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Game of October 3, 2011 at 14:52, 11 players
1. 499 pts babsbedi
2. 462 pts ginalee
3. 336 pts ayoba

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deefhis   H4    34    34   fished
 2. aeenstu   7C    64    98   uneathes
 3. ?eooors   4H    72   170   footsore
 4. adeimrw   8A    46   216   wamed
 5. aeiimnr   E5    40   256   reedman
 6. acehquw  10B    46   302   queach
 7. ?bcioov   8J    35   337   ovibos
 8. afglnsy   N1    36   373   gnarly
 9. aabnort  B10    28   401   qanat
10. denotwx  C12    44   445   oxen
11. aaelprs  11G    73   518   earlaps
12. eiotuwz  H11    72   590   azote
13. bdilntu   1H    33   623   butling
14. dgottuw  A13    37   660   wud
15. agijrtv   3L    44   704   ajar
16. cdfgiot   4B    32   736   coif
17. deiikpv   6E    36   772   ekes
18. eggilpr   2F    26   798   gripe
19. girttvy  L11    34   832   privy
20. dgiiilt  14J    22   854   livid

Remaining tiles: gitt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6217 Filebabsbedi    3 22:49  -355  499     1.6217 babsbedi    3 22:49  -355  499 
  2.5423 Fileginalee     2 21:45  -392  462     2.6846 woofy1      1  5:21  -738  116 
  3.5609 Fileayoba       1 12:58  -518  336     3.6764 una         0  1:07  -819   35 
  4.4023 Filelesft       1 12:23  -566  288     4.6460 iwhist      0  0:57  -838   16 
  5.6846 Filewoofy1      1  5:21  -738  116     5.6838 sunshine12  0  0:42  -848    6 
  6.3660 FileZEHAVARON   1  2:58  -776   78            Group: novice
  7.6764 Fileuna         0  1:07  -819   35     1.5423 ginalee     2 21:45  -392  462 
  8.4812 Fileleobill     0  0:25  -824   30     2.5609 ayoba       1 12:58  -518  336 
  9.5990 FileJennyB      0  3:04  -830   24     3.5990 JennyB      0  3:04  -830   24 
 10.6460 Fileiwhist      0  0:57  -838   16            Group: not rated
 11.6838 Filesunshine12  0  0:42  -848    6     1.4023 lesft       1 12:23  -566  288 
                                             2.3660 ZEHAVARON   1  2:58  -776   78 
                                             3.4812 leobill     0  0:25  -824   30 

On 1st draw, FISHED H4 34 --- FISH to catch or try to catch fish (cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates) [v]
Other moves: FISHED H7 30, FISHED H3 28, FISHED H8 28, FEEDS H4 26, FISHED H5 26
FISHED H4 34 babsbedi, ginalee

On 2nd draw, UNEATHES 7C 64 --- UNEATHES in a difficult manner [adv]
Other moves: UNSEATED 9A 61, ANTES I4 23, SAUTE G5 23, STANE I5 23, AENEUS G6 22
FASTEN 4H 18 ginalee
FAUNS 4H 16 iwhist, babsbedi
HA 7H 6 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, FOO(T)SORE 4H 72 --- FOOTSORE having sore or tired feet [adj]
Other moves: OOS(P)ORE G9 62, OOS(P)ORE I9 62, OOS(P)ORES J5 61, SO(P)OROSE J1 61, SO(P)OROSE J7 61
ROSE(S) 8A 21 babsbedi
FOS(T)ER 4H 16 ginalee

On 4th draw, WAMED 8A 46 --- WAMED having a belly [adj]
Other moves: WARED 8A 38, WIRED 8A 38, AIMED 8A 37, ARMED 8A 37, RIMED 8A 37
MAWED O1 33 babsbedi
WADER O1 27 ginalee

On 5th draw, REEDMAN E5 40 --- REEDMAN one who plays a reed instrument [n]
Other moves: MAINER 3J 31, MAINER 5J 30, AIMER 3K 29, ARM 6D 28, REMANIE O3 27
REMAIN O3 24 ginalee, babsbedi

On 6th draw, QUEACH 10B 46 --- QUEACH a thicket [n]
Other moves: QUA(T)CH K1 38, QUE(T)CH K1 38, SACQUE J7 37, HAW 3M 35, HEW 3M 35
HEW 3M 35 una
QUARE N1 28 babsbedi
QUASH L1 27 ginalee

On 7th draw, OVIBO(S) 8J 35 --- OVIBOS the musk ox [n]
Other tops: OVO(N)IC 8J 35
Other moves: BORIC N2 30, (C)OBRIC N1 30, VIB(R)IO 5G 29, BOR(I)C N2 28, B(A)RIC N2 28
VIBE O1 27 babsbedi, lesft
COVE O1 27 ginalee

On 8th draw, GNARLY N1 36 --- GNARLY gnarled [adj]
Other tops: SAFELY O1 36
Other moves: SNARLY N1 34, FYLES O1 33, EYAS 6E 30, FYLE O1 30, GANEFS O1 30
GAY 3M 27 babsbedi
YALES O1 24 ayoba
YA 3M 22 woofy1
YALE O1 21 lesft
SINGLY L7 20 ginalee

On 9th draw, QANAT B10 28 --- QANAT a system of underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: TAONGA 1J 24, BARONNE D2 22, BOET 6C 22, BORNA D1 22, ABATOR 11G 21
TANGO 1K 21 babsbedi, ginalee
TANGA 1K 21 ayoba
*B* M2 20 woofy1
VANT K8 14 lesft

On 10th draw, OXEN C12 44 --- OX a clumsy person [n]
Other tops: EXON C12 44
Other moves: EXO C12 42, DEX A13 38, EX C12 38, OX C12 38, WEX C13 38
OXEN C12 44 ayoba, babsbedi
EXON C12 44 woofy1
EX C12 38 ginalee
TEX A13 34 lesft

On 11th draw, EARLAPS 11G 73 --- EARLAP the tip of the ear [n]
Other moves: PSORALEAS J6 71, EARLAPS I9 65, ASLEEP 6A 34, APAGE 1K 33, SLEEP 6B 33
PAR A13 30 lesft
PAGE 1L 30 leobill
PEGS 1L 30 ginalee, woofy1, babsbedi
LAP A13 28 ayoba

On 12th draw, AZOTE H11 72 --- AZOTE nitrogen [n]
Other moves: ZOWIE D1 56, OUTFISHED H1 48, ZA 3M 44, ZO 3I 44, ZO M3 44
ZO M3 44 babsbedi, ayoba
ZO 3I 44 ginalee
WAX 13A 13 lesft

On 13th draw, BUTLING 1H 33 --- BUTLE to serve as a butler [v]
Other moves: TUB A13 28, BOTULIN 13G 26, UPBIND L10 26, LUD A13 25, BIT 12K 24
TUB A13 28 ayoba
PINT L11 12 lesft
DO M3 12 ginalee

On 14th draw, WUD A13 37 --- WUD insane [adj] --- WUD to cover with trees [v]
Other moves: DROW I10 32, GROW I10 32, TROW I10 31, ROW I11 30, DOW A11 28
WAD 3M 27 ginalee
WOT 12K 27 babsbedi, ayoba
SWOT M11 14 lesft

On 15th draw, AJAR 3L 44 --- AJAR partly open [adj]
Other tops: JIRGA D1 44
Other moves: JAR 3M 40, JAR G13 39, JA 3M 36, JA G13 36, JO M3 36
AJAR 3L 44 babsbedi, ginalee
JA G13 36 ayoba
JOG 13G 21 lesft

On 16th draw, COIF 4B 32 --- COIF to style the hair [v]
Other tops: COFT 4C 32, OCTOFID 13H 32
Other moves: GIFT 4C 30, COED 6C 28, DIF 4C 28, DOF 4C 28, GIF 4C 28
FA F6 26 ayoba
FIDO D2 18 babsbedi
FOG 13G 13 ginalee
POD L11 12 lesft

On 17th draw, EKES 6E 36 --- EKE to supplement with great effort [v]
Other tops: EEK 6D 36, VEEP 6C 36
Other moves: KELP 5L 32, KEP G13 31, KIP G13 31, VICED B2 30, KED G13 29
PIKED L11 28 lesft
PECK B2 24 babsbedi
KITED 14F 24 ayoba
SPIKE M11 22 ginalee

On 18th draw, GRIPE 2F 26 --- GRIPE to keep on complaining [v]
Other moves: LOGGIER 13G 24, ELOGIUM C2 20, LEIR 12K 20, LIPE 2G 20, PIPER L11 20
PRICE B1 18 ginalee
PE G13 16 ayoba
PRIG L11 14 lesft
PORE 13G 10 babsbedi

On 19th draw, PRIVY L11 34 --- PRIVY an outhouse [n] --- PRIVY private [adj]
Other moves: IVY 6A 25, STIVY M11 22, GIT 12K 21, TYG 6A 21, GRITTY 14E 20
PRY L11 16 babsbedi
PRIG L11 14 JennyB
RUM C6 5 ayoba

On 20th draw, LIVID 14J 22 --- LIVID having the skin abnormally discolored [adj]
Other moves: DOLIUM C3 18, LICIT B2 18, DIG 6J 17, GID G13 17, DIT 6J 16
DIGIT 13K 14 lesft
DIG 6A 13 ayoba
DIV 14J 11 babsbedi
GOD C3 10 JennyB

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