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Game of October 3, 2011 at 22:33, 6 players
1. 597 pts sunshine12
2. 585 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 516 pts BouncingS

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eiimoy   H7    28    28   moiety
 2. aefghlo  11E    40    68   flotage
 3. ?abbeft   L6    92   160   fabbest
 4. einrrsv  12D    31   191   veiny
 5. adelmno   F6    72   263   medallion
 6. aeinrsw  14B    72   335   swannier
 7. lnoorst  15B    31   366   toros
 8. acdeiuu   M5    30   396   cadie
 9. aaeilnr  15H    29   425   aerial
10. aehlpru   8A    45   470   harped
11. eginqtu   B5    90   560   equating
12. aeklstt  N10    47   607   kletts
13. ehinory   O6    42   649   horny
14. acdeptw   A1    39   688   cawed
15. djnoruv   2A    34   722   adjourn
16. gituvxz   C2    38   760   jiz
17. giostuv   D4    28   788   out
18. gipsuvx  O12    36   824   xi

Remaining tiles: gipsuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6844 Filesunshine12  6 21:20  -227  597     1.6844 sunshine12  6 21:20  -227  597 
  2.6768 FileGLOBEMAN    6 20:03  -239  585     2.6768 GLOBEMAN    6 20:03  -239  585 
  3.5704 FileBouncingS   2 21:54  -308  516     3.6391 Grace_Tjie  3 13:20  -330  494 
  4.6391 FileGrace_Tjie  3 13:20  -330  494     4.6841 woofy1      4 18:21  -404  420 
  5.6841 Filewoofy1      4 18:21  -404  420     5.6446 iwhist      0  1:22  -769   55 
  6.6446 Fileiwhist      0  1:22  -769   55            Group: novice
                                             1.5704 BouncingS   2 21:54  -308  516 

On 1st draw, MOIE(T)Y H7 28 --- MOIETY a half [n]
Other moves: MEI(N)Y H8 26, MOIE(T)Y H4 26, MO(N)EY H8 26, MO(P)EY H8 26, MO(S)EY H8 26
MO(N)EY H8 26 sunshine12, BouncingS, GLOBEMAN
MOY(S) H8 16 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, FLO(T)AGE 11E 40 --- FLOTAGE the act of floating [n]
Other moves: HOG G7 31, HOLE G7 30, FLEA I9 28, FLOE I9 28, HOA G7 27
FLO(T)AGE 11E 40 BouncingS
HOG G7 31 iwhist, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HOE G9 22 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, FABBE(S)T L6 92 --- FAB excellent (FABBER, FABBEST) [adj]
Other moves: FABBE(S)T G3 78, FABBE(S)T I3 78, FEA(S)T L8 32, (L)EAFY 12D 32, FAB(L)E 12A 31
FEA(S)T L8 32 BouncingS
BEA(N)Y 12D 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
OBE G11 13 Grace_Tjie

On 4th draw, VEINY 12D 31 --- VEINY full of veins [adj]
Other moves: VISNE 12A 29, RIVEN M3 26, RIVER M3 26, RIVES M3 26, SIVER M3 26
VINER M3 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
RIVER M3 26 BouncingS
RIVES M3 26 Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, MEDALLION F6 72 --- MEDALLION [n]
Other moves: MELANOID 9B 65, NOMADE M3 36, AMBLED 8J 33, MOBLED 8J 33, LOAMED M2 32
MOANED M2 32 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, Grace_Tjie
MOAN M7 28 woofy1
ALBEDO 8J 27 BouncingS
BEAM 8L 24 iwhist

On 6th draw, SWANNIER 14B 72 --- SWANNY swan-like [adj]
Other moves: RESAWING J4 66, SWEARING J4 66, WEARINGS J5 66, SWANNIER 14C 63, WISER 15D 49
WISER 15D 49 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
ANSWER 15D 43 BouncingS
RESAW M3 38 Grace_Tjie
SWINE 15F 37 woofy1

On 7th draw, TOROS 15B 31 --- TORO a bull [n]
Other moves: SOL 15F 30, SON 15F 30, SOT 15F 30, ONOS 15C 28, STOLON G4 26
SON 15F 30 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
LOON 15A 25 Grace_Tjie
SOOT 15A 25 woofy1
MEDALLIONS F6 13 BouncingS

On 8th draw, CADIE M5 30 --- CADIE a caddie [n]
Other moves: CADIE E5 28, ABIDE 8K 24, BICE 8L 24, CADE E5 24, CADI E5 24
BICE 8L 24 GLOBEMAN, woofy1, sunshine12
ABIDE 8K 24 BouncingS
CADE M5 23 Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, AERIAL 15H 29 --- AERIAL an antenna [n]
Other tops: REALIA 15H 29, RENAIL 15H 29
Other moves: LEARN 15H 26, NERAL 15H 26, RENAL 15H 26, AIRNED 8A 24, ALINED 8A 24
RENAIL 15H 29 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
NARE E5 17 woofy1
LINER E3 16 Grace_Tjie
FAR 6L 8 BouncingS

On 10th draw, HARPED 8A 45 --- HARP to play on a harp (a type of stringed musical instrument) [v]
Other moves: RAPHE N2 39, UPHELD 8A 39, ARUHE N2 35, HABILE 8J 33, HARELD 8A 33
HARPED 8A 45 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HERALD 8A 33 BouncingS
HEAP E4 26 Grace_Tjie
HEAP 14L 25 woofy1

On 11th draw, EQUATING B5 90 --- EQUATE to be regarded as equal [v]
Other moves: QUETHING A4 81, QUIETEN E3 40, EQUANT B5 37, QUAINT B6 37, QUANT B6 36
QUATE B6 36 Grace_Tjie, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, BouncingS
QUEEN E5 36 woofy1

On 12th draw, KLETTS N10 47 --- KLETT a lightweight climbing boot [n]
Other moves: SKLATE N9 45, LATKE A1 44, SLAKE A1 44, STAKE A1 44, KLETT A1 32
STAKE A1 44 Grace_Tjie, woofy1, sunshine12
KI 10A 6 BouncingS

On 13th draw, HORNY O6 42 --- HORNY hornlike in hardness [adj]
Other tops: HENRY O6 42, HONEY O6 42
Other moves: HENRY A1 41, HEROIN O7 41, HONEY A1 41, HORNY A1 41, RHY N4 41
HONEY O6 42 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HORNY O6 42 woofy1
HORNY A1 41 BouncingS
RHINO O6 30 Grace_Tjie

On 14th draw, CAWED A1 39 --- CAW to utter the sound of a crow [v]
Other tops: PAWED A1 39
Other moves: EPACT A1 38, CAPED A1 36, PACED A1 36, ADEPT A1 35, CAWED E5 34
PAWED A1 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, Grace_Tjie, woofy1
ADEPT A1 35 BouncingS

On 15th draw, ADJOURN 2A 34 --- ADJOURN to suspend until a later time [v]
Other moves: JUDO E3 28, JURE E5 28, JUDO I6 25, JUDO G3 24, JUN C3 24
JUDO E3 28 BouncingS
JO E5 22 sunshine12, Grace_Tjie, GLOBEMAN
DO B2 17 woofy1

On 16th draw, JIZ C2 38 --- JIZ a wig [n]
Other moves: XI O12 36, XI C5 31, TIX I6 25, TUX I6 25, GJU C1 22
JIZ C2 38 GLOBEMAN, BouncingS, sunshine12
JUG C2 22 Grace_Tjie
XU E5 22 woofy1

On 17th draw, OUT D4 28 --- OUT to be revealed [v]
Other tops: OUS D4 28, ZIGS 4C 28, ZOIST 4C 28
Other moves: OI D4 26, OS D4 26, OU D4 26, OVIST 1G 26, SOV H2 26
ZIGS 4C 28 Grace_Tjie, woofy1
ZITS 4C 26 BouncingS
SOG H2 22 sunshine12

On 18th draw, XI O12 36 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: SIX H2 34, PSI H1 31, PESKY 10K 27, PIX I6 27, SPIV H2 26
XI O12 36 Grace_Tjie, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, woofy1
SIX H2 34 BouncingS

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