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Game of October 3, 2011 at 18:44, 10 players
1. 695 pts PIThompson
2. 615 pts jeff
3. 434 pts BouncingS

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adenruy   H6    80    80   unready
 2. bfgiorv  12D    26   106   forby
 3. ceiopsu   8G    63   169   precious
 4. ?abelno   N1    72   241   bonselas
 5. eeghnps   L6    78   319   phosgene
 6. ?demrrs  14F    82   401   murders
 7. adgknru   1L    33   434   nabk
 8. ahinotu   G6    28   462   ouph
 9. ainrstt  15A    79   541   transit
10. aeoqtuv  B10    76   617   quaver
11. aefgiot   F4    33   650   gift
12. deejmrv   I4    37   687   redeem
13. aiinovx  M11    42   729   nox
14. aeiityz  11E    46   775   za
15. acdeijo   H1    42   817   jade
16. giilowy  N12    36   853   yowl
17. aeiiotw  10D    40   893   taw
18. ceiilot   9C    23   916   cel
19. aiiiltv   E1    23   939   vital
20. giiiiot   D2    22   961   tig

Remaining tiles: eiiiioo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7681 FilePIThompson 10 13:06  -266  695     1.7681 PIThompson 10 13:06  -266  695 
  2.7024 Filejeff        5 14:12  -346  615     2.7024 jeff        5 14:12  -346  615 
  3.5697 FileBouncingS   1 24:49  -527  434            Group: novice
  4.5303 Filehannasaur   1 21:16  -568  393     1.5697 BouncingS   1 24:49  -527  434 
  5.5934 Filenarisa      1 18:31  -574  387     2.5303 hannasaur   1 21:16  -568  393 
  6.5993 FileHasni       0  9:36  -836  125     3.5934 narisa      1 18:31  -574  387 
  7.4057 Filelesft       0  7:27  -847  114     4.5993 Hasni       0  9:36  -836  125 
  8.5054 Filegmills0     0  4:05  -865   96     5.5054 gmills0     0  4:05  -865   96 
  9.4723 FileSuzette     0  3:37  -903   58     6.5501 luckymoo2   0  4:30  -914   47 
 10.5501 Fileluckymoo2   0  4:30  -914   47            Group: not rated
                                             1.4057 lesft       0  7:27  -847  114 
                                             2.4723 Suzette     0  3:37  -903   58 

On 1st draw, UNREADY H6 80 --- READY prepared [adj] --- UNREADY not ready [adj]
Other moves: UNREADY H7 76, UNREADY H2 74, UNREADY H3 74, UNREADY H4 74, UNREADY H8 74
UNREADY H6 30 PIThompson, hannasaur
DENARY H7 28 BouncingS
YEARN H4 24 jeff

On 2nd draw, FORBY 12D 26 --- FORBY close by [prep]
Other tops: FIBRO G10 26
Other moves: FORBID 11C 24, FRO I9 24, FIB G10 23, FOB G10 23, BOVID 11D 22
FORBY 12D 26 BouncingS, hannasaur
FRO I9 24 PIThompson
OF G8 20 jeff
FROG I3 15 Hasni

On 3rd draw, PRECIOUS 8G 63 --- PRECIOUS a darling [n]
Other moves: SCOPE 11B 33, COPE 11C 31, SCOP 11B 29, CEP 11C 27, COP 11C 27
SCOPE 11B 33 jeff, PIThompson
PICEOUS 9E 15 BouncingS
PRECIOUS 8G 13 hannasaur
PE I6 12 Hasni

On 4th draw, BON(S)ELAS N1 72 --- BONSELA a gratuity to a black South African [n]
Other tops: AB(A)LONES N1 72, BALONE(Y)S N1 72, NEOBLAS(T) N2 72, NO(T)ABLES N1 72, S(T)ONABLE N8 72, (A)BALONES N1 72
Other moves: UN(D)OABLE M8 70, BACLO(F)EN J6 69, BIO(C)LEAN K7 68, O(P)INABLE K6 68, (C)OINABLE K6 68
BOLINE(S) K5 32 PIThompson
BEAD 11E 28 jeff
S(T)ONABLE N8 22 hannasaur
BANE 13C 21 narisa
BONE(S) 13A 18 Hasni
NOBLES N3 10 BouncingS

On 5th draw, PHOSGENE L6 78 --- PHOSGENE a poisonous gas [n]
Other tops: PHEESING K3 78
Other moves: H*B* 1L 39, SHEEP 11A 33, SPHENE 11A 33, EH O1 32, GEEPS I10 31
H*B* 1L 39 PIThompson, narisa
EH O1 32 jeff, Hasni
SPHENE(S) 4H 24 BouncingS
SEEPING K4 20 hannasaur

On 6th draw, M(U)RDERS 14F 82 --- MURDER to kill unlawfully with premeditated malice [v]
Other moves: D(O)RMERS 14F 80, E(A)RDRUMS 6C 66, REDR(E)AMS 10C 64, R(E)DREAMS 10C 64, M(A)SED 14J 41
M(O)SED 14J 41 jeff, PIThompson
M(A)BE 1L 30 narisa
DRE(A)MS 14G 23 BouncingS
DR(U)MS 14H 22 Hasni
DRE(A)MS 13J 16 hannasaur

On 7th draw, NABK 1L 33 --- NABK a prickly shrub, the Christ's-thorn [n]
Other moves: KURGAN 3I 32, KURGAN(S) 4H 32, DU(S)K 4L 26, KA 11E 26, AD O1 24
KURGAN(S) 4H 32 hannasaur
KURGAN 3I 32 BouncingS
KA 11E 26 jeff, PIThompson, Hasni
DRANK 3K 20 narisa

On 8th draw, OUPH G6 28 --- OUPH an elf [n]
Other tops: HOAR K11 28
Other moves: AHI K10 27, NOH 11C 27, NAH M11 26, NOH M11 26, HAIN O4 25
HOAR K11 28 PIThompson
NOH 11C 27 jeff
EH I8 18 BouncingS
UNHAT(S) 4I 16 hannasaur
HINT(S) 4J 14 narisa

On 9th draw, TRANSIT 15A 79 --- TRANSIT to pass across or through [v]
Other moves: STRAINT(S) 4G 66, TRANSIT(S) 4G 66, ARTIEST I4 25, STRATI 15A 25, ANTSIER I3 24
TRANSIT 15A 29 PIThompson
ITA 11D 17 jeff
TRIN 11B 17 narisa
TRANSIT(S) 4G 16 hannasaur, BouncingS

On 10th draw, QUAVER B10 76 --- QUAVER to tremble [v]
Other moves: EQUATOR B9 72, QUOTER B10 70, QUOTA 11B 39, QUOTE 11B 39, TOQUE 2H 36
QUOTER B10 70 jeff, PIThompson
QUOTE 11B 39 narisa, BouncingS
TOQUE(S) 4I 28 hannasaur

On 11th draw, GIFT F4 33 --- GIFT to present with a gift (something given without charge) [v]
Other moves: AFT F5 31, EFT F5 31, OFT F5 31, FEATING 3I 30, GOAF F3 30
GIFT F4 33 PIThompson
FEAR K11 28 jeff
FIT C9 23 narisa
FATING 3J 20 hannasaur
FETING 3J 20 BouncingS
FIG(S) 4K 14 Suzette

On 12th draw, REDEEM I4 37 --- REDEEM to buy back [v]
Other moves: AJEE M1 36, DEEM I6 35, DEME I7 32, DEERE I6 30, JEERED J10 30
AJEE M1 36 PIThompson
JEERED J10 30 gmills0
MEER K11 24 jeff
JEER 11K 22 Suzette
JEER(S) 4J 22 hannasaur, narisa
JOE E11 20 BouncingS

On 13th draw, NOX M11 42 --- NOX short for nitrogen oxide [n]
Other moves: AX E4 39, IXIA H1 39, AX M12 38, OX M12 38, AX F9 34
NOX M11 42 PIThompson, jeff
XI C9 28 BouncingS
AXION 3J 24 hannasaur
AXON 3K 22 narisa
OXEN 11J 22 Suzette
EXO 5I 20 gmills0

On 14th draw, ZA 11E 46 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: ZETA H1 45, ZITE H1 45, TZAR F9 42, ZEA 10F 42, ZATI C7 35
ZA 11E 46 jeff, PIThompson
ZITI C7 35 BouncingS
ZAG 10J 33 narisa
ZAG 4D 26 lesft
ZITI 5C 26 hannasaur
RAZE 4I 26 gmills0

On 15th draw, JADE H1 42 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other moves: JIAO H1 39, AJAR F9 36, DIPHOSGENES L4 36, JEDI C7 33, ADJIGO 4B 30
JADE H1 42 PIThompson, jeff
JAR F10 26 BouncingS
JAG 4D 22 lesft
JANE 3L 22 narisa
JIN 3L 20 gmills0
JOE(S) 4K 20 hannasaur

On 16th draw, YOWL N12 36 --- YOWL to utter a loud, long, mournful cry [v]
Other moves: YOW N12 34, YOGI N12 32, GOWL N12 30, WIGGERY 4D 30, W*G N12 30
YOWL N12 36 PIThompson, jeff
YOGI C7 25 BouncingS
WO K11 25 narisa
LOGWAY 2D 17 hannasaur
WIG 4D 14 lesft
EXO 13L 10 luckymoo2

On 17th draw, TAW 10D 40 --- TAW to convert into white leather by the application of minerals [v]
Other moves: AW 10E 39, AWAIT M1 28, KWAITO O1 27, AW K10 25, WAE 10D 25
TAW 10D 40 PIThompson
WIT C9 23 jeff, luckymoo2, BouncingS
WITAN 3J 16 hannasaur
WIG 4D 14 lesft
TOW(S) 4K 12 narisa

On 18th draw, CEL 9C 23 --- CEL a celluloid frame of an animated cartoon [n]
Other tops: LOCI K5 23
Other moves: COLETIT D4 20, ELD I12 19, OE I11 19, OIL 9C 19, TEL 9C 19
LOCI K5 23 PIThompson
VIE 13B 17 jeff
CLOG 4C 14 luckymoo2
CILIATE 2D 13 hannasaur
COG 4D 12 lesft
CONE 3L 12 narisa

On 19th draw, VITAL E1 23 --- VITAL necessary to life [adj]
Other moves: VIAL E2 21, VIAL J2 20, VAT E3 19, VIA 13B 17, VIA J2 17
VITAL E1 23 PIThompson
VIA 13B 17 jeff
VAIN 3K 14 narisa
VA(S)T 4L 14 lesft
VET D8 10 BouncingS
VALET D6 9 hannasaur

On 20th draw, TIG D2 22 --- TIG to touch [v]
Other moves: GIT D2 21, AGIO M1 18, TIG G2 18, TOG G2 18, OI O14 17
TIG D2 22 jeff, PIThompson, narisa
TAGGER 4D 16 BouncingS
ERGOT 4H 12 lesft
GAIT 2G 7 hannasaur

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