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Game of October 5, 2011 at 14:01, 9 players
1. 515 pts Kenpachi
2. 482 pts ayoba
3. 462 pts ginalee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ceorrx   H7    44    44   cortex
 2. ?adinps  11D    90   134   pinheads
 3. ainrstw   8C    62   196   waitrons
 4. aabeitv  12A    34   230   vibe
 5. aabelny   B9    38   268   byline
 6. ikllnor  15A    42   310   krill
 7. aloortw  13B    30   340   nowt
 8. ceinotv   A7    27   367   icon
 9. egghltu  12K    28   395   teugh
10. aaegltu   O7    30   425   galuth
11. adehjou   N6    36   461   jade
12. adeehnr   F1    68   529   adherent
13. aaerssy   3F    82   611   hearsays
14. defmoot   1D    48   659   foamed
15. egiiorv   M7    30   689   voe
16. aaefiin   L1    30   719   fayne
17. aeioptu   K2    28   747   taupie
18. aiioqru   D1    36   783   faquir
19. iimooot   J3    26   809   smoots

Remaining tiles: giioz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6514 FileKenpachi    3 19:32  -294  515     1.6514 Kenpachi    3 19:32  -294  515 
  2.5782 Fileayoba       3 17:04  -327  482     2.6221 babsbedi    1 19:49  -375  434 
  3.5424 Fileginalee     1 24:37  -347  462     3.6156 raggedy01   2 19:07  -413  396 
  4.6221 Filebabsbedi    1 19:49  -375  434     4.6425 danmarcy    0  5:28  -664  145 
  5.6156 Fileraggedy01   2 19:07  -413  396     5.6792 sunshine12  0  5:40  -737   72 
  6.4839 Fileleobill     1 14:09  -563  246            Group: novice
  7.6425 Filedanmarcy    0  5:28  -664  145     1.5782 ayoba       3 17:04  -327  482 
  8.6792 Filesunshine12  0  5:40  -737   72     2.5424 ginalee     1 24:37  -347  462 
  9.5917 Filedabbler     0  0:26  -775   34     3.5917 dabbler     0  0:26  -775   34 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4839 leobill     1 14:09  -563  246 

On 1st draw, COR(T)EX H7 44 --- CORTEX the outer layer of an organ [n]
Other moves: CO(D)EX H8 42, C(A)REX H8 42, XER(I)C H4 42, RE(D)OX H8 38, XERO(X) H4 38
XERO(X) H4 38 ginalee
COXE(S) H5 26 Kenpachi
OXER(S) H4 24 ayoba
COX H8 24 leobill

On 2nd draw, PIN(H)EADS 11D 90 --- PINHEAD the head of a pin [n]
Other moves: OP(P)IDANS 8H 86, O(P)PIDANS 8H 86, DEANS(H)IP 11G 70, DEPAIN(T)S 11G 70, SANDPI(L)E 11A 70
SPAND(E)X 12B 32 raggedy01, Kenpachi
(E)XPANDS 12G 32 ginalee
PADS G11 22 ayoba
P(E)NDS G11 20 babsbedi
PIX 12F 12 leobill

On 3rd draw, WAITRONS 8C 62 --- WAITRON a server in a restaurant [n]
Other moves: WITAN 12A 34, INWRAPS D6 32, TWIRPS D7 30, RAWIN 12A 28, SWAIN 12A 28
WRIT 12B 24 Kenpachi
SWAN 12B 24 babsbedi
SWAT 12B 24 ayoba
PRAWN D11 22 leobill
SPAWN D10 20 ginalee
STRAINS K5 14 raggedy01

On 4th draw, VIBE 12A 34 --- VIBE a vibration [n]
Other moves: AVIATE 12A 32, VIAE 12A 30, VITA 12A 30, VITE 12A 30, ABATE 12B 26
VIBE 12A 34 ayoba
VITE 12C 26 babsbedi
BAIT 12B 22 Kenpachi
BEAT 12B 22 raggedy01
PAVE D11 18 ginalee, leobill

On 5th draw, BYLINE B9 38 --- BYLINE to write under a byline (a line giving the author's name) [v]
Other moves: NYALA 13B 37, YABA 13C 37, BAILEY B10 34, NYE 13B 33, YALE 13C 33
YEAN 13C 33 Kenpachi
BLINY B10 32 ginalee
VENA A12 21 ayoba
VALE A12 21 leobill
VANE A12 21 babsbedi, raggedy01

On 6th draw, KRILL 15A 42 --- KRILL an aggregate of small marine crustaceans [n]
Other moves: ROK A8 34, IKON A7 33, IRK 15A 33, KON A8 30, NORK 13B 29
KRILL 15A 42 leobill
KON A8 30 Kenpachi
IRON 15A 27 ginalee
VIOL A12 25 ayoba
VINO A12 25 raggedy01
DORK J11 19 babsbedi

On 7th draw, NOWT 13B 30 --- NOWT a zero [n]
Other tops: NOWL 13B 30
Other moves: NAW 13B 28, NOW 13B 28, WOO A8 27, RATOO A6 24, NOTAL 13B 23
NAW 13B 28 Kenpachi, babsbedi
WOO A7 22 ayoba
(H)OWL G11 19 ginalee
(H)AW G11 18 raggedy01
DRAWL J11 17 leobill

On 8th draw, ICON A7 27 --- ICON a symbol or image [n]
Other tops: CION A7 27
Other moves: CENTO A5 25, VETO A6 25, VINO A6 25, CON A8 24, CITO A6 22
CION A7 27 Kenpachi
VETO A6 25 ayoba
EVICT 14E 21 babsbedi
(H)OVEN G11 20 raggedy01, ginalee
VISE J6 15 leobill

On 9th draw, TEUGH 12K 28 --- TEUGH tough [adj]
Other moves: GUGLET B2 22, HUGE 12K 21, AUGHT I11 20, HUG 12K 19, HULE 12K 19
HUGE 12K 21 Kenpachi
EH 14E 16 ayoba
HUT F6 14 leobill
(H)E G11 10 ginalee
HUES J5 9 babsbedi

On 10th draw, GALUTH O7 30 --- GALUTH an exile [n]
Other moves: GALAH O8 27, GHAUT O11 27, LAUGH O8 27, LEUGH O8 27, TEUGH O8 27
LAUGH O8 27 raggedy01
HUGE O12 24 Kenpachi, ayoba, leobill
HALT O12 21 ginalee, babsbedi

On 11th draw, JADE N6 36 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other moves: HODJA N3 35, JOSHED J6 35, JEHADI E3 34, HADJES J3 33, HAJ N6 33
JADE N6 36 raggedy01, ayoba, Kenpachi
JOSHED J6 35 babsbedi
JUTE F6 27 leobill, ginalee

On 12th draw, ADHERENT F1 68 --- ADHERENT a supporter [n]
Other moves: EA(T)HE 10F 26, HARDEN B2 26, HERDEN B2 26, DRAWEE C5 24, DEA(T)H 10E 23
EH 13L 22 ayoba
WEE C8 19 Kenpachi
DASHED J6 17 babsbedi
AGREE N11 14 ginalee
RAJ 6L 10 leobill, raggedy01

On 13th draw, HEARSAYS 3F 82 --- HEARSAY secondhand information [n]
Other moves: ARAYSES B1 76, ASSAYERS J1 65, ARAYSES 5E 40, RESAYS B2 36, YAARS 1D 36
YEARS 1D 36 babsbedi, raggedy01
SAYERS 1E 27 ginalee
AYE E3 26 Kenpachi
YEA E4 23 ayoba

On 14th draw, FOAMED 1D 48 --- FOAM to form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) [v]
Other moves: DEAF H1 36, FOAM H1 36, MAFTED 1E 36, MOATED 1D 36, MOOED 4K 36
FOAMED 1D 48 raggedy01, babsbedi, Kenpachi, ayoba, ginalee
FOAM H1 36 danmarcy

On 15th draw, VOE M7 30 --- VOE a small bay, creek, or inlet [n]
Other moves: GOIER 4K 29, GRIEVE 4A 24, GEO 4K 23, GOER M7 23, FIVER D1 22
GRIEVE 4A 24 raggedy01
FIVER D1 22 ayoba, danmarcy, ginalee
GIVE 2A 21 babsbedi
VIRE 2A 19 Kenpachi

On 16th draw, FAYNE L1 30 --- FAYNE to feign [v]
Other moves: FAENA 2K 28, FAINE 2K 28, NAIF 4K 28, NEIF 4K 28, FAAN 2K 26
FINE 2L 24 babsbedi
FEN E4 23 Kenpachi
FIFE D1 20 ayoba
FINE 2A 19 danmarcy
FINE D1 14 sunshine12, ginalee
OE E1 5 raggedy01

On 17th draw, TAUPIE K2 28 --- TAUPIE a clumsy girl [n]
Other moves: TAUPE K2 26, APO 13L 23, PAUA K2 22, TAWIE C6 22, TOWIE C6 22
FATE 1L 21 danmarcy, Kenpachi
FIAT 1L 21 ayoba
FEAT 1L 21 babsbedi, ginalee
TAPE 2A 17 raggedy01
TIL E13 3 sunshine12

On 18th draw, FAQUIR D1 36 --- FAQUIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: FAQIR D1 34, QUARE 6B 34, QUIRE 6B 34, QUO(T)A 10E 33, QI 6J 31
QUIRE 6B 34 dabbler, ayoba
QI 6J 31 ginalee, danmarcy, babsbedi, raggedy01, sunshine12, Kenpachi

On 19th draw, SMOOTS J3 26 --- SMOOT to work as a compositor doing odd jobs [v]
Other moves: OM J5 25, MOST J6 24, MOS J6 23, FOOT 1L 21, OOMS J5 21
OM J5 25 Kenpachi
MOST J6 24 sunshine12
FOOT 1L 21 ginalee
MO 13M 19 ayoba
(H)OM G11 16 danmarcy
MO B6 12 babsbedi
MOOT B4 10 raggedy01

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