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Game of October 3, 2011 at 12:31, 5 players
1. 564 pts charmz
2. 418 pts ginalee
3. 328 pts gmills0

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bceikpv   H8    28    28   bicep
 2. aadeiry   I5    24    52   rayed
 3. ?aeeltw   J2    85   137   wavelet
 4. aadenoo   5E    32   169   aneared
 5. einnost  13B    78   247   intones
 6. ?ahiirr  11E    90   337   wirehair
 7. eeklors   B8    78   415   roselike
 8. aefrtxy  10D    55   470   fax
 9. aghmtuu   A4    45   515   mutha
10. dggnoov  15A    30   545   vend
11. eeilotu   B2    24   569   elite
12. acgnorv   C3    31   600   orang
13. adegnqu   L8    48   648   quare
14. befgrsy   D1    46   694   feys
15. gilnouw   8L    39   733   quin
16. bosuvwz  10J    65   798   zoa
17. cgorstu   1D    33   831   fustoc
18. bdgiorv  13L    29   860   rivo
19. blmoopt  O12    33   893   boom
20. dijlopt   3I    44   937   jalop
21. dggiitw   4L    28   965   wig

Remaining tiles: dgit

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6419 Filecharmz      4 23:17  -401  564     1.7124 Stranger    1  3:47  -840  125 
  2.5421 Fileginalee     2 21:33  -547  418            Group: intermediate
  3.5025 Filegmills0     3 13:54  -637  328     1.6419 charmz      4 23:17  -401  564 
  4.7124 FileStranger    1  3:47  -840  125            Group: novice
  5.4022 Filelesft       0  8:39  -853  112     1.5421 ginalee     2 21:33  -547  418 
                                             2.5025 gmills0     3 13:54  -637  328 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4022 lesft       0  8:39  -853  112 

On 1st draw, BICEP H8 28 --- BICEP an arm muscle [n]
Other tops: BICEP H4 28
Other moves: BECK H5 24, BECK H6 24, BECK H7 24, BECK H8 24, PECK H5 24
BICEP H4 28 ginalee
PECK H5 24 charmz

On 2nd draw, RAYED I5 24 --- RAY to emit rays (narrow beams of light) [v]
Other tops: PRAYED 12H 24
Other moves: DECAY 10F 23, DECRY 10F 23, DICEY 10F 23, APIARY 12G 22, PARDY 12H 22
RAYED I5 24 Stranger
PARADE 12H 18 charmz
PRIDE 12H 16 ginalee

On 3rd draw, WA(V)ELET J2 85 --- WAVELET a small wave [n]
Other moves: TREELAW(N) 5H 70, T(O)LEWARE 5C 70, LATEWA(K)E 6D 62, LATEWA(K)E 6H 62, TEWEL(S) J4 44
WATE J6 42 Stranger
LEW J4 29 charmz
TRAWLE(D) 5H 18 ginalee

On 4th draw, ANEARED 5E 32 --- ANEAR to approach [v]
Other moves: ANODE H1 27, DAN K5 25, DEN K5 25, DOONA H1 24, EAN K5 21
DEN K5 25 charmz, Stranger
WANED 2J 18 ginalee

On 5th draw, INTONES 13B 78 --- INTONE to speak in a singing voice [v]
Other moves: TENSION K7 76, TENSION 13E 71, SONATINE 3G 70, INTONES 6A 69, TENSION 6A 69
TONIES 13C 26 charmz
WINES 2J 16 ginalee

On 6th draw, (W)IREHAIR 11E 90 --- WIREHAIR a dog having a wiry coat [n]
Other moves: HAIRI(E)R K7 83, HAIRI(E)R K8 77, HAIRI(E)R 6A 66, AR(O)HA H1 33, RA(T)HA H1 33
HAIR(S) 3I 22 charmz
PARI(A)H 12H 20 ginalee

On 7th draw, ROSELIKE B8 78 --- ROSELIKE resembling a rose [adj]
Other moves: SLEEK 4D 45, BICEPSES H8 42, KOELS 10J 41, KOEL 10J 38, KO 10J 34
ROK 10D 34 Stranger
SLEEK M11 29 charmz, ginalee
KIDS 9G 24 gmills0

On 8th draw, FAX 10D 55 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other moves: RAX 10D 52, TAX 10D 52, AX 10E 51, FAYRE A4 51, FAYER A7 48
YEX 15A 39 charmz, gmills0
TEX 15A 30 ginalee

On 9th draw, MUTHA A4 45 --- MUTHA (slang) a motherfucker [n]
Other moves: MUTHA H1 42, HUMA A7 39, METH 15A 39, GAMUT A7 38, GHAUT A5 35
GRAM 8A 30 ginalee
HEAT 15A 24 charmz, gmills0

On 10th draw, VEND 15A 30 --- VEND to sell [v]
Other tops: DEVON 15A 30
Other moves: DONGA H1 27, VEGO 15A 27, DEV 15A 21, DOONA H1 21, VEG 15A 21
VEND 15A 30 gmills0, charmz
VEG 15A 21 ginalee

On 11th draw, ELITE B2 24 --- ELITE a socially superior group [n]
Other tops: ELUTE B2 24
Other moves: ELITE 4D 21, ELUTE 4D 21, MOTILE 4A 20, ETOILE 10J 18, LUTEA H1 18
ROUTE L11 12 ginalee
MULE 4A 12 gmills0
MEET 4A 12 charmz

On 12th draw, ORANG C3 31 --- ORANG a large ape [n]
Other moves: CONGA H1 30, VAC G7 30, VARNA H1 27, CRAG C1 26, CROG C1 26
VAN J10 14 charmz
CRAG L10 14 ginalee
CRAVEN G1 12 gmills0

On 13th draw, QUARE L8 48 --- QUARE queer [adj]
Other tops: QUERN L8 48
Other moves: QUENA H1 45, VENDANGE 15A 39, QUENA F2 36, GADE D1 32, GUDE D1 32
AQUA 3J 26 ginalee
QUEEN G3 25 charmz
QUAD 3H 15 gmills0

On 14th draw, FEYS D1 46 --- FEY to clean out [v]
Other moves: YERBAS H1 45, BEYS D1 42, BICEPSES H8 42, GYBE D1 41, FEGS D1 40
FY A1 29 charmz
GREASY E2 10 gmills0
WEBS 2J 9 lesft

On 15th draw, QUIN 8L 39 --- QUIN a quintuplet [n]
Other moves: FLOWN 1D 33, WILGA H1 33, WONGA H1 33, LOWING M5 32, OWING M6 31
QUIN 8L 39 charmz, gmills0
FLUNG 1D 27 ginalee

On 16th draw, ZOA 10J 65 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other moves: ZO A1 35, ZAS J10 32, ZA J10 31, SOB 7L 28, YEWS 7I 25
ZO A1 35 charmz
ZA J10 31 ginalee
SEZ 12K 14 lesft

On 17th draw, FUSTOC 1D 33 --- FUSTOC the wood of a tropical American tree [n]
Other moves: CROGS 13K 31, SCROG 13J 31, SCRUTO 13J 31, FOCUS 1D 30, OUTGAS H1 30
FOCUS 1D 30 gmills0, ginalee
FROGS 1D 27 charmz
CARGOS 3I 24 lesft

On 18th draw, RIVO 13L 29 --- RIVO a drinking cry [interj]
Other tops: BIRD 13J 29, BORD 13J 29, BRIG 13K 29, BROD 13K 29, BROG 13K 29, DORB 13J 29, DRIB 13K 29
Other moves: BIRO 13J 27, BRIO 13K 27, GIRD 13J 27, GRID 13K 27, BRO 13K 25
BRIG 13K 29 gmills0
BORD 13J 29 charmz
GRID N6 10 lesft

On 19th draw, BOOM O12 33 --- BOOM to make a deep, resonant sound [v]
Other tops: MOOP O12 33, POMO O12 33
Other moves: BAMPOT 3I 30, BLOOM O11 30, BLOOP O11 30, PLEB 12J 29, BOLO O12 27
BOOM O12 33 charmz, ginalee
BLOOM O11 30 gmills0, lesft

On 20th draw, JALOP 3I 44 --- JALOP a Mexican plant [n]
Other moves: JO A1 29, PLED 12J 27, PIP 12H 26, POP 12H 26, JAP H4 25
JO A1 29 charmz
JUT M7 22 gmills0
JAIL 3I 19 ginalee
POND F3 11 lesft

On 21th draw, WIG 4L 28 --- WIG to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) [v]
Other moves: WIT 4L 26, PIG 12H 24, DIG 4L 20, DIT 4L 18, DI 4L 16
WIT 4L 26 charmz
W*G L2 14 lesft
WING F3 12 gmills0

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