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Game of October 4, 2011 at 01:33, 1 player
1. 126 pts Biddy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?delrtw   H3    78    78   twirled
 2. bnorsty   4D    26   104   sybow
 3. aeehnnt   5C    33   137   thee
 4. goosttz   F4    34   171   bez
 5. adegisu   I9    65   236   aguised
 6. aeknnos  H12    63   299   keno
 7. ?aadeov  12D    28   327   dovekie
 8. aimnrtv   3A    32   359   mavin
 9. afgnopr   A1    39   398   gompa
10. aegilnu   J3    66   464   unagile
11. eiopruy   K1    36   500   ropey
12. eeijlru   1H    39   539   jirre
13. acdeott  14G    34   573   anecdote
14. ahinost  15K    52   625   ahint
15. abestwx   8J    63   688   laxest
16. afinoqt   6B    33   721   qi
17. ilmorrt   M3    26   747   lorimer
18. abceinu   O2    65   812   incubate
19. afnorsw  11B    33   845   frow
20. afinstu  K10    27   872   fas

Remaining tiles: ilntu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4893 FileBiddy       0 10:43  -746  126     1.4893 Biddy       0 10:43  -746  126 

On 1st draw, TW(I)RLED H3 78 --- TWIRL to rotate rapidly [v]
Other moves: TR(A)WLED H6 74, TW(I)RLED H6 74, TR(A)WLED H3 72, TR(A)WLED H4 72, TR(A)WLED H7 72

On 2nd draw, SYBOW 4D 26 --- SYBOW a variety of onion [n]
Other moves: BORTY 6F 24, BORNYLS 7C 20, BR(I)ONY 5F 20, ORB(I)TY 5E 20, BORTY G8 19

On 3rd draw, THEE 5C 33 --- THEE the objective case of the pronoun thou [pron] --- THEE to use the pronoun thee [v]
Other tops: THAE 5C 33
Other moves: EATHE 5A 31, HAE 5D 31, ETHE 5B 29, TENANT 3C 28, THE 5C 27

On 4th draw, BEZ F4 34 --- BEZ the second tine of a deer's horn [n]
Other moves: ZO 6B 33, ZOOS I1 31, ZOS I2 30, DZOS 9H 24, DZO 9H 23

On 5th draw, AGUISED I9 65 --- AGUISE to adorn [v]
Other tops: AGUISED G9 65
Other moves: DEGAS 3A 26, GADIS 3A 26, EGAD 3B 25, GAID 3B 25, GUID 3B 25

On 6th draw, KENO H12 63 --- KENO a game of chance [n]
Other tops: KANE H12 63
Other moves: NONSKED 15C 39, SNAKED 15D 36, SNOKED 15D 36, SOAKED 15D 36, SNEAK 3A 34

On 7th draw, DOV(E)KIE 12D 28 --- DOVEKIE a seabird [n]
Other tops: AVO(I)D 3A 28, DOVEKI(E) 12D 28
Other moves: DEVA(S) 3A 27, DOV(I)E 3A 27, V(I)DEO J6 27, AV(I)D 3B 26, VO(I)D 3B 26

On 8th draw, MAVIN 3A 32 --- MAVIN an expert [n]
Other moves: INVAR 3A 28, RAVIN 3A 28, MAVIN 11A 27, VIM 11C 27, AMRIT 3A 26

On 9th draw, GOMPA A1 39 --- GOMPA a temple [n]
Other moves: GAMP A1 36, RAMP A1 33, ROMP A1 33, FA J14 31, MORGAN A3 30

On 10th draw, UNAGILE J3 66 --- AGILE able to move quickly and easily [adj] --- UNAGILE not agile [adj]
Other tops: LINGUAE J3 66
Other moves: LINGULAE 7H 61, LAGUNE J7 21, LUNGI J6 20, NEALING 14H 20, ALGIN 11A 19

On 11th draw, ROPEY K1 36 --- ROPEY resembling rope [adj]
Other moves: PYRO K3 34, ROPEY 11A 33, PREY K2 32, PUY K3 32, PIOY 11B 31

On 12th draw, JIRRE 1H 39 --- JIRRE (Afrikaans) an exclamation expressive of surprise, admiration, shock, etc [interj]
Other moves: JEER 1H 33, JIVER F10 33, JUREL 11A 31, JIVE F10 30, JUVE F10 30

On 13th draw, ANECDOTE 14G 34 --- ANECDOTE a brief story [n]
Other moves: LOCATE 8J 33, ODEA L3 29, DECO L4 28, TECTA L4 28, ODE L3 27
COAT 11B 19 Biddy

On 14th draw, AHINT 15K 52 --- AHINT behind [adv]
Other tops: OHIAS 15K 52
Other moves: HANT 15L 46, HAST 15L 46, HATS 15L 46, HINS 15L 46, HINT 15L 46
OATHS O10 21 Biddy

On 15th draw, LAXEST 8J 63 --- LAX not strict or stringent [adj]
Other moves: BESAW L4 44, WEX L4 44, LAWEST 8J 39, SWEAT L3 39, TEXAS L4 38
WEST O12 23 Biddy

On 16th draw, QI 6B 33 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QIS N6 32, QAT 11C 31, IF 9L 27, OF 7L 27, OF L3 27
FAX L6 13 Biddy

On 17th draw, LORIMER M3 26 --- LORIMER a maker of implements for harnesses and saddles [n]
Other moves: MILOR 7A 23, OM 7L 23, TRIM 11B 23, MILO 7A 22, MILT 7A 22

On 18th draw, INCUBATE O2 65 --- INCUBATE to warm eggs for hatching [v]
Other moves: AXENIC L7 36, BICE 7A 30, XENIC L8 30, NICE 7A 28, ICE 7B 27
CABIN 11A 25 Biddy

On 19th draw, FROW 11B 33 --- FROW a cleaving tool [n]
Other moves: FAW 11C 31, FROW 13B 28, ANOW 11B 27, AROW 11B 27, FAS K10 27
FRO E10 12 Biddy

On 20th draw, FAS K10 27 --- FA the fourth tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other tops: IFS K10 27
Other moves: FAA B2 26, FASTI K7 26, TUFAS 13A 26, FAST 13B 24, FIAT 13B 24
QUIT B6 13 Biddy

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