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Game of October 7, 2011 at 10:25, 7 players
1. 629 pts jeff
2. 557 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 514 pts ginalee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeiprtu   H4    22    22   pirate
 2. adnoopt   5C    72    94   adoption
 3. ehirstv  10B    82   176   thrives
 4. ?ceeorw   8A    98   274   crowfeet
 5. demossw   K5    48   322   sowmed
 6. eeinnot   A1    83   405   neotenic
 7. deintyy   8K    33   438   meiny
 8. ?belouv   H1    39   477   biopirates
 9. adeorvx   C8    50   527   oxhead
10. aciinot   N7    82   609   inaction
11. ailosuy   D7    45   654   swirly
12. egirtvz   J2    70   724   grenz
13. aeffrsv  O12    46   770   frae
14. ailstuu  14B    32   802   usual
15. aeijnov   D1    48   850   jived
16. abgimno  15E    39   889   bogman
17. dfkrtuu   M7    39   928   kif
18. agilruu   3A    20   948   ogival
19. adhlrtu   G7    32   980   hederal

Remaining tiles: qtuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7012 Filejeff        3 14:34  -351  629     1.7012 jeff        3 14:34  -351  629 
  2.6725 FileGLOBEMAN    2 25:57  -423  557            Group: intermediate
  3.5436 Fileginalee     1 20:19  -466  514     1.6725 GLOBEMAN    2 25:57  -423  557 
  4.5109 Filespellcheck  1 22:14  -534  446     2.6743 sunshine12  2 11:41  -739  241 
  5.6743 Filesunshine12  2 11:41  -739  241            Group: novice
  6.5701 Filesiuyee      0  9:40  -771  209     1.5436 ginalee     1 20:19  -466  514 
  7.5999 Fileannelhynz   0  5:26  -898   82     2.5109 spellcheck  1 22:14  -534  446 
                                             3.5701 siuyee      0  9:40  -771  209 
                                             4.5999 annelhynz   0  5:26  -898   82 

On 1st draw, PIRATE H4 22 --- PIRATE to commit piracy [v]
Other tops: PRATIE H4 22, PTERIA H4 22, UPRATE H3 22, UPTEAR H3 22
Other moves: ATRIP H8 20, PAIRE H4 20, PAREU H4 20, PARTI H4 20, PATER H4 20
PRATIE H4 22 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
PATER H4 20 jeff

On 2nd draw, ADOPTION 5C 72 --- ADOPTION the act of adopting [n]
Other moves: DOPANT G5 30, DAP G7 25, DOPANT 10H 25, PAD G7 25, ADOPT 10G 24
PAD G7 25 jeff, GLOBEMAN
PAD I3 16 annelhynz

On 3rd draw, THRIVES 10B 82 --- THRIVE to grow vigorously [v]
Other moves: OVERHITS E5 78, THRIVES G9 71, THRIVES I9 71, SHIVER K5 48, SHRIVE K5 48
SHIVER K5 48 jeff, GLOBEMAN, ginalee, sunshine12, spellcheck
HEIR 6B 22 annelhynz

On 4th draw, CROW(F)EET 8A 98 --- CROWFOOT a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: (F)ENCEROW J3 76, COWTREE(S) B7 74, NEWCO(M)ER J5 64, COWTREE(S) 8E 62, COWHEE(L) C7 42
E(S)CROW K4 42 jeff
(S)CREW K5 40 ginalee, GLOBEMAN
CHOW(D)ER C9 34 spellcheck
CROW 6B 25 annelhynz

On 5th draw, SOWMED K5 48 --- SOWM to ascertain ratio of cattle to pasture [v]
Other moves: DOWSES K2 44, MEOWS K1 44, SMEWS K1 44, SMEWS K5 44, SOWMS K1 44
MOSSED K3 42 jeff
MOSSED K2 42 spellcheck
MOWS K2 42 ginalee
ADOPTIONS 5C 24 sunshine12

On 6th draw, NEOTENIC A1 83 --- NEOTENIC pertaining to neoteny [adj] --- NEOTENY attainment of sexual maturity in the larval stage [adj]
Other moves: EMETIN 8J 27, MEINT 8K 24, MENTO 8K 24, MONIE 8K 24, MONTE 8K 24
MENTO 8K 24 ginalee
MOTEN 8K 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
NEON L6 19 annelhynz
TONE 4A 18 jeff
HINT C10 14 spellcheck

On 7th draw, MEINY 8K 33 --- MEINY a retinue [n]
Other tops: MEYNT 8K 33, MINTY 8K 33
Other moves: HYDYNE C10 32, TENNY J2 31, TINNY J2 31, DEY L6 30, DENY J3 29
MINTY 8K 33 jeff, spellcheck, ginalee, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 8th draw, B(I)OPIRATES H1 39 --- BIOPIRATE [n]
Other moves: VO(L)UBIL M3 30, BO(T)HOLE C7 28, VOLUBI(L) M3 28, BOV(I)D D1 26, VOLED D1 26
LOB(O) 4C 25 jeff
LOVED D1 20 spellcheck
H(A)LVE C10 20 ginalee

On 9th draw, OXHEAD C8 50 --- OXHEAD a blockhead [n]
Other moves: AXE B1 42, EXO B1 42, EXEDRA L8 40, WAX 7K 40, WEX 7K 40
AXE B1 42 jeff
WOX 7K 40 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
HOAXED C10 34 ginalee
REX D10 20 spellcheck

On 10th draw, INACTION N7 82 --- INACTION lack of action [n]
Other tops: NICOTIAN N8 82
Other moves: INACTION N1 74, NICOTIAN N1 74, CIBATION 1F 63, DIATONIC 13C 63, NICOTIN N8 30
COAT 12A 18 jeff, siuyee
ACTION 12C 18 spellcheck
CANTO 12B 14 ginalee

On 11th draw, SWIRLY D7 45 --- SWIRLY swirling [adj]
Other moves: LOUSY 15K 38, EASILY 2A 34, SOYA O12 34, SLAY 14C 33, AYS 14A 30
LOUSY 15K 38 spellcheck, ginalee
SOYA O12 34 jeff
YOU D12 25 siuyee

On 12th draw, GRENZ J2 70 --- GRENZ as in grenz rays, X-rays of long wavelength produced in a device when electrons are accelerated through 25 kilovolts or less [adj]
Other moves: ZORGITE 3G 56, ZIG M13 50, TREZ O12 49, ZIT M13 48, ZIG 4C 46
ZIG M13 50 jeff, siuyee, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
ZIT M13 48 ginalee
ZERO 13K 26 spellcheck

On 13th draw, FRAE O12 46 --- FRAE from [prep]
Other tops: FEAR O12 46, FRAS O12 46
Other moves: VASE 15L 44, FARSE 15K 38, AFF B1 35, *FF B1 35, SERF 14C 33
FRAS O12 46 jeff
VASE 15L 44 GLOBEMAN, spellcheck, siuyee, ginalee

On 14th draw, USUAL 14B 32 --- USUAL something that is the accepted norm [n]
Other moves: LAST 14A 26, LIST 14A 26, LUST 14A 26, SITULA 14C 26, SAULT 14C 25
LUST 14A 26 jeff, ginalee, siuyee
LASE 15L 16 spellcheck

On 15th draw, JIVED D1 48 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: JAI M13 43, JOTA G3 42, JA M13 41, JOT G3 39, JAI 4C 37
JAI M13 43 jeff
JOT G3 39 ginalee, GLOBEMAN
REJOIN 3J 26 siuyee
RIOJA 3J 24 spellcheck

On 16th draw, BOGMAN 15E 39 --- BOGMAN the body of a man preserved in peat [n]
Other moves: GAMBO 15E 35, NGOMA 15D 35, BAGNIO 15E 33, AMBO B1 32, GABION 15E 32
MANGO 15E 30 jeff, spellcheck
GAMING 2J 20 ginalee, siuyee

On 17th draw, KIF M7 39 --- KIF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: FURKID M4 37, KERFED 9G 35, KIF 7M 34, KEF 9G 31, KID M7 31
KIF M7 39 jeff
IRK 2D 17 spellcheck
FRAY 12A 14 ginalee

On 18th draw, OGIVAL 3A 20 --- OGIVAL pertaining to an ogive [adj] --- OGIVE a pointed arch [adj]
Other moves: ARGULI L10 19, GAL M13 19, GAR M13 19, GAU M13 19, RYA O7 19
GAL M13 19 jeff
GRAIL 2J 12 ginalee
GRAIN J11 8 spellcheck

On 19th draw, HEDERAL G7 32 --- HEDERAL pertaining to a particular ivy genus [adj]
Other moves: HEDERA G7 30, HEDER G7 29, HEREAT G7 26, DAH M13 25, DHAL 7F 25
HEDER G7 29 jeff
GARTH 2J 18 ginalee
GUARD 2J 14 spellcheck

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