 Stranger
COMA F8 32 raggedy01
BALM 3C 20 marigold
CLIMB 9I 17 Lucylulu
COBALT 7J 11 gmills0

On 6th draw, UNSOLID 3A 77 --- SOLID having definite shape and volume [adj] --- UNSOLID not solid [adj]
Other moves: UNSOLID F9 69, LOIDS F3 27, OLDS F4 26, OUDS F4 26, IDOLS J6 25
LOIDS F3 27 Stranger
SOUND 12K 25 raggedy01, kellybelly
SOLID 12K 25 gmills0
BOUNDS 13H 20 Lucylulu
SLID 12K 19 marigold

On 7th draw, AULNAGER 14H 72 --- AULNAGER cloth inspector [n]
Other moves: AULNAGER 14D 63, ARGUER 8J 27, LAGUNE 2D 27, UNGULAE A3 27, UNGULAR A3 27
UNGEAR A3 24 kellybelly
RAUNGE A1 24 Stranger
RANGE 8K 21 gmills0, Lucylulu
GLUER A1 21 marigold
GRUEL A1 21 raggedy01

On 8th draw, COMB(I)NES D2 78 --- COMBINE to blend [v]
Other moves: CUMBEN(T) A2 45, CUMBE(R)S A2 45, C(A)MBERS O9 45, C(L)UBMEN A1 45, C(O)MBERS O9 45
C(O)MBERS O9 45 kellybelly
C(R)UMBS A1 42 gmills0
B(O)NE 15L 41 Lucylulu
SCUB(A) A1 33 raggedy01
C(U)RB O12 30 Stranger

On 9th draw, ESPALIER O7 83 --- ESPALIER to train to grow on a trellis [v]
Other moves: PENALISE B1 74, LEAPERS O9 36, SLIPE F7 36, SLAP F7 35, SLIP F7 35
LEAPERS O9 36 kellybelly
SPARE O11 30 raggedy01, Lucylulu
SLEEP 12K 29 marigold
PRIALS 8J 27 Stranger
REPEL 8K 24 gmills0

On 10th draw, JEUX A1 78 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: HEJRA F8 66, HAJ F8 64, JAP N10 59, JAPER F10 58, RAJ F8 58
JEUX A1 78 Stranger
HAJ F8 64 kellybelly
JAP N10 59 raggedy01
EX I6 44 Lucylulu
JA 10N 25 marigold
PAX L13 20 gmills0

On 11th draw, PIKA F8 45 --- PIKA a small mammal [n]
Other moves: DIKA F8 43, DAK F8 42, RAKI F8 41, TAKI F8 41, TIKA F8 41
DAK F8 42 kellybelly
KAT N10 37 Stranger
PIKED 8A 36 gmills0, Lucylulu
TAKER 8A 27 raggedy01

On 12th draw, FIVE 8A 30 --- FIVE a number [n]
Other tops: OF N9 30
Other moves: FROING M9 28, ROVING C8 27, FIGO E11 26, FIGO L9 26, FORGING M8 26
OF N9 30 Stranger, kellybelly
FIVE 8A 30 gmills0, raggedy01, Lucylulu

On 13th draw, FLURRIED A8 89 --- FLURRY to confuse [v]
Other moves: LURIDER N1 72, LURIDER I1 26, ELUDE 13K 25, DIRER I3 24, RIDER I3 24
DRIER E11 18 raggedy01
DULE E11 16 kellybelly
ED E5 16 Stranger
DIRE B7 7 gmills0

On 14th draw, TOWHEAD L9 41 --- TOWHEAD a head of light blond hair [n]
Other moves: OHED N9 38, HOUTED N7 32, HET N10 31, HOWE I9 31, HOWE E11 30
HET N10 31 Stranger
OH N9 30 kellybelly
WHAT L12 22 gmills0, raggedy01
HO 15L 21 Lucylulu

On 15th draw, GAIT 2F 21 --- GAIT to train a horse to move in a particular way [v]
Other tops: GAIR 2F 21, GARI 2F 21, GARI I9 21, GART 2F 21, QI I3 21
Other moves: CAG 2D 20, GAR 2F 20, GAT 2F 20, QAT M8 20, VAR I9 20
QI I3 21 Lucylulu, Stranger, marigold, raggedy01
GIVER J1 13 gmills0
TAG E11 12 kellybelly

On 16th draw, Q(U)AY 1H 79 --- QUAY a wharf [n]
Other moves: Q(U)ART 1H 76, QAT 1H 71, QAT(S) 1H 71, Q(U)AT 1H 70, QA(T) 1H 68
Q(U)AY 1H 79 Stranger, kellybelly, Lucylulu, raggedy01
QAT 1H 71 marigold
QI H1 33 gmills0

On 17th draw, ARNUT B1 32 --- ARNUT an earth-nut (an edible root-tuber) [n]
Other moves: AITU 12C 19, ANI B2 19, ANN B1 19, RANI I9 19, RATU 12C 19
RAUN N7 18 kellybelly
AUNT 2K 13 raggedy01
IT E5 13 Stranger
NUT B3 12 Lucylulu

On 18th draw, WIVERN N2 30 --- WIVERN in heraldry, a dragon with wings, the tail of a snake and two legs [n]
Other moves: WINGER N2 26, WIS C1 25, ENVIER 14A 22, GIS C1 21, RENEW J3 21
WIVE N4 20 kellybelly, Stranger
VIEW N4 17 Lucylulu

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