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Game of October 5, 2011 at 12:29, 3 players
1. 403 pts narisa
2. 301 pts Stranger
3. 90 pts marcous

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efnorrt   H2    78    78   refront
 2. deehrtu   I3    31   109   heed
 3. ?aehity   2F    82   191   earthily
 4. aaddesx   J6    90   281   addaxes
 5. ?bcefjm   8J    54   335   djembe
 6. abilnoo   K8    37   372   jail
 7. aadnost   1K    31   403   dants
 8. iiklnop  L11    27   430   knop
 9. inorswz  15L    63   493   swiz
10. aeprsty  12C    78   571   yapsters
11. afgilnw   C9    36   607   flaying
12. cgilnor  N10    30   637   congii
13. abiintu  15A    24   661   biga
14. elorruv   1A    41   702   louver
15. aceiruv   D4    35   737   cruive
16. eeloqtw   E9    27   764   weep
17. aeimntu   B1    30   794   outname
18. giloqru  F12    32   826   suq
19. giilort   A5    23   849   torii

Remaining tiles: glooo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5914 Filenarisa      0 17:51  -446  403     1.7139 Stranger    2  6:40  -548  301 
  2.7139 FileStranger    2  6:40  -548  301            Group: intermediate
  3.6521 Filemarcous     0  3:16  -759   90     1.6521 marcous     0  3:16  -759   90 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5914 narisa      0 17:51  -446  403 

On 1st draw, REFRONT H2 78 --- FRONT to provide with a front (a forward part) [v] --- REFRONT to put on a new front [v]
Other tops: FRONTER H4 78
Other moves: FRONTER H2 72, FRONTER H3 72, FRONTER H6 72, FRONTER H7 72, FRONTER H8 72
REFRONT H2 28 Stranger

On 2nd draw, HEED I3 31 --- HEED to pay attention to [v]
Other tops: HEED G3 31
Other moves: HE G3 23, HE I3 23, DUH G1 22, FEUTRED 4H 22, FURTH 4H 22
HEED G3 31 Stranger

On 3rd draw, EARTHI(L)Y 2F 82 --- EARTHILY in an earthy manner [adv]
Other moves: HEARTI(L)Y 2E 76, THERE(B)Y 5E 48, FEATHE(R)Y 4H 40, THEREA(T) 5E 36, THEREI(N) 5E 36
HEY G1 28 Stranger
REA(D)Y 5H 14 narisa

On 4th draw, ADDAXES J6 90 --- ADDAX an African antelope [n]
Other moves: ADDAXES 9B 80, ADDAXES G8 71, ADDAXES I8 71, ADDAX J6 38, ADDAX 3B 37
AXE 1M 35 Stranger
AXE 3M 30 narisa

On 5th draw, DJEMB(E) 8J 54 --- DJEMBE a West African drum, beaten withn the hand [n]
Other moves: JEF(E) I9 53, J(E)FE I9 53, DJ(E)MBE 8J 51, J(O)BE I9 51, J(A)B I9 48
J(O)B I9 48 Stranger
J(A)B I9 48 narisa

On 6th draw, JAIL K8 37 --- JAIL to put in jail (a place of confinement) [v]
Other moves: ALBINO 1A 29, BANI I9 29, BONA I9 29, BAN I9 26, BOA I9 26
JAIL K8 37 Stranger
BASIN 12H 20 narisa

On 7th draw, DANTS 1K 31 --- DANT to frighten [v]
Other moves: SANTO 1K 27, TANAS 1K 27, DOATS 3K 26, ANDS 1L 25, STAND L10 25
STAND L10 25 Stranger
STAND L11 19 narisa

On 8th draw, KNOP L11 27 --- KNOP a knob [n]
Other tops: KILP L11 27
Other moves: KIP L11 25, KOP L11 25, KILN L11 23, KILO L11 23, KINO L11 23
KOP L11 25 Stranger
BLINK N8 13 narisa

On 9th draw, SWIZ 15L 63 --- SWIZ to defraud [v]
Other moves: ZORIS 15H 57, WIZ M13 44, WINOS 15H 39, WINZES L4 39, WIZ I11 38
WIZ M13 44 Stranger
ZIPS 14J 35 narisa

On 10th draw, YAPSTERS 12C 78 --- YAPSTER a dog [n]
Other moves: TYPEBARS N4 73, PASTRY 1A 41, PETARY 1A 41, SPEARY 1A 41, STAYER 1A 41
PRAYS 9D 25 narisa

On 11th draw, FLAYING C9 36 --- FLAY to strip off skin or hide [v]
Other moves: FLAW 13A 35, FAW 13B 33, FAW M13 32, WAW M13 32, GNAW 13A 31
FLAW 13A 35 narisa

On 12th draw, CONGII N10 30 --- CONGIUS an ancient unit of measure [n]
Other moves: GORING 15C 27, GR*NG* 15C 27, LOGIC 15A 27, ORGIC 15A 27, CONING 14A 26
GORING 15C 27 narisa

On 13th draw, BIGA 15A 24 --- BIGA a two horse chariot [n]
Other tops: BUNIA B6 24, TABU 11B 24
Other moves: BEAUT H11 21, BUAT 7L 21, ATUA 11C 20, BUNNIA 14A 20, NUBIA B6 20
BAG 15A 18 narisa

On 14th draw, LOUVER 1A 41 --- LOUVER a type of window [n]
Other tops: LOUVRE 1A 41
Other moves: VELOUR 1A 32, LEVO 3L 28, VALUE 11B 28, FERVOUR 4H 26, LEV 3L 26
LEVER H11 24 narisa
REVEL H11 24 marcous

On 15th draw, CRUIVE D4 35 --- CRUIVE a pen or sty [n]
Other moves: VAE 3K 33, VIVACE D1 28, CAVIE B6 27, CURIAE B6 27, CRUIVES F6 26
EVER H12 21 narisa, marcous

On 16th draw, WEEP E9 27 --- WEEP to express sorrow by shedding tears [v]
Other moves: LEW 3L 26, OWT 2A 26, TEEL 3K 26, TEW 3L 26, EWE 3M 24
QI 7C 21 narisa, marcous

On 17th draw, OUTNAME B1 30 --- OUTNAME to surpass in notoriety [v]
Other tops: MAE 3K 30
Other moves: MESIAN F10 28, TEAM 3L 26, EMETIN H10 24, MASE F10 24, MAST F10 24
MAST F10 24 marcous
MAP 14J 13 narisa

On 18th draw, SUQ F12 32 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: QUIRE L4 28, ROQUE L4 28, LURGI A5 26, QUIR(E) O4 23, QUIT G9 23
QUIT G9 23 narisa

On 19th draw, TORII A5 23 --- TORII the gateway of a Japanese temple [n]
Other moves: LOTI A5 20, RIGOL A7 20, TORI A5 20, TRIG G12 20, TRIGO A7 20
TRIG A7 17 narisa

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