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Game of October 3, 2011 at 23:17, 4 players
1. 627 pts sunshine12
2. 612 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 594 pts BouncingS

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bfiorrx   H4    28    28   fibro
 2. abelosw   9H    75   103   sowable
 3. adeglms   5E    40   143   medials
 4. eilnouy   4D    38   181   lenify
 5. ?aeejtt   N8    82   263   jeanette
 6. ?eghrru   3I    79   342   rougher
 7. aceistw  13H    82   424   scawtite
 8. defmopv  O12    56   480   feed
 9. acegino  10B    80   560   coinage
10. ailmnot   C6    74   634   motional
11. adeiisy   O6    45   679   yea
12. hiinopt   8A    45   724   pithoi
13. agnnpsu  15H    39   763   unpanged
14. aeintxz  B12    51   814   zex
15. deikoqt   O1    42   856   dork
16. adoorsv  11E    33   889   ados
17. eiirrtv   3E    29   918   rev
18. inoqrtu   B2    38   956   quino
19. irrttuv  12A    28   984   tzar

Remaining tiles: irtuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6851 Filesunshine12  2 18:16  -357  627     1.6851 sunshine12  2 18:16  -357  627 
  2.6781 FileGLOBEMAN    2 18:37  -372  612     2.6781 GLOBEMAN    2 18:37  -372  612 
  3.5731 FileBouncingS   2 19:35  -390  594            Group: novice
  4.4004 FileMissDinty   0 17:07  -792  192     1.5731 BouncingS   2 19:35  -390  594 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4004 MissDinty   0 17:07  -792  192 

On 1st draw, FIBRO H4 28 --- FIBRO a wall board of compressed asbestos and cement [n]
Other moves: FIX H6 26, FIX H7 26, FIX H8 26, FOX H6 26, FOX H7 26
FOX H8 26 BouncingS
FIX H6 26 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 2nd draw, SOWABLE 9H 75 --- SOW to scatter over land for growth, as seed [adj] --- SOWABLE able to be sown [adj]
Other moves: SOWABLE G8 66, SOWABLE I8 66, BELOWS 9C 29, BLOWSE 9D 27, ELBOWS 9C 27
BELOWS 9C 29 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
ELBOWS 9C 27 BouncingS

On 3rd draw, MEDIALS 5E 40 --- MEDIAL a sound, syllable, or letter in the middle of a word [n]
Other moves: GAMBLED L6 32, LEAMS 10K 31, DEGAMES N8 30, GAMBLES L6 30, LEAM 10K 30
GAMBLED L6 32 BouncingS
LEAMS 10K 31 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 4th draw, LENIFY 4D 38 --- LENIFY to mitigate [v]
Other moves: ENOL 10H 29, EUOI 10H 29, LUNYIE 10C 29, ELOIN 10J 28, OLEIN 10J 28
YONI 10I 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
NEBULY L7 24 BouncingS

On 5th draw, JEA(N)ETTE N8 82 --- JEANETTE a light jean [n]
Other tops: JEA(N)ETTE N2 82
Other moves: (W)ATERJET 7D 73, JEANETTE(S) F1 69, JEA(N)ETTE N5 68, EJE(C)TA N9 56, AJEE 10E 39
JETE N6 27 BouncingS, sunshine12

On 6th draw, R(O)UGHER 3I 79 --- ROUGHER one that roughs [n]
Other moves: R(O)UGHER 10C 78, (B)URGHER 10C 78, ROUGHER(S) I8 64, HURR(A) O4 57, HE(A)R O12 48
HER(O) O5 42 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
RHE(A) O5 42 BouncingS
HUG(G)ER 15J 33 MissDinty

On 7th draw, SCAWTITE 13H 82 --- SCAWTITE silicate of calcium [n]
Other moves: SCAWTITE 14H 65, WETA O5 48, TWA O6 45, WEBS 6F 42, SETA O5 39
TWA O6 45 BouncingS
SETA O5 39 sunshine12
WINES F2 18 MissDinty

On 8th draw, FEED O12 56 --- FEED to give food to [v]
Other tops: FEOD O12 56
Other moves: DEMO O5 48, MEED O12 48, DEEM O12 46, EVO O6 45, FORMED O1 45
DEMO O5 48 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, BouncingS
MO 2J 21 MissDinty

On 9th draw, COINAGE 10B 80 --- COINAGE the act of making coins [n]
Other moves: COINAGE 12B 75, REGINA O3 51, CIAO O5 45, AGIO O5 42, ECO O6 42
CIAO O5 45 BouncingS
EGO O6 39 sunshine12
AG(O) J1 7 MissDinty

On 10th draw, MOTIONAL C6 74 --- MOTIONAL pertaining to movement [adj]
Other moves: MOTIONAL 8D 72, MANNITOL E7 70, MANNITOL E8 70, TORMINAL 7F 65, RIALTO O3 48
RIALTO O3 48 BouncingS
MINO O5 45 sunshine12
MAIL D1 9 MissDinty

On 11th draw, YEA O6 45 --- YEA an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: DISA O5 42, IDEA O5 42, SIDA O5 42, YA O7 42, ADRY O1 36
YEA O6 45 BouncingS, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 12th draw, PITHOI 8A 45 --- PITHOS a type of Greek storage jar [n]
Other moves: PITH 8A 39, PITHOI B3 38, TOPHI B3 35, HOI 14J 34, PITHOI B2 34
PITH 8A 39 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
PHT 8A 24 BouncingS
POT B5 15 MissDinty

On 13th draw, UNPANGED 15H 39 --- UNPANGED without pangs [adj]
Other moves: GASP 2K 33, GAUP 2K 33, ANUS 11E 30, SPANG 11H 29, GASP D12 28
GAPS D12 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
PURS O1 21 BouncingS
GUNNED 15J 9 MissDinty

On 14th draw, ZEX B12 51 --- ZEX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other tops: ZAX B12 51
Other moves: ZEATIN 12A 50, ZATI B12 39, ZEIN B12 39, ZETA B12 39, AZINE B2 38
XI D12 38 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
AZ(O) J1 31 MissDinty
Z(O) J2 30 BouncingS

On 15th draw, DORK O1 42 --- DORK a stupid or foolish person [n]
Other tops: DIRK O1 42
Other moves: KEB 6F 40, KO 2J 33, DIKE 11H 32, DOEK 11H 32, KOI 12J 29
DIRK O1 42 BouncingS
TOD A13 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
ED A14 18 MissDinty

On 16th draw, ADOS 11E 33 --- ADO bustling excitement [n]
Other tops: SAROD 3C 33
Other moves: IOS D10 32, SAV A13 30, SOV A13 30, ODORS 11G 29, SAVOR 11H 29
SAV A13 30 sunshine12
DOR A13 25 BouncingS
RASP J12 8 MissDinty

On 17th draw, REV 3E 29 --- REV to increase the speed of [v]
Other moves: IZAR 12A 28, TZAR 12A 28, RIVER 3A 23, VIER 3B 21, TIE 4K 20
ER A14 15 sunshine12
ET A14 15 GLOBEMAN, BouncingS, MissDinty

On 18th draw, QUINO B2 38 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other moves: OINK 4L 29, IZAR 12A 28, QUAIR K7 28, QUANT K7 28, QUART K7 28
QUINO B2 38 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
OR A14 15 BouncingS

On 19th draw, TZAR 12A 28 --- TZAR an emperor or king [n]
Other tops: IZAR 12A 28
Other moves: RIT C1 21, TIT C1 21, TUI 4K 20, IT C2 19, TITUP A4 18
RIT C1 21 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
TI C1 13 BouncingS
TE N2 8 MissDinty

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