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Game of October 4, 2011 at 13:04, 11 players
1. 522 pts charmz
2. 519 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 496 pts raggedy01

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. amnpstu   H8    24    24   stamp
 2. aegiios   I9    22    46   agios
 3. ?aeegnr  11E    94   140   germinate
 4. acilrsw  10B    36   176   scraw
 5. ceegnty  12A    40   216   cygnet
 6. ?addeir   N8    87   303   faddier
 7. abnortx   O5    54   357   borax
 8. deelosu   8A    80   437   delouses
 9. ehlnoot  O12    34   471   then
10. ilnotwz   B4    34   505   tozie
11. aefiinr   L7    72   577   faintier
12. aehovwy   A1    53   630   wavey
13. eilmnor   N1    28   658   merlon
14. ilopqtu   K5    43   701   quipo
15. adehilt   1K    42   743   thema
16. eijlnov   3I    42   785   joiner
17. illotuu  A11    21   806   oculi
18. bdfiktu   2J    24   830   dui

Remaining tiles: bfkltv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6434 Filecharmz      3 23:28  -308  522     1.6434 charmz      3 23:28  -308  522 
  2.6782 FileGLOBEMAN    2 20:25  -311  519     2.6782 GLOBEMAN    2 20:25  -311  519 
  3.6096 Fileraggedy01   3 22:00  -334  496     3.6096 raggedy01   3 22:00  -334  496 
  4.5441 Fileginalee     1 21:32  -339  491     4.6522 Kenpachi    0 16:53  -400  430 
  5.5911 Filenarisa      0 15:06  -395  435     5.6000 annelhynz   0 13:16  -454  376 
  6.6522 FileKenpachi    0 16:53  -400  430     6.6843 sunshine12  1  9:54  -576  254 
  7.6000 Fileannelhynz   0 13:16  -454  376     7.6770 una         0  5:08  -731   99 
  8.5686 Fileayoba       0  9:24  -573  257            Group: novice
  9.6843 Filesunshine12  1  9:54  -576  254     1.5441 ginalee     1 21:32  -339  491 
 10.4828 Fileleobill     0 11:15  -649  181     2.5911 narisa      0 15:06  -395  435 
 11.6770 Fileuna         0  5:08  -731   99     3.5686 ayoba       0  9:24  -573  257 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4828 leobill     0 11:15  -649  181 

On 1st draw, STAMP H8 24 --- STAMP to bring the foot down heavily [v]
Other tops: PUMAS H4 24, STUMP H8 24
Other moves: MANUS H4 20, MAUTS H4 20, MUNTS H4 20, PANTS H4 20, PATUS H4 20
STAMP H8 24 ginalee, charmz, raggedy01
PAST H8 12 leobill

On 2nd draw, AGIOS I9 22 --- AGIO a premium paid for the exchange of one currency for another [n]
Other moves: AGIO I9 20, IMAGOES 11G 20, AGEISM 11C 18, AMIGOS 11G 18, EGOISM 11C 18
PAGES 12H 16 raggedy01
GAS 13F 15 charmz
MAGI 11H 14 ginalee
MAGS 11H 14 leobill

On 3rd draw, GERMINA(T)E 11E 94 --- GERMINATE [v]
Other tops: RE(T)EAMING 11C 94
Other moves: NEGA(T)ER J9 82, REAGEN(T)S 8A 80, AGRE(M)ENS 8A 77, ANERG(I)ES 8A 77, A(V)ENGERS 8A 77
REAMING 11E 40 raggedy01
(S)PONGER 12G 18 charmz
S(T)RANGE 13I 14 ginalee
GAGER 10G 9 leobill

On 4th draw, SCRAW 10B 36 --- SCRAW thin turf [n]
Other moves: ASWIRL N10 34, CLAW 10C 33, CRAW 10C 33, SCAW 10C 33, CAW 10D 32
CLAW 10C 33 Kenpachi
SCRAW N11 32 charmz
SCAW N11 30 raggedy01, narisa
CLAWS N7 30 leobill, ginalee

On 5th draw, CYGNET 12A 40 --- CYGNET a young swan [n]
Other moves: GENTY 12K 33, TEENY 12K 30, YENTE 12A 28, GEY 12D 27, YENTE 12K 27
GEY 12D 27 Kenpachi, charmz
YET 12D 22 annelhynz
YE 12K 17 narisa
SCENT B10 14 raggedy01, ginalee

On 6th draw, (F)ADDIER N8 87 --- FADDY inclined to take up fads [adj]
Other moves: DIEDRA(L) N8 83, DIEDRA(L)S 8A 83, RADI(O)ED N9 83, READI(E)D N8 83, R(E)ADIED N8 83
STAMPED(E) H8 38 ginalee
DARED N11 27 narisa
RE(S)AID N9 27 charmz
(S)IDED N11 23 Kenpachi
CARD A12 21 leobill, raggedy01
CRED A12 21 annelhynz

On 7th draw, BORAX O5 54 --- BORAX a white crystalline compound [n]
Other moves: RAX O7 42, TAX O7 42, AX O8 39, COAX A12 39, COXA A12 39
BORAX O5 54 raggedy01
TAX O7 42 ginalee, narisa, annelhynz, charmz
OX O12 22 Kenpachi
REX 13M 20 leobill

On 8th draw, DELOUSES 8A 80 --- DELOUSE to remove lice from [v]
Other moves: DELOUSER D3 70, DELOUSE J3 63, DELOUSE G2 62, DELOUSES B3 61, STAMPEDE H8 41
STAMPEDE H8 41 ginalee
DEES O12 30 charmz, annelhynz
SCOLD A11 24 raggedy01
LEED M9 23 Kenpachi
COLD A12 21 narisa
CEDE A12 21 leobill
ESS 13G 14 una

On 9th draw, THEN O12 34 --- THEN that time [n]
Other moves: NOH N4 31, OOH N4 31, HOO 13A 30, OH N5 30, ETHE M11 28
THEN O12 34 charmz, raggedy01
OH N5 30 Kenpachi
CHON A12 27 leobill
HEN O13 25 annelhynz
HEN M13 24 una
HOT M13 24 narisa
(T)OOTH L11 22 ginalee

On 10th draw, TOZIE B4 34 --- TOZIE a shawl [n]
Other tops: WIEL M9 34
Other moves: ZOS F6 32, LOW N4 31, NOW N4 31, TOW N4 31, ZO 6N 31
ZOS F6 32 Kenpachi
ZO 6N 31 narisa, una, ayoba, ginalee, charmz
NOW N4 31 annelhynz
ZAX 9M 29 raggedy01

On 11th draw, FAIN(T)IER L7 72 --- FAINTY somewhat faint [adj]
Other moves: INFERIAE G1 66, FEEN M9 34, FEER M9 34, FIER M9 34, ERF M11 33
FEER M9 34 Kenpachi
FEEN M9 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
FIE M9 30 una
CAFE A12 27 leobill, narisa, raggedy01, ginalee
FARE A1 27 charmz, annelhynz, ayoba

On 12th draw, WAVEY A1 53 --- WAVEY the snow goose [n]
Other moves: HEAVY M3 48, WAVEY M3 48, HOYA C3 38, WAVEY K4 38, CAVY A12 36
WAVEY A1 53 charmz
HEAVY M3 48 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
WAVEY M3 48 narisa
COWY A12 36 raggedy01
CHAW A12 36 ayoba
CHOW A12 36 annelhynz
WAVE A1 36 ginalee
CAVY A12 36 Kenpachi

On 13th draw, MERLON N1 28 --- MERLON the part of a parapet between embrasures [n]
Other moves: LEMON N2 26, MELON N2 26, MERINO K4 25, NOM N4 25, ROM N4 25
NOM N4 25 GLOBEMAN, Kenpachi, annelhynz
COME A12 24 narisa, ginalee
CREM A12 24 charmz
CLEM A12 24 sunshine12
CRIM A12 24 ayoba
ZONER 6B 16 raggedy01

On 14th draw, QUIPO K5 43 --- QUIPO a device to help memory [n]
Other moves: QUIP J6 40, QUOP J6 40, QUIP K5 39, QUOP K5 39, QUILT K5 37
QUIP K5 39 Kenpachi, narisa
QUOP K5 39 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
QUIT J6 36 raggedy01
QUITE 2J 34 ginalee
QUIT K5 33 ayoba
QIS F6 32 charmz
COLT A12 18 annelhynz

On 15th draw, THEMA 1K 42 --- THEMA theme [n]
Other moves: HAME 1L 39, ACHED A11 33, HAED M2 33, HEAD M2 33, ICHED A11 33
THEMA 1K 42 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HAME 1L 39 charmz, ayoba, narisa
EH O1 32 annelhynz, Kenpachi
CHID A12 30 raggedy01
DIME 1L 27 ginalee

On 16th draw, JOINER 3I 42 --- JOINER a carpenter [n]
Other moves: JOE 2J 33, JIVER 3J 30, JOIN 7D 28, CIVE A12 27, COVE A12 27
JOE 2J 33 annelhynz, Kenpachi, ginalee, sunshine12, ayoba, GLOBEMAN, narisa
JIVER 3J 30 raggedy01
COVE A12 27 charmz

On 17th draw, OCULI A11 21 --- OCULUS a circular window [n]
Other moves: CILL A12 18, CITO A12 18, CLOT A12 18, CLOU A12 18, COIL A12 18
CLOT A12 18 ayoba, charmz
COIL A12 18 narisa, ginalee
COLT A12 18 annelhynz, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, Kenpachi
CULT A12 18 raggedy01

On 18th draw, DUI 2J 24 --- DUO an instrumental duet [n]
Other moves: FLIC C7 23, HUNK L1 22, ADUKI 2A 20, IF 7F 20, KEB 2M 20
FLIC C7 23 Kenpachi
HUNK L1 22 ginalee, charmz
KIS F6 17 raggedy01
KO J2 16 annelhynz, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, ayoba
BOK J2 15 narisa

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