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Game sheet of sunshine12 (file), Game of October 3, 2011 at 21:47

Word find
Word played
1 ?EEHOPS HOPES H4 28 -52 28 1/4 HEP(T)OSE H4 80 80 1/4
2 ACEEKOT KETO I3 24 -8 52 3/4 HOECAKE 4H 32 112 3/4
3 EENOOPT POKE M2 20 -2 72 4/4 PEKOE M2 22 134 3/4
4 ?ERSSTY ST(A)YERS O4 48 -50 120 3/4 S(H)YSTER O1 98 232 3/4
5 AEILLTW WALLET N6 35 -29 155 3/4 WALLIEST 9B 64 296 3/4
6 AGINOSU GUANS 8K 51 -27 206 3/4 SAGOUIN 11H 78 374 3/4
7 ADINORU DONA 8A 28 -42 234 1/4 DOUANIER 5B 70 444 2/4
8 ADEGMOU DOME 8A 36 -2 270 3/4 DOGMA 4A 38 482 2/4
9 BDEEIOX BOX 10A 30 -10 300 4/4 DEX 6B 40 522 2/4
10 FNORTUY FOY 8A 37   337 1/4 FUNNY F2   559 2/4
11 AILNORT ROTA 8A 25 -41 362 1/5 RATIONAL C8 66 625 2/5
12 ABEINRW WARB N6 33 -1 395 2/5 AWNIER N9 34 659 2/5
13 BEFILNR FEN O13 25 -8 420 4/4 FREE 10F 33 692 2/5
14 BEGHILU HULL 15A 24 -10 444 3/4 LAIGH 14B 34 726 3/5
15 CIINOTZ ZOON 12A 46 -8 490 2/5 ZOONIC 12A 54 780 3/6
16 AIINTUV VAR 8A 23 -1 513 3/4 AVID A1 24 804 3/6
17 BDIMNRU MILD 15A 34   547 3/4       838 3/6
18 BENRTUV REV O13 22 -4 569 1/4 ERUV 15F 26 864 3/6
19 ABJNTTT JAI M9 40   609 3/5       904 3/6

Total: 609/904 or -295 for 67.36%
Rank: 7507

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