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Game of October 8, 2011 at 02:22, 2 players
1. 84 pts immy
2. 35 pts Snook

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adikmnt   H4    30    30   kinda
 2. adgiioy   4D    28    58   yidaki
 3. ?cinooo   7A    61   119   coronoid
 4. egiirrt   A4    33   152   gricer
 5. delprty   3I    35   187   pertly
 6. ?deegst   5G    77   264   digester
 7. aborssw   O5    40   304   swobs
 8. einntuv   8E    68   372   unnative
 9. ahlnoot   3C    45   417   lotah
10. cdeiotw   5A    32   449   rowed
11. aeiloru   K8    20   469   variole
12. abeilmz   N9   104   573   imblaze
13. acenpqt  O13    28   601   ean
14. aaemquv   M9    52   653   qua
15. aegimnr   C7    72   725   rearming
16. acefhjo  12A    40   765   feijoa
17. cehpuvx  11E    38   803   hex
18. cpsttuu  15F    41   844   cutups

Remaining tiles: frtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6758 Fileimmy        0  2:01  -760   84     1.6758 immy        0  2:01  -760   84 
  2.5232 FileSnook       0  0:47  -809   35            Group: novice
                                             1.5232 Snook       0  0:47  -809   35 

On 1st draw, KINDA H4 30 --- KINDA kind of [adv]
Other moves: MANTID H4 24, KINDA H8 22, MANDI H4 22, MANTID H7 22, KAIM H5 20
MINK H5 20 immy

On 2nd draw, YIDAKI 4D 28 --- YIDAKI a long wooden wind instrument played by the Aboriginal people of Arnhem Land: YIDAKIS [n]
Other moves: AIDOI I3 23, DINGY 6F 22, GANDY 6F 22, YAGI I6 22, YOGA I6 22
DINGY 6F 22 immy

On 3rd draw, CO(R)ONOID 7A 61 --- CORONOID crown-shaped [adj]
Other moves: COO(S)IN 3B 28, CO(D)ON 3C 26, CO(G)ON 3C 26, CO(L)IN 3C 26, CO(L)ON 3C 26
CO(S) J2 24 immy

On 4th draw, GRICER A4 33 --- GRICER a train spotter [n]
Other moves: GRICE A4 30, RICIER A5 24, TRICE A4 24, CIRRI A7 21, CITER A7 21
GET 6B 18 immy

On 5th draw, PERTLY 3I 35 --- PERT impudent [adv] --- PERTLY in a pert manner [adv]
Other tops: PELTRY 3I 35, PERDY 3I 35, PREDY 3I 35
Other moves: DEY 6D 33, PLYER 3I 33, LEY 6D 31, YEP 6D 31, TYPED 3I 27

On 6th draw, DIGESTE(R) 5G 77 --- DIGESTER an apparatus in which substances are softened or decomposed [n]
Other tops: DIGESTE(D) 5G 77
Other moves: EDG(I)EST B9 76, EGEST(E)D B9 76, EG(E)STED B9 76, SIG(N)ETED 5G 76, (D)IGESTED 5G 75

On 7th draw, SWOBS O5 40 --- SWOB to swab [v]
Other tops: SWABS O5 40
Other moves: SOWARS O5 37, SWAB O5 37, SWOB O5 37, BOW 6D 35, RESEWS J2 34

On 8th draw, UNNATIVE 8E 68 --- UNNATIVE not native [adj]
Other moves: RIVEN 5A 25, RIVET 5A 25, INVENT N9 24, VENT 3B 21, VET 5C 21

On 9th draw, LOTAH 3C 45 --- LOTAH a small water vessel used in India [n]
Other moves: HOON 6J 34, HOOT 6J 34, NOAH 3D 32, HOA 2J 31, HOA 6J 31

On 10th draw, ROWED 5A 32 --- ROW to propel by means of oars [v]
Other moves: WOE 2J 31, RICED 5A 30, WE 2J 28, WED 5C 28, WO 2J 28

On 11th draw, VARIOLE K8 20 --- VARIOLE a small fovea [n]
Other tops: SURVEIL K5 20
Other moves: AUE 4K 18, AVOURE K7 18, EAR 2M 18, EAU 2M 18, OURALI N9 18

On 12th draw, IMBLAZE N9 104 --- IMBLAZE to set on fire [v]
Other moves: ZILLA 13I 48, BAIZE N7 46, EMBLAZE 14E 46, IMBLAZE 13H 46, IMBLAZE 14E 46
MAZE 14H 35 Snook

On 13th draw, EAN O13 28 --- EAN to give birth [v]
Other tops: EAT O13 28, NAE O13 28, NAT O13 28, TAE O13 28, TAN O13 28
Other moves: PEEN 15L 27, NAPE J12 26, PANE L12 26, PANT L12 26, PATE L12 26

On 14th draw, QUA M9 52 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QUAVER 10F 40, AMA 2M 26, AMU 2M 26, EMU 2M 26, QUA 2A 26

On 15th draw, (R)EARMING C7 72 --- REARM to arm again [v]
Other moves: GERMAINE 14D 65, GERMINAL 13D 65, MANG L12 30, MARG L12 30, MING L12 30

On 16th draw, FEIJOA 12A 40 --- FEIJOA a green edible fruit [n]
Other moves: FAH L12 35, FOH L12 35, CHIEF 12A 32, CHOOF 12H 32, FAE 2J 31

On 17th draw, HEX 11E 38 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other moves: PEH J12 35, CHOUX E10 34, PECH 11E 32, HEP J12 31, HUE 2J 31

On 18th draw, CUTUPS 15F 41 --- CUTUP a mischievous person [n]
Other moves: CUPS 15H 35, PUTTS 15G 32, PST 2F 31, CUTS 15H 29, PUTS 15H 29

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