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Game of October 7, 2011 at 01:14, 5 players
1. 277 pts immy
2. 199 pts iwhist
3. 183 pts Suzette

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aqruuu   H4    46    46   quare
 2. deeilnr   9H    74   120   redline
 3. abefiin   5E    48   168   beaufin
 4. ?ahpruz   L1    62   230   zupas
 5. aegkmss   O7   107   337   maskegs
 6. acejrtt  13H    86   423   trajects
 7. aelmntw   1H    51   474   waltz
 8. deenott   6F    30   504   teaed
 9. adiioru  14J    26   530   dor
10. aefhhop   M2    36   566   heh
11. aelmory  15K    50   616   yealm
12. agnpsuy   3C    45   661   unpays
13. aeiiorx  H11    60   721   oxter
14. egiortu  15A    80   801   groutier
15. acdginv   4A    31   832   viga
16. bdilnot  12D    28   860   bolix
17. deiiino  K11    30   890   enjoy
18. cdiostv  B10    38   928   victor
19. dfinoos   2E    30   958   of
20. innoosw   1A    32   990   winns

Remaining tiles: diioo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6755 Fileimmy        2 12:08  -713  277     1.6755 immy        2 12:08  -713  277 
  2.6439 Fileiwhist      1 12:23  -791  199     2.6439 iwhist      1 12:23  -791  199 
  3.4741 FileSuzette     0  7:23  -807  183            Group: not rated
  4.  -  FileJack22      0  1:58  -967   23     1.4741 Suzette     0  7:23  -807  183 
  5.  -  Filejeannie108  0  0:39  -980   10     2.  -  Jack22      0  1:58  -967   23 
                                             3.  -  jeannie108  0  0:39  -980   10 

On 1st draw, QUAR(E) H4 46 --- QUARE queer [adj]
Other tops: QUAR(K) H4 46, QUAR(T) H4 46, QUA(I)R H4 46
Other moves: QUA(I)R H8 28, (B)URQA H8 28, QUAR(E) H5 26, QUAR(E) H6 26, QUAR(E) H7 26
AQU(A) H5 24 Suzette

On 2nd draw, REDLINE 9H 74 --- REDLINE to withhold loans or insurance from certain neighborhoods [v]
Other tops: RELINED 9H 74
Other moves: UNDERLIE 5H 68, REDLINE I6 67, RELINED I6 66, RENAILED 6E 63, REDLINER 7A 62
LINER 7D 6 Suzette

On 3rd draw, BEAUFIN 5E 48 --- BEAUFIN a red cooking apple [n]
Other moves: BANE 8L 38, BANI 8L 38, BEAN 8L 38, BENI 8L 38, BIEN 8L 38
FABLE K6 10 Suzette

On 4th draw, ZUPA(S) L1 62 --- ZUPA a confederation of village communities [n]
Other moves: PU(T)Z 8L 61, HAZ(E)R O5 57, HAPU 8L 54, ZUPA(S) O5 53, HARP 8L 52
ZAP(S) O6 50 Suzette

On 5th draw, MASKEGS O7 107 --- MASKEG a marsh [n]
Other moves: MASKEGS O3 104, MASKEGS 3B 97, KAME 8L 62, KAES 8L 54, KEAS 8L 54
MAKES O5 42 Suzette

On 6th draw, TRAJECTS 13H 86 --- TRAJECT to transmit [v]
Other moves: JITTER L8 42, ZETA 1L 39, EJECTA F5 33, JETE N6 33, ARET M1 31
ZETA 1L 39 Suzette
JA 4D 22 immy

On 7th draw, WALTZ 1H 51 --- WALTZ to dance in three-four time [v]
Other moves: ANEW M1 40, ZEAL 1L 39, ZETA 1L 39, WAE 14J 38, WAN 14J 38
ZEAL 1L 39 immy
MALE F2 12 Suzette

On 8th draw, TEAED 6F 30 --- TEA to drink a beverage made with tea leaves and boiling water [v]
Other moves: DOE 14J 26, DON 14J 26, DOT 14J 26, NETTED 6A 24, TENTED 6A 24
NED 6D 19 immy

On 9th draw, DOR 14J 26 --- DOR a black European beetle [n] --- DOR to mock [v]
Other moves: DA 14J 23, DO 14J 23, DIAPIR 3I 22, RAD 14J 22, ROD 14J 22
DA 14J 23 immy, iwhist

On 10th draw, HEH M2 36 --- HEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: EPHAH 4B 36, HAH M2 36, HOH M2 36
Other moves: EPHA 15L 34, PHOH 4C 34, PAH M2 33, PEH M2 33, POH M2 33
HAH 4D 28 iwhist
EA 15K 17 immy

On 11th draw, YEALM 15K 50 --- YEALM to prepare straw for thatching [v]
Other moves: REAMY 15K 47, MAYOR 15G 44, AMOLE 15H 42, EARLY 15K 41, LAYER 15K 41
YAM 15K 26 iwhist
YE 15K 23 Jack22

On 12th draw, UNPAYS 3C 45 --- UNPAY to make good, do away by payment [v]
Other moves: PUNGAS 3C 35, PATSY H11 33, PUNGAS 4A 31, UPSY 3F 31, GAPY N3 30
PAY 4D 26 iwhist
YE N8 10 jeannie108

On 13th draw, OXTER H11 60 --- OXTER the armpit [n] --- OXTER to take under the arm [v]
Other tops: EXTRA H11 60
Other moves: AXE 8K 39, EXO 8K 39, RETAX H11 39, AX 8K 36, EX 8K 36
AXE 8K 39 iwhist

On 14th draw, GROUTIER 15A 80 --- GROUTY surly [adj]
Other moves: RIGOUT 2A 31, TOUR 4C 25, OUR 4D 21, GIRO 4A 20, GITE 4A 20
GO G11 15 immy
OGRE 11H 10 iwhist

On 15th draw, VIGA 4A 31 --- VIGA a ceiling beam in Spanish architecture [n]
Other tops: INVADE N4 31
Other moves: VINA 4A 28, ADVICE 11J 24, CAID N3 24, CANG N3 24, COVING 11G 24
DA 2F 19 immy

On 16th draw, BOLIX 12D 28 --- BOLIX to make a mess of [v]
Other moves: VIOLD A4 27, BO 2F 25, NIB 14D 25, OB 2E 24, VOLTI A4 24
BERE L12 12 immy
BIO C13 10 iwhist

On 17th draw, ENJOY K11 30 --- ENJOY to receive pleasure from [v]
Other moves: VIDEO A4 27, VINED A4 27, BOLIXED 12D 24, NODE 11C 22, DOEK 10L 20
NODE 11C 22 immy

On 18th draw, VICTOR B10 38 --- VICTOR one who defeats an adversary [n]
Other moves: DISCO N3 30, VOIDS A4 27, DIVOT 11A 26, DISC N3 25, DICOT 11A 24
VOIDS A4 27 immy
VID A4 7 iwhist

On 19th draw, OF 2E 30 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other tops: OVOIDS A3 30
Other moves: VOIDS A4 27, FIDOS 11A 26, INFO N4 25, FINOS 11A 24, VINOS A4 24
OF 2E 30 iwhist, immy

On 20th draw, WINNS 1A 32 --- WINN a penny [n]
Other tops: WINOS 1A 32, WOONS 1A 32
Other moves: OW 11D 24, VINOS A4 24, VISON A4 24, WINOS 11A 24, NONIS 1A 23
WOONS 1A 32 immy

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