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Game of October 5, 2011 at 07:57, 5 players
1. 489 pts charmz
2. 293 pts babsbedi
3. 268 pts marigold

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaginrs   H7    70    70   sarangi
 2. ?aaeetx   I2    77   147   exarate
 3. eilnnop   H1    37   184   open
 4. ?bcflmo   J2    41   225   cob
 5. abeprrs  13B    82   307   sparerib
 6. acdelms  14F    40   347   mesal
 7. acdhnoy  15J    56   403   onycha
 8. aeeloru   D7    68   471   aureolae
 9. eiilost   E4    72   543   iolites
10. degitwz   2H    44   587   pectized
11. ?dintuw  11G    72   659   untwined
12. eefqrrv  B10    34   693   verser
13. diinoov   3L    40   733   nodi
14. iikmnot   4L    38   771   ko
15. dfijnuy   L7    50   821   djinny
16. affhltu   4A    38   859   haffit
17. egimouu   8K    42   901   ojime
18. ggiqtuw   A1    36   937   wight

Remaining tiles: glquuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6448 Filecharmz      2 21:19  -448  489     1.7694 PIThompson  0  1:59  -909   28 
  2.6224 Filebabsbedi    1 14:52  -644  293     2.7134 Stranger    0  0:28  -919   18 
  3.5361 Filemarigold    0 13:06  -669  268            Group: intermediate
  4.7694 FilePIThompson  0  1:59  -909   28     1.6448 charmz      2 21:19  -448  489 
  5.7134 FileStranger    0  0:28  -919   18     2.6224 babsbedi    1 14:52  -644  293 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5361 marigold    0 13:06  -669  268 

On 1st draw, SARANGI H7 70 --- SARANGI an Indian stringed instrument [n]
Other tops: NAGARIS H2 70
Other moves: NAGARIS H3 68, NAGARIS H4 68, NAGARIS H6 68, NAGARIS H7 68, NAGARIS H8 68
RASING H7 18 Stranger, marigold
GRAINS H4 18 charmz

On 2nd draw, EXA(R)ATE I2 77 --- EXARATE of pupae, containing grooves [adj]
Other moves: EXA(R)ATE G3 74, EXA(R)ATE G1 68, (M)EATAXE G1 68, (M)EATAXES 7A 66, E(U)TAXIA 13C 44
AXE(S) G12 38 charmz
TAX(O)N 11D 22 marigold

On 3rd draw, OPEN H1 37 --- OPEN affording unobstructed access, passage, or view [adj] --- OPEN to cause to become open [v]
Other moves: PEON H1 35, ENOL H1 29, LINEN J2 29, NEON H1 29, NOEL H1 29
PEN H2 22 charmz
PIXEL 3G 17 marigold

On 4th draw, COB J2 41 --- COB a corncob [n] --- COB to strike [v]
Other tops: COM(E) J2 41
Other moves: BIFOC(A)L 13G 40, C(O)B J2 39, COM(P)LEX 3C 36, EXC(A)MB 3H 36, CO(B) J2 35
COB J2 41 charmz
FIB 13G 15 marigold

On 5th draw, SPARERIB 13B 82 --- SPARERIB a cut of pork [n]
Other moves: APSE G6 24, BASER 14F 24, PEBAS 14D 24, BAPS G5 22, NABBERS 4H 22
BASER 14F 24 charmz
PEARS 14D 18 marigold

On 6th draw, MESAL 14F 40 --- MESAL middle [adj]
Other moves: MESA 14F 37, DECLASS B8 32, MES 14F 32, MASSED B10 30, ACMES J9 28
SEC 14H 24 charmz

On 7th draw, ONYCHA 15J 56 --- ONYCHA an ingredient in ancient incenses [n]
Other moves: CHAY 14A 43, AHOY 14A 39, YAH 12D 38, CHAD 14A 37, HAY 14B 37
CHAY 14A 43 charmz, babsbedi

On 8th draw, AUREOLAE D7 68 --- AUREOLA a halo [n]
Other moves: ALEURONE 11B 66, AUREOLAE 10B 62, AUREOLAE 10H 62, AUREOLES B6 62, AERUGO 12D 33
OE 14N 16 babsbedi
ERA K4 12 charmz

On 9th draw, IOLITES E4 72 --- IOLITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: SOILIEST B7 70, OILIEST C1 69, IOLITES E2 68, OILIEST E2 68, IOLITES E1 66
STILE K4 16 babsbedi
TOE 14B 14 charmz

On 10th draw, PECTIZED 2H 44 --- PECTIZE to change into a jelly [v]
Other moves: DITZ D2 43, PECTIZE 2H 40, ZITE F2 37, DITZY L11 36, ZED F2 36
ZIGS B10 34 babsbedi, marigold
ZEES 10B 33 charmz

On 11th draw, UNTWIN(E)D 11G 72 --- UNTWINE to separate the twisted or tangled parts of [v]
Other moves: (O)UTWINDS B6 63, N(O)DI 3L 36, IND(E)W C3 34, IND(O)W C3 34, D(A)N 3L 31
ZIN(C) M2 24 charmz
W(E) 1N 23 marigold, babsbedi

On 12th draw, VERSER B10 34 --- VERSER a verseman [n]
Other moves: VERSE B10 32, FERER 12K 31, EREV 12L 30, FIVER L1 30, FE 1N 29
FE 1N 29 charmz
FEVER C3 28 marigold
REFUTE 8A 27 babsbedi

On 13th draw, NODI 3L 40 --- NODUS a difficulty [n]
Other moves: ZONOID M2 36, DON 3L 35, NOD 3L 35, ONO 3M 33, OON 3L 32
DI 1N 21 marigold
DO 1N 21 babsbedi, charmz

On 14th draw, KO 4L 38 --- KO a Maori digging-stick [n]
Other tops: MINK D1 38, MONK D1 38
Other moves: MOKI D2 34, KOI C7 32, MINIKIN L1 32, KINO D1 30, KNIT D1 30
KO 4L 38 charmz
MINK D1 38 babsbedi
IDIOM O1 27 marigold

On 15th draw, DJINNY L7 50 --- DJINNY a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: FUNDY D1 43, JUDY D2 41, JUDY F2 39, DJINNY L8 38, FUNDI D1 34
FRY 15A 27 charmz
JINK L1 23 marigold
JAI 7C 18 babsbedi

On 16th draw, HAFFIT 4A 38 --- HAFFIT the cheekbone and temple [n]
Other moves: HAFT D1 32, HAFF F2 31, HUFF F2 31, FAULT D1 30, HAULT D1 30
FLAT D1 26 charmz

On 17th draw, OJIME 8K 42 --- OJIME a bead on a cord which fastens a Japanese container [n]
Other moves: HOMIE A4 30, EMO 3A 29, MOE 3B 29, MOI 3B 29, GOMUTI 8A 27
EMO 3A 29 charmz
MOE 3B 29 babsbedi
MO A14 22 marigold

On 18th draw, WIGHT A1 36 --- WIGHT a living being [n] --- WIGHT to blame [v]
Other moves: WITH A1 30, QUAG B2 28, QUAI B2 26, QUAT B2 26, QUA B2 24
QUAG B2 28 babsbedi, PIThompson
QUAT B2 26 charmz

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