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Game of October 8, 2011 at 12:48, 4 players
1. 545 pts mylover81
2. 338 pts JennyB
3. 174 pts Stranger

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. fiosttt   H4    24    24   foist
 2. addeors   9B    70    94   deodars
 3. ?ceeiou   7B    64   158   icehouse
 4. amnoprs  10A    38   196   ransom
 5. einortu  11E    25   221   turion
 6. abbjrtu   6D    54   275   raj
 7. adehlnr  12I    81   356   handler
 8. efioptu   O7    36   392   piefort
 9. adehiny  12A    40   432   heady
10. ceeeknt  A12    39   471   heck
11. ?aeiitv  14A    90   561   caitives
12. abeilnr   L7    62   623   bilander
13. aegilox   6A    50   673   ex
14. egmotuw  13G    36   709   wem
15. egilnuy   M1    79   788   guyline
16. agglnov   A1    33   821   volage
17. aopqstw  15L    43   864   swop
18. agiqttu   5C    31   895   qua
19. bginttz   N9    39   934   bize

Remaining tiles: gntt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7201 Filemylover81   4 15:44  -389  545     1.7201 mylover81   4 15:44  -389  545 
  2.5970 FileJennyB      1 10:56  -596  338     2.7152 Stranger    1  8:00  -760  174 
  3.7152 FileStranger    1  8:00  -760  174            Group: intermediate
  4.6573 Filemarcous     1  3:12  -853   81     1.6573 marcous     1  3:12  -853   81 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5970 JennyB      1 10:56  -596  338 

On 1st draw, FOIST H4 24 --- FOIST to bring in by stealth [v]
Other tops: FITTS H4 24
Other moves: FITTS H8 18, FOIST H8 18, TIFTS H4 18, TIFTS H8 18, TOFTS H4 18
FOIST H4 24 mylover81

On 2nd draw, DEODARS 9B 70 --- DEODAR an East Indian cedar [n]
Other moves: ROADSIDE 6C 66, SIDEROAD 6G 66, FODDERS 4H 24, SADDO I3 23, FARDED 4H 22
FARDED 4H 22 mylover81

On 3rd draw, ICE(H)OUSE 7B 64 --- ICEHOUSE a building for storing ice [n]
Other moves: CE(D)I 8A 25, CE(R)O 8A 25, CI(A)O 8A 25, CI(T)O 8A 25, CO(N)I 8A 25
CEE 8A 20 mylover81

On 4th draw, RANSOM 10A 38 --- RANSOM to obtain the release of by paying a demanded price [v]
Other moves: MAROONS 5E 36, SPAM 10C 33, AMNIOS 6E 31, NORMAS 10A 30, PAM 10D 30
P*M 10D 30 JennyB
PRAMS J3 25 mylover81

On 5th draw, TURION 11E 25 --- TURION a thick new growth on a plant [n]
Other tops: TUNIER 11E 25
Other moves: ETUI 11D 24, NITER 11E 23, NITRE 11E 23, NITRO 11E 23, OURIE 11E 23
NITER 11E 23 mylover81
RETURN A10 21 JennyB

On 6th draw, RAJ 6D 54 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other tops: TAJ 6D 54
Other moves: BAJU 12I 32, JUBBA(H) E2 32, ABJURE D2 30, JUBATE D2 30, JAB I3 29
RAJ 6D 54 mylover81
JAB 10I 27 JennyB

On 7th draw, HANDLER 12I 81 --- HANDLER one that handles [n]
Other moves: HANDLER 10I 74, DAH 5C 27, HALED 5A 27, HANDER 12I 27, HANDLE 12I 27
DAH 5C 27 mylover81
EH 6A 26 JennyB

On 8th draw, PIEFORT O7 36 --- PIEFORT an unusually thick coin [n]
Other tops: POUFTER O6 36
Other moves: FORPET O10 33, FORPIT O10 33, POUF 5B 31, OUTFIRE O7 30, PREIF O11 30
FOP 5C 27 mylover81
FRUIT O11 24 JennyB

On 9th draw, HEADY 12A 40 --- HEADY intoxicating [adj]
Other tops: HANDY 12A 40
Other moves: HANDILY M7 38, HEADILY M7 38, HYNDE 12A 37, HYALINE M9 34, HAYED 5A 33
YEAH 5B 33 mylover81
HAY 5C 31 JennyB

On 10th draw, HECK A12 39 --- HECK hell [n]
Other moves: ICK H11 29, KNELT M9 28, NECKLET M8 28, ICE H11 25, KEEN N11 24
HECK A12 39 mylover81
CLEEK M11 22 JennyB

On 11th draw, CAITIVE(S) 14A 90 --- CAITIVE a captive [n]
Other moves: CAVITIE(D) 14A 78, CAVITIE(S) 14A 78, FI(X)ATIVE 4H 78, VITIA(B)LE M6 74, VITALI(S)E M8 72
VI(S)TA J5 18 JennyB

On 12th draw, BILANDER L7 62 --- BILANDER a two-masted cargo vessel [n]
Other moves: LIBRAE 15G 32, BAILEE N8 27, BRAILLE M7 26, LIBER 15G 26, LIBRA 15G 26
LAB 5C 21 mylover81

On 13th draw, EX 6A 50 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: AX 6A 50, OX 6A 50
Other moves: XI 15G 39, ILEX 15H 36, LOX 15G 35, AXILE M3 31, EXO N5 30
AX 6A 50 mylover81, JennyB
EX 6A 50 marcous

On 14th draw, WEM 13G 36 --- WEM a womb [n]
Other moves: MEOW 13G 34, MOW 15G 31, GEMOTE A1 30, TOME 13G 28, OM 10I 27
MOW 15G 31 mylover81, JennyB, Stranger, marcous

On 15th draw, GUYLINE M1 79 --- GUYLINE a rope, chain or wire used as a brace [n]
Other moves: LUNYIE A1 39, EYEING N10 38, GLUEY M3 37, LINGY M3 37, LINEY M3 35
GLUEY M3 37 JennyB
LINGY M3 37 mylover81
GEY 5C 27 Stranger

On 16th draw, VOLAGE A1 33 --- VOLAGE giddy [adj]
Other tops: LOVAGE A1 33
Other moves: GOGGA 1K 27, GOAL L2 24, OLLAV 4K 24, GALVO K3 23, AGOG 1L 21
GOV 1M 21 JennyB, mylover81, Stranger

On 17th draw, SWOP 15L 43 --- SWOP to trade [v]
Other tops: SOWP 15L 43, SPAW 15L 43, SWAP 15L 43
Other moves: PORTAS 14J 41, STAW 15L 37, STOW 15L 37, SWAT 15L 37, SWOT 15L 37
SWOP 15L 43 Stranger
QUOP 2L 30 mylover81

On 18th draw, QUA 5C 31 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QUATRE D2 30, QUAG 2L 28, QUARE D3 28, QUILT 4J 28, QUIRE D3 28
QUATRE D2 30 Stranger
QUAG 2L 28 mylover81

On 19th draw, BIZE N9 39 --- BIZE a cold wind in Switzerland [n]
Other moves: BIZ G3 33, ZIG G3 31, ZIN G3 29, ZIT G3 29, ZINGY 3I 28
BIZ G3 33 mylover81
ZO N14 22 Stranger

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