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Game of October 7, 2011 at 02:02, 6 players
1. 535 pts immy
2. 524 pts iwhist
3. 465 pts TwoFold

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bdeein   H2    74    74   inbreed
 2. eeiortu   8C    60   134   etourdie
 3. aaerrst   D8    68   202   tartares
 4. adhisvy  15D    36   238   shady
 5. ?fiorrv   C1    84   322   overrife
 6. delmnno   1A    36   358   loomed
 7. acinptu  14F    39   397   panic
 8. emosuvw   5E   110   507   overswum
 9. aefgnot   3F    78   585   fontange
10. adilopz   2G    73   658   diazo
11. beoswxy  13G    59   717   wox
12. aehipry   1K    57   774   hyper
13. aegjkot   4A    46   820   jark
14. eelnoqs   A4    36   856   jeels
15. agiilnu   L5    74   930   miauling
16. eiinost  10C    62   992   ironiest
17. abciltu  C12    20  1012   but
18. acginqt  B13    23  1035   cag

Remaining tiles: ilnqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6774 Fileimmy        2 11:37  -500  535     1.6774 immy        2 11:37  -500  535 
  2.6419 Fileiwhist      2 16:05  -511  524     2.6419 iwhist      2 16:05  -511  524 
  3.6639 FileTwoFold     3 15:56  -570  465     3.6639 TwoFold     3 15:56  -570  465 
  4.5002 Filenaneru      0 15:10  -827  208            Group: novice
  5.  -  Filejeannie108  0  2:00  -972   63     1.5002 naneru      0 15:10  -827  208 
  6.  -  FileJack22      0  1:57 -1009   26            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  jeannie108  0  2:00  -972   63 
                                             2.  -  Jack22      0  1:57 -1009   26 

On 1st draw, INB(R)EED H2 74 --- INBREED to breed closely related stock [v]
Other tops: BEDI(Z)EN H4 74, BEIN(K)ED H4 74, BENDIE(R) H4 74
Other moves: BEDI(Z)EN H2 72, BEIN(K)ED H6 72, INB(R)EED H6 72, BEDI(Z)EN H3 70, BEDI(Z)EN H6 70
BIN(G)ED H4 22 iwhist, immy

On 2nd draw, ETOURDIE 8C 60 --- ETOURDIE thoughtless (feminine form) [adj]
Other moves: OUTRE G4 19, TOEIER I1 19, ROUTINE 3C 18, UTERINE 3C 18, NEURITE 3H 16
BITER 4H 14 iwhist
TEE I2 13 immy

On 3rd draw, TARTARES D8 68 --- TARTARE a tasty sauce [n]
Other tops: NARRATES 3H 68
Other moves: AERATORS E3 66, TARTARES D5 66, ARREST 9D 30, TARRES 9C 30, AEROSAT E5 28
ARREST 9D 30 jeannie108
REST 9F 24 immy
INB(R)EEDS H2 10 iwhist

On 4th draw, SHADY 15D 36 --- SHADY underhand [adj]
Other tops: SHAY C11 36, SHIVAS 15D 36
Other moves: HISSY 15A 33, SHAYS 15D 33, SHIVA 15D 33, SHIVS 15D 33, HAY C12 32
SHADY 15D 36 immy, TwoFold
SHIVAS 15D 36 iwhist
SHIVA 15D 33 jeannie108
DAY C12 26 Jack22

On 5th draw, OV(E)RRIFE C1 84 --- OVERRIFE too rife [adj]
Other moves: FOR(G)IVER 6B 73, FOR(G)IVER J2 73, FRIVO(L)ER 6B 73, FRIVO(L)ER J2 73, OV(E)RRIFE 6A 73
F(A) 14F 27 immy, iwhist
FAR(S) 9C 22 TwoFold
FR(E)ER J5 9 naneru

On 6th draw, LOOMED 1A 36 --- LOOM to appear in an enlarged and indistinct form [v]
Other moves: MONDE 14F 34, DEMON 14F 31, MEND 14F 31, DOOM 1A 30, MENO 14F 30
DOOM 1A 30 immy, TwoFold
MOONED 1A 30 iwhist
MOOD 1A 27 naneru

On 7th draw, PANIC 14F 39 --- PANIC to experience great terror [v]
Other moves: PINTA 14F 33, UPT(R)AIN 5E 32, PECTIN 14C 31, PANT 14F 30, PIAN 14F 30
PANT 14F 30 iwhist
PI B6 25 immy
PRINT G7 18 TwoFold
PART 13B 12 naneru

On 8th draw, OVE(R)SWUM 5E 110 --- OVERSWIM to swim across [v]
Other moves: OVERSWUM 10A 82, MEV(R)OUS 5E 44, SMEW C11 33, WOS 13G 31, MEOWS K10 30
MOVES K10 30 immy, iwhist
VOWS K11 30 TwoFold
WOVE 7J 16 naneru

On 9th draw, FONTANGE 3F 78 --- FONTANGE a tall head-dress worn in the 17th century [n]
Other moves: FRONTAGE 10C 66, GANEF 4K 37, GANOF 4K 37, GONEF 4K 37, FAG 13G 35
FAG 13G 35 iwhist, immy
OVEN 2B 24 naneru
FOAM L2 18 TwoFold

On 10th draw, DIAZO 2G 73 --- DIAZO a type of photocopy [n] --- DIAZO containing a certain chemical group [adj]
Other moves: ZOA 2J 68, ZA 2J 64, ZO 2J 64, ZORIL 4A 50, ZAP C12 47
ZOA 2J 68 iwhist
ZO 2J 64 immy
ZA 2J 64 TwoFold
ZED M2 13 naneru

On 11th draw, WOX 13G 59 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: EXO B5 58, BOX 13G 55, SYBOW 1K 54, EX B5 52, OX B5 52
EXO B5 58 immy, iwhist
BOXES 1K 50 TwoFold
BOXY 7J 24 naneru

On 12th draw, HYPER 1K 57 --- HYPER one that hypes [n] --- HYPER very excitable [adj]
Other moves: HARPY 1K 48, HEAPY 1K 48, YEAH 4L 48, HAIRY 1K 42, HAYER 1K 42
HARPY 1K 48 immy, TwoFold
AH B5 28 iwhist
HARPY 15J 21 naneru

On 13th draw, JARK 4A 46 --- JARK a pass [n]
Other tops: JERK 4A 46
Other moves: AKE B5 40, ATOK 4L 40, OKE B5 40, TEAK B3 39, KO B6 37
JERK 4A 46 iwhist
KO B6 37 TwoFold
JOE C12 35 immy
JAR 10B 26 naneru

On 14th draw, JEELS A4 36 --- JEEL to congeal [v]
Other tops: JOLES A4 36, JONES A4 36
Other moves: QIS 6B 32, QI 6B 31, EELS 4L 24, ELSE 4L 24, ENES 4L 24
JEELS A4 36 immy
QI 6B 31 TwoFold, iwhist
QUEENS F7 17 naneru

On 15th draw, MIAULING L5 74 --- MIAUL to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: ANVIL 2A 28, ANIL 4L 24, GAMING L3 24, ULAN 4L 24, ULNA 4L 24
UN 4L 18 TwoFold
TAILING 11D 16 iwhist
LANG 9J 9 immy
NAIL 9J 7 naneru

On 16th draw, IRONIEST 10C 62 --- IRONY like iron [adj]
Other moves: EOSINE N1 29, EVOS 2B 24, NEST 9F 24, OVEN 2B 24, ANTES 9D 23
STONE N3 20 TwoFold
SINE N3 19 iwhist, immy

On 17th draw, BUT C12 20 --- BUT a flatfish [n]
Other tops: BAT C12 20, BATTU 11A 20, LAB C12 20, TAB C12 20, TUB C12 20, UVA 2B 20
Other moves: AULIC M11 19, BRAIL G7 18, BRUIT G7 18, AB C13 16, BA C12 16
BAT C12 20 TwoFold
BONY H12 12 immy, iwhist, naneru

On 18th draw, CAG B13 23 --- CAG short for cagoule, a light anorak [n]
Other moves: CAN B13 21, CAT B13 21, GNAT M7 20, TANNIC 11I 20, AGIN M7 18
CAG B13 23 TwoFold
CONY H12 12 immy
CAGING 12J 12 iwhist

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