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Game of October 3, 2011 at 10:57, 4 players
1. 437 pts jimbo
2. 352 pts ayoba
3. 229 pts lesft

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adeiip   H4    74    74   peridia
 2. egnorru   8A    83   157   reground
 3. aaeeilr   E5    28   185   areolae
 4. addegir  F10    25   210   gadid
 5. eiknoox  D11    35   245   kex
 6. abeemot  C12    38   283   mabe
 7. aelstuv   A2    62   345   vaulters
 8. eiostwy  15A    45   390   stewy
 9. ailqttu   D1    50   440   quilt
10. aaegosu   1D    45   485   quags
11. bdeentv   2A    30   515   vedute
12. acersty   I9    69   584   sectary
13. achlnno  15H    51   635   lynch
14. eehiijn   F5    35   670   jehu
15. aefmotw  B13    33   703   wot
16. iinoprv  15H    54   757   lynchpin
17. ?afiooz   6E    37   794   refroze
18. afmoort   K5    32   826   tearoom
19. eiiinov   L3    38   864   ovine
20. biiinor   2J    29   893   robin

Remaining tiles: fiino

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5653 Filejimbo       2 21:01  -456  437     1.5653 jimbo       2 21:01  -456  437 
  2.5579 Fileayoba       3 12:50  -541  352     2.5579 ayoba       3 12:50  -541  352 
  3.4011 Filelesft       0 16:24  -664  229     3.5425 ginalee     0  3:50  -828   65 
  4.5425 Fileginalee     0  3:50  -828   65            Group: not rated
                                             1.4011 lesft       0 16:24  -664  229 

On 1st draw, PE(R)IDIA H4 74 --- PERIDIUM the covering of the spore-bearing organ in many fungi [n]
Other moves: PE(R)IDIA H8 72, PE(R)IDIA H3 70, PE(R)IDIA H6 70, PE(R)IDIA H7 70, PE(R)IDIA H2 68
PI(P)ED H4 20 jimbo

On 2nd draw, REGROUND 8A 83 --- REGRIND to grind again [v]
Other moves: GROUNDER 8C 61, GROUPER 4D 20, REGROUP 4B 20, GEO G7 18, PROGUN 4H 18
RANGER 10G 11 jimbo

On 3rd draw, AREOLAE E5 28 --- AREOLA a small space in a network of leaf veins [n]
Other moves: AERIAL 11C 22, REALIA 11E 22, AREAL 11D 20, ARIEL 11D 20, LAARI 11H 20
GRAIL C8 7 jimbo

On 4th draw, GADID F10 25 --- GADID a type of fish [n]
Other tops: GRADED I2 25, GRIDED I2 25
Other moves: DARED F10 24, DEGRADE B2 24, DERIG F10 24, DREAD F10 24, DRIED F10 24
PAGED 4H 18 jimbo

On 5th draw, KEX D11 35 --- KEX a dry, hollow stalk [n]
Other moves: KEX I3 32, KOINE D1 30, OXEN I4 29, KOINE D11 27, KOINE F2 27
(R)EX 6H 25 jimbo

On 6th draw, MABE C12 38 --- MABE a cultured pearl [n]
Other tops: BEAM C12 38, BEMA C12 38, BOMA C12 38, MOBE C12 38
Other moves: BAM C12 36, MOB C12 36, TOMB C12 36, BATE C12 34, BEAT C12 34
MAX 13B 24 jimbo
TAX 13B 20 lesft

On 7th draw, VAULTERS A2 62 --- VAULTER one that leaps [n]
Other tops: VESTURAL A3 62
Other moves: STELA B10 37, VELA B11 37, SALVE 15F 33, SELVA 15F 33, SLAVE 15F 33
VEALS 5G 16 lesft

On 8th draw, STEWY 15A 45 --- STEWY having the characteristics of a stew (food cooked by stewing) [adj]
Other moves: STEWY 15F 42, SWEY 15A 42, SWEY 15F 39, SWY 15F 36, SOW B13 35
STEWY 15F 42 jimbo
WYES 15A 33 ayoba
EYES 15A 24 lesft

On 9th draw, QUILT D1 50 --- QUILT to stitch together with padding in between [v]
Other tops: QUAIL D1 50
Other moves: QUAI F2 35, QUAT F2 35, QUIT F2 35, TEQUILA 5G 32, EQUALI 5H 30
QUILT D1 50 ayoba, jimbo
VAIL 2A 14 lesft

On 10th draw, QUAGS 1D 45 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: GAES B10 24, GOES B10 24, GUES B10 24, SAT B13 24, SOT B13 24
QUAGS 1D 45 jimbo, ayoba

On 11th draw, VEDUTE 2A 30 --- VEDUTA a view of the town [n]
Other moves: BEET B10 27, DEEV C3 27, BEEN C3 25, BEET C3 25, BETED I3 25
EVENTED 5H 22 jimbo
BUT 2C 7 ayoba

On 12th draw, SECTARY I9 69 --- SECTARY a member of a sect [n]
Other moves: RESAT B11 33, ETAT B12 31, SPACEY 4G 26, AYES B10 24, PACEY 4H 24
PASTRY 4H 22 ayoba
PARTY 4H 20 lesft
PACERS 4H 20 jimbo, ginalee

On 13th draw, LYNCH 15H 51 --- LYNCH to judge and put to death without legal sanction [v]
Other moves: ONYCHA 15G 45, HAN H13 40, HAO H13 40, HOA H13 40, HON H13 40
HOYA 15G 30 ayoba
HAY 15G 27 ginalee
CYAN 15H 27 jimbo
LEACH 5G 20 lesft

On 14th draw, JEHU F5 35 --- JEHU a fast driver [n]
Other moves: JEE B10 31, JEE I3 24, JIN I3 24, HEINIE B7 23, HEINIE B1 21
JIN I3 24 jimbo
JANE 13H 11 ayoba
HENS A12 11 lesft

On 15th draw, WOT B13 33 --- WOT to know [v]
Other tops: FAT B13 33, WAT B13 33
Other moves: ETAT B12 31, MAT B13 30, MOT B13 30, FOWTH L11 28, FEW B11 27
WAT B13 33 ayoba
MOTH L12 18 jimbo
CAMEO 11I 18 ginalee
(R)AW 6H 13 lesft

On 16th draw, LYNCHPIN 15H 54 --- LYNCHPIN a locking pin inserted in the end of a shaft [n]
Other moves: PAVIOR 13H 22, COVIN 11I 20, PERNIO B1 20, PIONIC K10 20, POPRIN 4H 20
VIN I3 16 ayoba
TRIP 12I 12 jimbo
TORN 12I 8 lesft

On 17th draw, REF(R)OZ(E) 6E 37 --- REFREEZE to freeze again [v]
Other moves: AZI(D)O J5 36, ZO(B)O J6 35, OOZ(E) 2H 34, OOZ(Y) 2H 34, O(R)ZO 2H 34
COZ(Y) 11I 28 lesft
ZIP M13 28 ayoba
ZI(T) I3 26 jimbo

On 18th draw, T(E)AROOM K5 32 --- TEAROOM a restaurant serving tea [n]
Other moves: COMFORT 11I 28, FORAM 5K 28, OOM 14L 27, FARM 5K 26, FOAM 5K 26
OOM 14L 27 ayoba
CRAFT 11I 20 jimbo
FAM(E) K3 16 lesft

On 19th draw, OVINE L3 38 --- OVINE a sheep or a closely related animal [n]
Other moves: VINE L4 36, OVEN L3 34, VEIN L3 34, VIN L4 32, ONIE L5 30
RIVEN 8K 27 ayoba
ROVEN 8K 27 lesft
VIE L3 14 jimbo

On 20th draw, ROBIN 2J 29 --- ROBIN a songbird [n]
Other moves: OBI 14M 24, BIRO 2L 23, BORN 2L 23, BRIN 2L 23, BRIO 2L 23
BORN 2L 23 ayoba
BORN 3K 12 lesft, jimbo

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