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Game of October 3, 2011 at 11:45, 8 players
1. 576 pts marcous
2. 550 pts ayoba
3. 466 pts ginalee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deghnov   H4    32    32   hoved
 2. abinnst   5B    70   102   antisnob
 3. ?ilssuw   B4    68   170   lawsuits
 4. aalprty   I7    76   246   laptray
 5. abefhov  H12    56   302   fave
 6. ?eforrt  15A    92   394   rooftree
 7. aeiilnz   D3    86   480   latinize
 8. aeghiwx   A7    56   536   ex
 9. adnotwy  11D    35   571   dawn
10. cegnost  12E    38   609   geofacts
11. deginot   4H    28   637   hogtied
12. eiklmor   A1    36   673   moke
13. agilnot   M3    72   745   gelation
14. bdhioqr   L8    44   789   qi
15. aeijnor  14B    44   833   joe
16. abeeoru  13C    36   869   brae
17. deiopru   2D    34   903   pudor
18. aceimny  N10    49   952   yince
19. aehimru   1G    47   999   hermai

Remaining tiles: uu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6526 Filemarcous     3 19:18  -423  576     1.6526 marcous     3 19:18  -423  576 
  2.5591 Fileayoba       2 24:03  -449  550     2.6422 charmz      0  7:23  -896  103 
  3.5425 Fileginalee     3 24:35  -533  466            Group: novice
  4.4015 Filelesft       0 23:27  -628  371     1.5591 ayoba       2 24:03  -449  550 
  5.3562 Filekp10        0  9:50  -737  262     2.5425 ginalee     3 24:35  -533  466 
  6.6422 Filecharmz      0  7:23  -896  103     3.5654 jimbo       0  3:37  -917   82 
  7.5654 Filejimbo       0  3:37  -917   82            Group: not rated
  8.4359 FileDbuggle     0  0:16  -984   15     1.4015 lesft       0 23:27  -628  371 
                                             2.3562 kp10        0  9:50  -737  262 
                                             3.4359 Dbuggle     0  0:16  -984   15 

On 1st draw, HOVED H4 32 --- HOVE to swell [v]
Other moves: HOVEN H4 30, HOVED H8 28, HOGEN H4 26, HONED H4 26, HOVED H5 24
HOVED H4 32 ginalee
HOVED H8 28 kp10
HONED H4 26 ayoba
DOVEN H8 20 lesft

On 2nd draw, ANTISNOB 5B 70 --- ANTISNOB one that is opposed to snobbery [n] --- ANTISNOB opposed to snobbery [adj]
Other moves: ABSINTH 4B 24, ABSIT 3F 24, ISBA 3G 23, BANISH 4C 22, BASIN 3F 22
HABITS 4H 22 ginalee
TABS 3E 22 marcous
BAITS 3D 21 ayoba
BINTS 3D 21 jimbo
BOAST 5G 14 lesft
HI 4H 5 kp10

On 3rd draw, LAWSUI(T)S B4 68 --- LAWSUIT a legal action [n]
Other moves: SWIL(L)S 3H 37, SWI(L)LS 3H 37, SWI(R)LS 3H 37, SW(A)ILS 3H 37, LW(E)IS 6A 33
SWIL(L)S 3H 37 jimbo, marcous
SWI(R)LS 3H 37 ayoba
W(H)IST D1 22 lesft
WILTS D2 16 ginalee
WEL(L) 7G 11 kp10

On 4th draw, LAPTRAY I7 76 --- LAPTRAY a tray with a cushion, made to sit on one's lap and hold a book, meal etc [n]
Other moves: APTLY A11 41, PULY 8A 39, PURTY 8A 33, RULY 8A 33, APART A11 32
PULY 8A 39 marcous
PURTY 8A 33 lesft
YA A8 32 ayoba
PUY 8A 24 jimbo
PUT 8A 15 ginalee
YET 7G 11 kp10

On 5th draw, FAVE H12 56 --- FAVE teenage slang for a favourite person or thing [n] --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other tops: HAVE H12 56, HOVE H12 56
Other moves: OBEAH A8 55, ABOVE H11 53, ABOVE A11 41, OBEAH A11 41, FAVE A1 36
HAVE H12 56 marcous
HOVE A1 36 ayoba
HUB 8A 24 lesft, ginalee
HAVE 12H 14 kp10

On 6th draw, RO(O)FTREE 15A 92 --- ROOFTREE a horizontal timber in a roof [n]
Other tops: R(O)OFTREE 15A 92
Other moves: FROTTE(U)R D1 80, FORFA(I)TER 12E 78, RETROF(I)T D3 78, FROST(I)ER F2 70, FROTTE(U)R 10F 70
FURORE 8A 30 ginalee
FORE A1 27 marcous
FROE A1 27 ayoba
RUF(F) 8A 18 lesft
FAY 13G 13 kp10

On 7th draw, LATINIZE D3 86 --- LATINIZE to translate into Latin [v]
Other moves: LATINIZE 10G 71, SALINIZE F5 71, LAZE A1 45, NAZE A1 45, ZILA A1 45
LAZE A1 45 marcous
ZEAS F2 33 ayoba
ZIT D3 24 kp10, ginalee
ZO B14 22 lesft

On 8th draw, EX A7 56 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: AX A7 56
Other moves: WUXIA 8A 45, HEX J12 44, WEX J12 44, AXE E9 40, GHI A8 36
EX A7 56 marcous
AXE E9 40 ayoba
EX J11 24 ginalee
REX 11I 20 lesft
TAX 10I 12 kp10

On 9th draw, DAWN 11D 35 --- DAWN to begin to grow light in the morning [v]
Other tops: DAWT 11D 35, DOTY 11D 35, DOWN 11D 35, DOWT 11D 35
Other moves: HOWDY 4H 34, TODAY E8 34, ATONY E7 33, DAW 11D 33, DAY 11D 33
FAWNY 12H 28 ginalee
ROWDY 11I 24 marcous
WANS F2 15 lesft
WAY 13G 13 kp10
WELD 7G 12 ayoba

On 10th draw, GEOFACTS 12E 38 --- GEOFACT a rock chipped by nature to look man-made [n]
Other moves: CLONES 3C 31, CLOTES 3C 31, GLENTS 3C 29, NOSEGAY 13C 26, COGS J2 24
CLONES 3C 31 lesft
SCONE 3H 23 marcous, charmz
SNOG 3H 19 ayoba
RO(O)FTREES 15A 11 kp10
SLOG 3C 10 ginalee

On 11th draw, HOGTIED 4H 28 --- HOGTIE to tie together the legs of [v]
Other tops: HONGIED 4H 28
Other moves: TINGED 13A 27, TONGED 13A 27, NIDGET 13A 26, INTOED 13A 25, OINTED 13A 25
DINE A1 21 ayoba
DOTTING K9 18 marcous
GLIDE 3C 16 ginalee
GLINT 3C 14 lesft
TINTED K9 14 charmz
DESIGN L10 9 kp10

On 12th draw, MOKE A1 36 --- MOKE a donkey [n]
Other tops: MIKE A1 36
Other moves: KOI 14B 32, MELIK M3 32, KORE A1 30, LIKE A1 30, LOKE A1 30
MIKE A1 36 ayoba
MIKE M1 20 marcous
MEEK M3 20 ginalee
MODEL N2 20 lesft
KID N2 16 kp10
SKIM L12 13 charmz

On 13th draw, GELATION M3 72 --- GELATION the process of gelling [n]
Other tops: LEGATION M3 72
Other moves: TOTALING K2 68, INTAGLIOS L4 62, LIGATION L3 60, GITANO E4 27, AGIO 14A 24
GOAL 3L 20 ayoba
LOTTING K9 16 marcous
GLINT 3C 14 ginalee
GLAD N1 12 lesft
TAG K4 8 kp10

On 14th draw, QI L8 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: HOBDAY 13D 35, HID N6 33, HIOI 8L 33, HOD N6 33, BIDI 8L 30
QI L8 44 marcous, ayoba, ginalee
BIRD 8L 30 lesft
QI 8L 21 kp10

On 15th draw, JOE 14B 44 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: JAI 3I 43, JA 3I 40, JO 14B 37, REJON 13B 34, JEAN 13C 32
JOE 14B 44 ginalee
JAI 3I 43 charmz
JA 3I 40 marcous, ayoba
JOB I3 20 kp10
JOT K10 20 lesft
MAJOR 1A 15 Dbuggle

On 16th draw, BRAE 13C 36 --- BRAE a hill-side [n]
Other tops: BREE 13C 36
Other moves: BRA 13C 28, BRO 13C 28, ABRAY 13E 27, AEROBE N10 24, DAB N4 24
DAB N4 24 marcous
BLEAR 3C 16 lesft
BLARE 3C 16 ginalee
BOD N2 15 ayoba
BET K10 10 charmz
BEAT K1 6 kp10

On 17th draw, PUDOR 2D 34 --- PUDOR sense of shame [n]
Other tops: PEDRO 2D 34
Other moves: OPED 2C 33, PERIOD 2D 33, POUDER 2D 33, POUDRE 2D 33, POURED 2D 33
UP B1 20 marcous
PLIED 3C 20 lesft
PLOD 3C 14 ayoba, ginalee
PIG J2 12 kp10

On 18th draw, YINCE N10 49 --- YINCE once [adv]
Other tops: YAMEN N10 49
Other moves: YAMEN 1E 48, AMNIC 1H 42, ANEMIC 1F 41, YAMEN 1G 41, MEANY 1G 40
YAM 1G 35 ayoba, ginalee
DAY N4 30 marcous
CAME 6L 14 kp10

On 19th draw, HERMAI 1G 47 --- HERMA a type of statue [n]
Other tops: HUMERI 1G 47
Other moves: MIHA 1E 45, ALMEH 3C 44, AHEM O12 42, AHEM 1F 41, HAREM 1G 41
AHEM O12 42 ayoba
HARM 1G 38 ginalee
HAM 1G 35 marcous
HE O14 20 lesft
HAM 6L 14 kp10

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