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Game of October 6, 2011 at 03:04, 1 player
1. 78 pts Suzette

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. addlnty   H8    28    28   dandy
 2. ?aeelqr   I3    74   102   lequear
 3. ?eghmrw   H1    50   152   shew
 4. aegikor   J3    37   189   keir
 5. aeiortw   G2    37   226   owt
 6. eiirstv   1A    90   316   visiters
 7. aaehino   F1    30   346   eh
 8. aeinpru  11A    72   418   unrepaid
 9. aeisttx   C8    96   514   extraits
10. eggorsu   5A    76   590   gougers
11. addeilm  15A    39   629   desmid
12. afinotu  15A    39   668   desmidian
13. aefgoop  12A    37   705   goaf
14. anostuy   K5    44   749   snouty
15. aaenouz  14I    72   821   ozaena
16. bfijlop  15L    46   867   foil
17. abllnot   A8    27   894   albugo
18. acilruv   8K    36   930   uvula
19. ceimort   J9    31   961   emic
20. bejnort   N6    31   992   jolter

Remaining tiles: bcnp

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4729 FileSuzette     0  2:43  -914   78     1.4729 Suzette     0  2:43  -914   78 

On 1st draw, DANDY H8 28 --- DANDY a man who is overly concerned about his appearance [n] --- DANDY fine [adj]
Other moves: DANDY H4 24, DAYNT H4 22, DANDY H5 20, DANDY H6 20, DANDY H7 20

On 2nd draw, LEQ(U)EAR I3 74 --- LEQUEAR a ceiling with recessed panels [n]
Other moves: Q(U)EERLY 12B 36, EQ(U)ALED 11B 32, Q(U)AERED 11B 32, Q(U)ERY 12D 32, LEADER(S) 11E 28

On 3rd draw, (S)HEW H1 50 --- SHEW to show [v]
Other tops: WH(A)M H1 50, (C)HEW H1 50, (P)HEW H1 50, (T)HEW H1 50, (W)HEW H1 50
Other moves: GREW H1 47, (S)MEW H1 47, G(R)EW H1 44, H(A)WM J6 44, GR(E)W H1 43

On 4th draw, KEIR J3 37 --- KEIR a vat for boiling and dyeing fabrics [n]
Other moves: RAKE J6 26, WEAKER 4H 26, YORKIE 12H 26, OAKIER G10 25, AGER G2 24

On 5th draw, OWT G2 37 --- OWT anything [n]
Other tops: EWT G2 37
Other moves: WAITE G3 35, WATER G3 35, WAIR G3 33, WAIT G3 33, WARE G3 33

On 6th draw, VISITER(S) 1A 90 --- VISITER someone who calls in to see you [n]
Other tops: REVISIT(S) 1A 90
Other moves: STIVIER J8 71, STIVIER J9 67, VIERS K1 60, VERS K2 58, VETS K2 58

On 7th draw, EH F1 30 --- EH to say 'Eh' [v] --- EH used to express doubt or surprise [interj]
Other tops: HOH 2F 30
Other moves: HAEN K1 27, HEN K2 26, NOAH 5D 25, HYAENA 12G 24, AAH 5E 23

On 8th draw, UNREPAID 11A 72 --- REPAY to pay back [adj] --- UNREPAID not repaid [adj]
Other tops: UNPAIRED 11A 72
Other moves: PARDINE 11E 40, PAIN G9 27, PEAN G9 27, PEIN G9 27, PIAN G9 27

On 9th draw, EXTRAITS C8 96 --- EXTRAIT an extract [n]
Other moves: TAXITES 5A 86, TAXITES J9 71, TETS K2 52, SIXTY 12D 49, EXIT 12C 48

On 10th draw, GOUGERS 5A 76 --- GOUGER one that gouges [n]
Other moves: GOERS K1 56, ERS K3 50, SEGO K5 36, SEG K5 34, GOUGERS A9 33

On 11th draw, DESMID 15A 39 --- DESMID a freshwater alga [n]
Other moves: DISMAL 15A 36, DUMELA A10 36, MISDEAL 15A 36, MUDDLE A10 36, SMILED 15C 36

On 12th draw, DESMIDIAN 15A 39 --- DESMIDIAN [adj]
Other moves: FUGATO A3 33, NIEF 8A 33, OFT 6A 32, FAINT B8 30, FAINT G9 30

On 13th draw, GOAF 12A 37 --- GOAF a rick in a barn [n]
Other moves: GOAF 4B 32, TEOPAN 10C 32, GEEP 8A 30, OF 10E 30, FAN 10F 29

On 14th draw, SNOUTY K5 44 --- SNOUTY resembling a long, projecting nose [adj]
Other moves: TANSY 10F 40, SNY K5 38, SNOUT K5 36, SNOT K5 34, AGOUTY A4 33

On 15th draw, OZAENA 14I 72 --- OZAENA a fetid discharge from the nostrils [n]
Other moves: AGAZE A4 48, GAUZE A5 45, GAZON A5 45, OZONE B5 45, ZOEAE 8A 45

On 16th draw, FOIL 15L 46 --- FOIL to prevent the success of [v]
Other moves: JOB G7 35, BOEP 8A 33, LIEF 8A 33, PLEB 8A 33, FIB J10 32

On 17th draw, ALBUGO A8 27 --- ALBUGO a white opacity of the eye [n]
Other moves: BOAT 4B 26, BOTT 10A 25, BAL J10 24, BAN J10 24, BAT J10 24
BLET 8A 21 Suzette

On 18th draw, UVULA 8K 36 --- UVULA the pendent, fleshy portion of the soft palate [n]
Other moves: LORICA B4 25, CLARINO M9 24, UVA B7 22, VAU D7 19, VOCAL B4 19
VAIL F10 15 Suzette

On 19th draw, EMIC J9 31 --- EMIC analysed linguistically by internal structure [adj]
Other moves: EMIR J9 29, EMIT J9 29, EMO J9 28, EM J9 27, TORC 13L 27
MACE F10 14 Suzette

On 20th draw, JOLTER N6 31 --- JOLTER one that jolts [n]
Other tops: BEJANT F8 31
Other moves: JAB F10 28, JANE F10 27, JATO F10 27, JOLE N6 27, JOLT N6 27
JAB F10 28 Suzette

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