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Game of October 3, 2011 at 16:24, 3 players
1. 611 pts TwoFold
2. 263 pts raggedy01
3. 57 pts lesft

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aceglnr   H8    76    76   glancer
 2. ?eiorrs  15F   104   180   rosiere
 3. eehioos  14J    31   211   hoes
 4. adjlnot  13L    36   247   jota
 5. afiknsw  O12    54   301   wakf
 6. abdelru  12A    82   383   barleduc
 7. ?celort   E5    86   469   relocate
 8. adiilpy  12J    46   515   play
 9. adegimt   5B    62   577   migrated
10. bdeinuz   4A    64   641   zebu
11. aaeintu   C8    68   709   inaurate
12. eegiins   A1    55   764   seize
13. dehiopt   H1    48   812   pithed
14. aeoortw   A9    36   848   rowboat
15. anoqsuy   2E    46   894   squiny
16. dimnoov   B8    35   929   div
17. eeimnox   6E    59   988   exode
18. agiimno   1J    41  1029   aiming
19. efinnov   3C    27  1056   of

Remaining tiles: einnv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6607 FileTwoFold     3 19:28  -445  611     1.6607 TwoFold     3 19:28  -445  611 
  2.6062 Fileraggedy01   2  9:47  -793  263     2.6062 raggedy01   2  9:47  -793  263 
  3.4057 Filelesft       0  2:33  -999   57            Group: not rated
                                             1.4057 lesft       0  2:33  -999   57 

On 1st draw, GLANCER H8 76 --- GLANCER one that glances [n]
Other tops: CLANGER H4 76
Other moves: CLANGER H8 74, GLANCER H4 74, CLANGER H2 72, CLANGER H3 72, CLANGER H6 72
CLANGER H4 26 TwoFold
GLANCE H8 24 lesft

On 2nd draw, ROSI(E)RE 15F 104 --- ROSIERE a rose bush [n]
Other tops: IRO(N)ERS 15B 104, ORRISE(S) 15D 104, ORRI(C)ES 15B 104, ORRI(S)ES 15B 104, RE(V)ISOR 15D 104, RIO(T)ERS 15B 104, RORIES(T) 15C 104, ROSI(N)ER 15F 104, SORRIE(R) 15H 104, SOR(R)IER 15H 104, SO(R)RIER 15H 104, (C)IRROSE 15C 104, (C)ORRIES 15B 104, (L)ORRIES 15B 104, (W)ORRIES 15B 104
Other moves: ORRISE(S) 15B 101, ORRI(S)ES 15D 101, ROIS(T)ER 15E 101, ROSIER(E) 15F 101, ROSIER(S) 15B 101
ROSER(Y) 15F 48 TwoFold
GLANCERS H8 33 lesft

On 3rd draw, HOES 14J 31 --- HOE to use a hoe (a gardening tool) [v]
Other moves: HOE 14J 30, HOO 14J 30, HE 14J 27, HO 14J 27, ECHOISE 12G 24
HOES 14J 31 TwoFold

On 4th draw, JOTA 13L 36 --- JOTA a Spanish dance [n]
Other tops: JATO 13L 36, JOLT 13L 36
Other moves: JOL 13L 34, JOT 13L 34, JA 13L 32, JO 13L 32, CAJON 12H 28
JOTA 13L 36 TwoFold

On 5th draw, WAKF O12 54 --- WAKF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other tops: SIFAKA O8 54
Other moves: AKIN 12L 52, KAWS 12K 52, SIFAKA O10 51, FAWS 12K 50, SKAW 12J 50
KAFS O12 48 TwoFold

On 6th draw, BARLEDUC 12A 82 --- BARLEDUC a fruit jam [n]
Other moves: CREDAL 12H 43, ALEW 12L 41, DRAB 12J 41, BEAD 12J 40, BLAD 12J 40
BRAD 12J 40 TwoFold
BLANDER 11E 40 raggedy01

On 7th draw, RELOC(A)TE E5 86 --- RELOCATE to establish in a new place [v]
Other tops: COREL(A)TE E5 86, RECLOT(H)E E5 86
Other moves: RECTOR(A)L C7 76, COL(L)ARET B8 72, CORELAT(E) B7 72, C(H)ELATOR B8 72, C(H)LORATE B7 72
L(A)C 12K 33 TwoFold
BELT A12 18 raggedy01

On 8th draw, PLAY 12J 46 --- PLAY to engage in amusement or sport [v]
Other moves: PAY 12K 44, YAP 12K 43, DAY 12K 42, LAY 12K 40, YAD 12K 40
PLAY 12J 46 TwoFold
YAP 4C 28 raggedy01

On 9th draw, MIGRATED 5B 62 --- MIGRATE to move from one region to another [v]
Other moves: MEGABIT A8 36, GAMED D4 35, MEAD 13B 35, TAEDIUM G7 33, TAMED D4 33
GAMED D4 35 TwoFold

On 10th draw, ZEBU 4A 64 --- ZEBU an Asian ox [n]
Other moves: ZEBUB A8 54, BEDUIN A4 49, ZINEB A8 48, BIZE A12 45, BUAZE B10 44
BIZ 4H 27 TwoFold

On 11th draw, INAURATE C8 68 --- INAURATE gilded [adj]
Other moves: ZEATIN A4 58, NAZE A2 26, ZEIN A4 26, ZETA A4 26, ZEA A4 25
BEAT A12 18 TwoFold

On 12th draw, SEIZE A1 55 --- SEIZE to take hold of suddenly and forcibly [v]
Other tops: ZEINS A4 55
Other moves: GEEZ A1 42, SEEMING B2 27, SIZE A2 26, ZEES A4 26, ZEIN A4 26

On 13th draw, PITHED H1 48 --- PITH to sever the central nervous system of [v]
Other moves: HOPED 4H 42, TOPHE H1 42, OPHITE 3C 40, PITHED 4H 40, OPTED 3C 36
AH F5 26 TwoFold

On 14th draw, ROWBOAT A9 36 --- ROWBOAT a small boat designed to be rowed [n]
Other moves: AREW 15A 33, TREW 15A 33, REO 6A 32, RET 6A 32, ROO 6A 32
TREW 15A 33 TwoFold
BROW A12 27 raggedy01

On 15th draw, SQUINY 2E 46 --- SQUINY to squint [v]
Other moves: QUINSY 2F 40, QUOTAS G2 39, YANQUIS 2C 39, QUAY G7 38, QUAY I7 38
SQUINY 2E 46 raggedy01
SUN 6A 32 TwoFold

On 16th draw, DIV B8 35 --- DIV in Persian legend, an evil spirit [n]
Other moves: DON 6A 34, DOO 6A 34, EMODIN 6E 32, DIME 13E 31, DOME 13E 31
AMID F5 28 TwoFold
OINT 3E 21 raggedy01

On 17th draw, EXODE 6E 59 --- EXODE a farce [n]
Other moves: AXON F5 56, MAXI F4 56, EXED 6E 55, MAX F4 53, AX F5 50
MAXI F4 56 TwoFold, raggedy01

On 18th draw, AIMING 1J 41 --- AIM to direct toward a specified object or goal [v]
Other moves: HOMING 4H 28, MIDAIR F10 28, HOAING 4H 24, MIDI F10 24, MODI F10 24
MOD F10 23 TwoFold

On 19th draw, OF 3C 27 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other moves: HOVEN 4H 26, FE B14 25, FIVE 7I 25, LIEF D12 24, VENIN 7I 24
OF 3C 27 raggedy01
FIVE 7I 25 TwoFold

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