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Game of October 7, 2011 at 11:57, 5 players
1. 382 pts ayoba
2. 335 pts ginalee
3. 275 pts yab

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. agipqrt   H6    24    24   qat
 2. aefittu   6F    27    51   fique
 3. aeglrrt   7E    22    73   retag
 4. ahnootv   5I    23    96   than
 5. adeghrs   8A    54   150   gashed
 6. ?emoott   M1    76   226   toomest
 7. ?eilnor   1H   122   348   oriental
 8. abdderu   4K    32   380   bemad
 9. aceiprv   O3    36   416   advice
10. deloosv   D8    26   442   hooved
11. adeflnu   B8    38   480   aefauld
12. abeinry   A1    95   575   beraying
13. eiiopsy   2F    30   605   yipes
14. acglnos  A12    31   636   gaol
15. aeimnou   N8    76   712   moineau
16. cijklos  M13    40   752   jol
17. iiknnrs  O12    43   795   risk
18. inptuww   3C    24   819   input
19. cinrsww   K4    27   846   basic

Remaining tiles: nrrwwxz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5787 Fileayoba       2 20:23  -464  382     1.7029 jeff        1  1:31  -784   62 
  2.5437 Fileginalee     1 23:12  -511  335            Group: intermediate
  3.6986 Fileyab         2 14:42  -571  275     1.6986 yab         2 14:42  -571  275 
  4.6113 Fileraggedy01   1 11:48  -667  179     2.6113 raggedy01   1 11:48  -667  179 
  5.7029 Filejeff        1  1:31  -784   62            Group: novice
                                             1.5787 ayoba       2 20:23  -464  382 
                                             2.5437 ginalee     1 23:12  -511  335 

On 1st draw, QAT H6 24 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QAT H7 24, QAT H8 24
Other moves: GRAIP H8 22, PAGRI H4 22, QI H7 22, QI H8 22, ATRIP H8 20
QAT H7 24 jeff
GRIPT H4 20 yab

On 2nd draw, FIQUE 6F 27 --- FIQUE a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: FETTA G7 24, FITTE G7 24, FATE G7 23, FAUT G7 23, FEAT G7 23
FIQUE 6F 27 yab
FIT I5 21 jeff
FATE 7G 12 ginalee

On 3rd draw, RETAG 7E 22 --- RETAG to tag again [v] --- TAG to provide with a tag (an identifying marker) [v]
Other moves: GARRET 5B 21, AGLET 5C 19, GARRET 5I 19, GARTER 5I 19, GRATER 5I 19
GLARE 5B 17 jeff
LARGE 5B 17 yab
REGAL 5J 14 ginalee

On 4th draw, THAN 5I 23 --- THAN that time [n] --- THAN used to introduce the second element of a comparison [conj]
Other tops: HANT 5I 23, HOON 5I 23, HOOT 5I 23, TATH 8F 23, THON 5I 23, VANT 5I 23
Other moves: HAN 5I 21, HAO 5I 21, HAT 5I 21, HOA 5I 21, HON 5I 21
HOOT 5J 19 ginalee
HAT 5J 17 ayoba, yab

On 5th draw, GASHED 8A 54 --- GASH to make a long deep cut in [v]
Other moves: RASHED 8A 51, DASHER 8A 50, GASHER 8A 50, SHADER 8A 44, SHARED 8A 42
SHARED 8A 42 yab
SHARED 4J 39 ayoba
GASHED K4 29 ginalee

On 6th draw, TOOME(S)T M1 76 --- TOOM empty [adj]
Other tops: MOOTE(S)T M1 76
Other moves: AMO(R)ETTO B8 72, OSTOM(A)TE C7 72, TENOTOM(Y) L3 70, TOM(A)TOES C1 70, O(S)TOMATE B3 63
MOTTO 4K 24 yab
MOTET 4K 24 ayoba
MA(S)T K4 22 ginalee

On 7th draw, ORIENT(A)L 1H 122 --- ORIENTAL an inhabitant of an eastern country [n]
Other moves: GER(A)NIOL A8 77, LO(W)ERING A1 77, REOIL(I)NG A1 77, RE(S)OLING A1 77, RO(W)ELING A1 77
(S)LINTER 1I 21 ayoba
OMEN 4L 18 ginalee

On 8th draw, BEMAD 4K 32 --- BEMAD to madden [v]
Other tops: BEMUD 4K 32
Other moves: BARED 2F 29, DAUBED 2E 29, BARDED 2E 28, ABRADED B8 26, DARED 2F 26
REDBUDS C2 26 yab
BED 2F 15 ayoba

On 9th draw, ADVICE O3 36 --- ADVICE recommendation regarding a decision or course of conduct [n]
Other moves: PRECAVA B2 32, AVARICE B8 28, PARVISE C3 28, SCRAPIE C8 28, SCRIVE C8 28
ADVICE O3 36 yab
DRIVE O4 27 ginalee
DIVER O4 27 ayoba

On 10th draw, HOOVED D8 26 --- HOOVE to hover [v] --- HOOVED having hooves [adj]
Other tops: BASED K4 26, DOVES 9K 26, LOOVES 9J 26, SOLVED 9H 26
Other moves: LOVES 9K 25, BASE K4 24, EVOS 9L 24, HOOVES D8 24, HOVED D8 24
SOLVED 9H 26 ayoba, raggedy01
RESOLVED E7 24 ginalee
SOLVES C3 20 yab

On 11th draw, AEFAULD B8 38 --- AEFAULD one-fold [adj]
Other moves: DEF 2H 33, FLUED 2F 32, NEF 2H 31, UNDEAFS C2 30, UNFED 2F 29
EF 2I 28 ayoba
FEUDAL 13A 20 yab
VALUED 11D 20 ginalee

On 12th draw, BERAYING A1 95 --- BERAY to befoul [v]
Other moves: YEAN A12 47, YEAR A12 47, BARNEYS C2 32, BERAYS C3 30, AIERY N6 29
BYRNIES C2 26 yab
NEAR A12 23 ayoba
VIBE 11D 18 ginalee
BRINY N8 16 raggedy01

On 13th draw, YIPES 2F 30 --- YIPES used to express fear or surprise [interj]
Other tops: SEPOYS C3 30
Other moves: PIOYES 9J 28, PYE A11 27, ESPY 9G 26, PIOYES 2E 26, PYES 9L 26
SPY 9H 24 raggedy01
OY A14 18 ayoba
RIPES 3A 14 ginalee

On 14th draw, GAOL A12 31 --- GAOL to put in jail [v]
Other moves: LOGANS 3C 29, CANSO 3E 26, BASAL K4 25, BASAN K4 25, BASON K4 25
SCAG 9H 23 raggedy01
SLANG 9H 20 ayoba
SAC 9H 19 ginalee

On 15th draw, MOINEAU N8 76 --- MOINEAU a small flat bastion [n]
Other moves: MOINEAUS C1 72, MENO B2 29, MENU B2 29, AMEN B1 28, OMEN B1 28
OMEN B1 28 ayoba
VENOM 11D 20 ginalee
EM 3H 20 raggedy01

On 16th draw, JOL M13 40 --- JOL to have a good time (S African Slang), JOLLED, JOLLING, JOLS [v]
Other moves: JO M13 38, JOCKOS 9J 37, LISK 15L 37, JO M9 36, JOKES 12K 34
JOL M13 40 ayoba
JOKES 12K 34 raggedy01, ginalee

On 17th draw, RISK O12 43 --- RISK to expose to a risk (a chance of injury or loss) [v]
Other moves: IRK O13 34, NISI O12 31, SIRI O12 31, BASK K4 28, SIK O12 28
SIRI O12 31 ayoba
RINKS 3A 18 ginalee
NILS 15K 15 raggedy01

On 18th draw, INPUT 3C 24 --- INPUT to enter data into a computer [v]
Other moves: PUNT 3E 20, UNWITS C3 20, INPUTS C3 18, OW 2M 18, (A)W N1 18
WO 9M 9 ayoba
OPT 10D 7 raggedy01

On 19th draw, BASIC K4 27 --- BASIC fundamental principles [n]
Other moves: BASIN K4 25, WINNS D1 24, BAS K4 23, FIQUES 6F 23, WOS 9M 23
BASIC K4 27 ginalee
SI 9H 16 ayoba
FROWNS 10B 14 raggedy01

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