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Game of October 8, 2011 at 03:06, 2 players
1. 433 pts kellybelly
2. 256 pts Joykor

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adnsuz   H4    50    50   zondas
 2. adegisu   G9    64   114   aguised
 3. ahinopy   5E   110   224   hyponoia
 4. aeorstu  15A   140   364   outreads
 5. ceelmtv   4A    31   395   cleve
 6. aeioqru   A3    54   449   acquire
 7. ceginot  13F    74   523   escoting
 8. ?aaegtu  12I    78   601   gateaus
 9. ailnosw  10A    40   641   swaling
10. deiorxy   6G    64   705   onyx
11. bhimopr   O5    98   803   bimorphs
12. adijlrt   L1    40   843   jarta
13. efklnov   1L    45   888   joke
14. defioor   A1    63   951   reacquires
15. ddefinr   C1    78  1029   friended
16. bfimnot   2K    32  1061   tamin
17. efiotvw  11C    35  1096   wof
18. beeilot   1C    36  1132   foible

Remaining tiles: eltv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7182 Filekellybelly  1 12:43  -699  433     1.7182 kellybelly  1 12:43  -699  433 
  2.6109 FileJoykor      1 11:39  -876  256            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6109 Joykor      1 11:39  -876  256 

On 1st draw, Z(O)NDAS H4 50 --- ZONDA a hot, dry, dusty wind [n]
Other tops: Z(O)UNDS H4 50
Other moves: ZU(P)ANS H4 48, Z(O)NDA H4 48, ZU(P)AN H4 46, ZU(P)AS H4 46, Z(O)UNDS H8 34

On 2nd draw, AGUISED G9 64 --- AGUISE to adorn [v]
Other moves: DISUSAGE 9F 63, DISUSAGE 9D 62, AGUIZED 4D 36, AGUIZES 4D 34, AGUIZE 4D 32

On 3rd draw, HYP(O)NOIA 5E 110 --- HYPONOIA a dulled mental activity [n]
Other moves: DIAPHONY 15G 104, HYPON(O)IA 5C 80, DIAPHONY 7H 69, HYPNOID 15A 51, HANDY 15D 48

On 4th draw, OUTREADS 15A 140 --- OUTREAD to surpass in reading [v]
Other moves: OUTDARES 15D 80, READOUTS 15D 80, OSSATURE 13F 68, OUTRAISE 12B 68, SAUTOIRE 12B 68

On 5th draw, CLEVE 4A 31 --- CLEVE a cliff [n]
Other moves: CLEM 4C 28, MEVE 4L 28, EMETIC 12C 26, MEET 14B 26, MEVE 4K 26
MA F14 20 kellybelly

On 6th draw, ACQUIRE A3 54 --- ACQUIRE to come into possession of [v]
Other moves: SEQUOIA 13G 52, CAIQUE A4 51, CIRQUE A4 51, LIQUOR B4 35, ROQUE J4 34
QUIRES 13B 30 kellybelly

On 7th draw, ESCOTING 13F 74 --- ESCOT to maintain financially [v]
Other moves: GOETIC 4J 33, LIGNE B4 32, ENLIT B2 31, ECO 10A 30, NOETIC 4J 30
CONE I3 22 kellybelly
CASTING 9F 11 Joykor

On 8th draw, GATEAU(S) 12I 78 --- GATEAU a rich layer cake [n]
Other tops: GATEAU(X) 12I 78
Other moves: AGUA(C)ATE 8H 74, AGUA(C)ATE L2 68, AD(J)UTAGE 7G 62, G(R)ADUATE 7E 61, (R)EACQUIRE A1 57
(S)TAGE 10A 25 kellybelly
ZAG(S) 4H 19 Joykor

On 9th draw, SWALING 10A 40 --- SWALING the act of scorching [n]
Other moves: ZONAL 4H 38, WALIS B2 37, SWAIL 10A 35, SWAIN 10A 35, SWOLN 10A 35
SWAIL 10A 35 kellybelly
SWAIN(S) O7 24 Joykor

On 10th draw, ONYX 6G 64 --- ONYX a variety of quartz [n]
Other moves: REACQUIRES A1 63, NOX 6H 53, XYLOID D8 50, DE(S)OXY O10 48, DEOXY 4K 47
NOX 6H 53 kellybelly
(S)EXY O12 39 Joykor

On 11th draw, BIMORPH(S) O5 98 --- BIMORPH a device consisting of two crystals cemented together [n]
Other moves: PHOBI(S)M O7 45, BOH 4J 40, POH 4J 40, BLIP B3 39, HOB 4J 39
PHO 4K 30 kellybelly

On 12th draw, JARTA L1 40 --- JARTA a term of endearment [n]
Other tops: JARTA C9 40
Other moves: JAI 4L 38, JAR 4L 38, JA 4L 36, JA 9C 36, TRIAD N2 31
JAR 4L 38 kellybelly
AJAR C8 19 Joykor

On 13th draw, JOKE 1L 45 --- JOKE to say something amusing [v]
Other moves: KNAVE 2J 44, KENO N6 42, LOKE N4 42, OKE N5 41, FLAKE 2J 40
JOKE 1L 45 kellybelly, Joykor

On 14th draw, REACQUIRES A1 63 --- ACQUIRE to come into possession of [v]
Other moves: ROADIE 2J 35, OREIDE 14E 33, FADO 2K 31, RODEO 7F 31, DIF 11C 29
IF 2N 27 kellybelly

On 15th draw, FRIENDED C1 78 --- FRIEND to enter into a warm association with [v]
Other moves: REINED 14F 34, DENARI 2I 32, FRIANDE C7 32, DELI B2 29, DIF 11C 29
IF 2N 27 kellybelly
DEFI 14L 24 Joykor

On 16th draw, TAMIN 2K 32 --- TAMIN a fabric [n]
Other moves: MOB N6 31, AMIN 2L 30, KIMBO N1 30, BEMA F12 28, FANO 2K 28
AMIN 2L 30 Joykor
FOB N4 28 kellybelly

On 17th draw, WOF 11C 35 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: VIDEO 7F 34, FEU 11E 24, FOU 11E 24, VET 14I 23, VIDE 7F 23
WOT 11C 23 kellybelly
EF 11I 15 Joykor

On 18th draw, FOIBLE 1C 36 --- FOIBLE a weakness or failing [n]
Other moves: BEET 12A 30, BELT 12A 30, BETE N6 30, BLET 12A 30, BOET 12A 30
BLET 12A 30 kellybelly
BEET 12A 30 Joykor

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