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Game of October 3, 2011 at 13:22, 8 players
1. 599 pts PIThompson
2. 555 pts sunshine12
3. 443 pts gmills0

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adeino   H3    68    68   adonise
 2. aeipssv   8A    89   157   passives
 3. ?hnnoqs   B6    44   201   quash
 4. adeelrt   E4    86   287   detailer
 5. dinortt   C3    29   316   droits
 6. aginrwx   9G    78   394   rewaxing
 7. eelmnot  A10    32   426   omelet
 8. aeefgns  11D    74   500   freegans
 9. eiortuw  10J    43   543   wite
10. aiklntu   D1    37   580   kuia
11. abcinpu   1A    48   628   backup
12. almnttu   3G    74   702   tantalum
13. cnnoryz   8L    46   748   zo
14. cehilru  H11    36   784   gulch
15. efijory   L1    38   822   jole
16. beinrry   1L    39   861   jibe
17. aeginor  14A    26   887   erogenic
18. dinorvy  12A    36   923   envy
19. adfiory   5J    35   958   fady

Remaining tiles: ioorr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7686 FilePIThompson  5 15:56  -359  599     1.7686 PIThompson  5 15:56  -359  599 
  2.6865 Filesunshine12  3 19:24  -403  555            Group: intermediate
  3.5037 Filegmills0     3 22:25  -515  443     1.6865 sunshine12  3 19:24  -403  555 
  4.4810 Fileleobill     2 18:11  -588  370            Group: novice
  5.4026 Filelesft       0 15:05  -731  227     1.5037 gmills0     3 22:25  -515  443 
  6.5422 Fileginalee     0  4:06  -905   53     2.5422 ginalee     0  4:06  -905   53 
  7.5979 Fileannelhynz   0  0:30  -934   24     3.5979 annelhynz   0  0:30  -934   24 
  8.3730 Fileding        0  4:05  -940   18            Group: not rated
                                             1.4810 leobill     2 18:11  -588  370 
                                             2.4026 lesft       0 15:05  -731  227 
                                             3.3730 ding        0  4:05  -940   18 

On 1st draw, ADONI(S)E H3 68 --- ADONISE to adorn (oneself) [v]
Other tops: ADENOI(D) H3 68, ADONI(Z)E H3 68, ANE(R)OID H6 68, A(D)ENOID H6 68, DIO(X)ANE H4 68, DO(M)AINE H4 68, NAE(V)OID H6 68, O(C)EANID H6 68, (C)ODEINA H2 68, (S)ODAINE H2 68
Other moves: ADENOI(D) H2 66, ADENOI(D) H4 66, ADENOI(D) H7 66, ADENOI(D) H8 66, ADONI(S)E H2 66
ANE(R)OID H6 18 PIThompson
ADONI(Z)E H3 18 gmills0
DEAN(S) H4 14 sunshine12
ANODE H8 14 leobill
NAI(L)ED H8 14 lesft

On 2nd draw, PASSIVE(S) 8A 89 --- PASSIVE a verb form [n]
Other tops: PAVISSE(S) 8A 89
Other moves: PASSIVE 10E 80, PAVISES 10D 80, PAVISSE 10D 80, PASSIVE 10F 78, PAVISES 10B 78
PAVISES 10B 28 PIThompson
VISAS 10F 26 leobill
PAVES 10D 26 sunshine12
DIVES 4H 18 ginalee
PAVES 3G 17 gmills0
SPINES 6E 16 lesft

On 3rd draw, Q(U)ASH B6 44 --- QUASH to suppress completely [v]
Other moves: Q(I)S 10F 39, S(U)Q 10H 39, QO(P)HS 5G 32, QO(P)HS D4 32, Q(U)A B6 31
Q(U)ASH B6 44 gmills0
S(U)Q 10H 39 sunshine12
SHON(E) G2 26 PIThompson
QA(T) 3G 21 ginalee
Q(U)INS E6 13 lesft

On 4th draw, DETAILER E4 86 --- DETAILER one that details [n]
Other tops: RETAILED E4 86
Other moves: ALTERED I1 76, TREADLED 4A 72, REDEALT 10F 71, TREADLE 10D 71, TREADLED 4D 70
TARED I3 24 PIThompson
Q(U)ASHED B6 19 sunshine12, gmills0
DREAD 4H 14 ginalee
DREAD 4D 14 lesft
LEVER F6 12 leobill

On 5th draw, DROITS C3 29 --- DROIT a legal right [n]
Other moves: DROIT D1 24, TONDI C2 23, NIDOR D1 22, STOTIN C8 22, NODI C3 21
DROIT D1 24 PIThompson
VID F8 20 sunshine12
QI 6B 11 leobill
RIND 4B 10 lesft
ADONI(S)ED H3 9 gmills0

On 6th draw, REWAXING 9G 78 --- REWAX to wax again [v]
Other moves: WAXEN G5 51, WAXER G5 51, NIXER G5 45, WAXING D10 45, XENIA G7 41
WAXER G5 51 PIThompson
WAX I1 38 sunshine12
WEX 10D 29 gmills0
WAXING 3G 29 leobill
WAX 3G 25 lesft

On 7th draw, OMELET A10 32 --- OMELET a dish of beaten eggs cooked and folded around a filling [n]
Other moves: TELOMERE G3 31, LEME 8J 29, LOME 8J 29, NOME 8J 29, TEME 8J 29
NOME 8J 29 sunshine12
MELTON F10 28 PIThompson
MENG N6 13 lesft
GONE N9 7 gmills0

On 8th draw, FREEGANS 11D 74 --- FREEGAN an opponent of consumerism who uses survives using recycled goods [n]
Other moves: GANEF I3 36, FEASE F10 33, FEENS F10 33, FANEGAS 3G 32, FEGS F10 31
GEAN 8L 31 PIThompson
FAXES K7 30 leobill, gmills0
SEG 10H 28 sunshine12

On 9th draw, WITE 10J 43 --- WITE to blame [v]
Other moves: WIT 10J 40, TWIER D1 32, TWOER D1 32, TWIRE I2 28, WEIR D2 28
WITE 10J 43 sunshine12
WIRE I3 27 PIThompson
GROUT H11 21 gmills0
FRUIT D11 18 leobill
TROD 4B 10 lesft

On 10th draw, KUIA D1 37 --- KUIA an elderly Maori woman [n]
Other moves: FLANK D11 34, FLUNK D11 34, LAIK D2 34, NAIK D2 34, GLAIK H11 33
KINA G3 31 PIThompson
KAT G3 28 sunshine12
GAUNT H11 21 gmills0
FAINT D11 18 leobill
TAK 3G 13 lesft

On 11th draw, BACKUP 1A 48 --- BACKUP a substitute [n]
Other moves: CAUP 8L 47, PUCKA 1A 39, BAC 8J 38, BAP 8J 38, PAC 8J 38
BACKUP 1A 48 PIThompson, leobill, gmills0
PUNKA 1A 33 sunshine12
BANK 1A 30 lesft

On 12th draw, TANTALUM 3G 74 --- TANTALUM a metallic element [n]
Other moves: MAL 8J 30, MAN 8J 30, MAT 8J 30, GAMUT H11 27, GLAUM H11 27
MAT 8J 30 sunshine12
MENTAL F10 26 PIThompson
GAUNT H11 21 gmills0
MANE M7 9 leobill

On 13th draw, ZO 8L 46 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: GYRON H11 39, CRAZY K1 38, FOZY D11 38, OOZY 5H 32, ZANY K2 32
ZO 8L 46 PIThompson, sunshine12
CRAZY K1 38 gmills0, leobill

On 14th draw, GULCH H11 36 --- GULCH a deep, narrow ravine [n] --- GULCH to swallow greedily [v]
Other moves: FILCH D11 34, HIRE 4K 29, ECHE 12A 28, FICHE D11 28, FICHU D11 28
HEEL F10 28 PIThompson
GRICE H11 27 gmills0
HE F10 26 sunshine12
HELL L1 22 leobill
HEM N1 16 lesft

On 15th draw, JOLE L1 38 --- JOLE jowl [n] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other tops: FRIJOLE 13C 38
Other moves: FEYER F10 34, FRIJOL 13C 34, FY 12C 32, EERY 12A 30, FEY F10 30
JOLE L1 38 PIThompson
FRY 7M 24 leobill
JOG N7 23 lesft, sunshine12
FAIRY K2 22 gmills0

On 16th draw, JIBE 1L 39 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other moves: BONEY 2K 34, BONEYER M7 30, BY 12C 30, EERY 12A 30, FERNY D11 30
JIBE 1L 39 PIThompson, leobill, gmills0, sunshine12

On 17th draw, EROGENIC 14A 26 --- EROGENIC arousing sexual desire [adj]
Other moves: BEMOAN N1 24, COINAGE 14H 24, COREIGN 14H 24, CORNAGE 14H 24, Q(U)ASHER B6 24
GROG N6 22 sunshine12
AN 2N 20 PIThompson
FOG D11 14 lesft
HEROIN 15H 10 gmills0
ONER M8 4 ding

On 18th draw, ENVY 12A 36 --- ENVY to covet others' possessions,looks etc. [v]
Other moves: OVOID 5H 31, VID 5J 27, Y*D 5J 27, YOD 5J 27, NY 12C 26
OVOID 5H 31 PIThompson
LOY 13A 24 sunshine12
FROG D11 16 lesft
DOY 7M 16 leobill
TROY J3 15 gmills0
NOD C13 8 ding

On 19th draw, FADY 5J 35 --- FADY wearing away [adj]
Other moves: FEY F10 30, ADRY 5K 29, FADO 5J 29, FIDO 5J 29, YARFA K2 29
FADY 5J 35 PIThompson
FROG N6 28 sunshine12
AY 2A 24 annelhynz
DRY 7M 16 leobill
FORD 5G 8 gmills0
LOAD 13H 6 ding

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