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Game sheet of Zweep (file), Game of October 8, 2011 at 19:49

Word find
Word played
1 CCDEHIO CHOICE H3 34   34 1/1       34 1/1
2 EKNOQRT INK 6H 17 -12 51 1/1 KRONE 9G 29 63 1/1
3 AIJLSTW WAITS 8K 32 -21 83 1/1 WILJA 8K 53 116 1/1
4 ADILNRT WEND K8 16 -70 99 1/1 TRINODAL 5D 86 202 1/1
5 AEHILNS HAILS 6J 33 -1 132 1/1 HANSEL 4A 34 236 1/1
6 ?AEIOOT OATH A1 21 -37 153 1/1 OSTIO(L)ATE D3 58 294 1/1
7 AEEFINP FAI(L) 8A 18 -15 171 1/1 PEAHEN A1 33 327 1/1
8 AGMNORU MANOR 6J 27 -41 198 1/1 ORGANUM B6 68 395 1/1
9 ADEFGOR OGRE A12 23 -15 221 1/1 GOFER A11 38 433 1/1
10 ?EETUVZ ZEE 4J 37 -8 258 1/1 Z(O)UAVE J2 45 478 1/1
11 AFIRSTX TAX E9 42 -4 300 1/1 TAXIS E9 46 524 1/1
12 EFLOSWY EF B1 24 -22 324 1/1 WOF F10 46 570 1/1
13 ADELMSU EM B1 20 -59 344 1/1 MEDUSAL 10I 79 649 1/1
14 AERTTVY LEVY O10 14 -22 358 1/1 AZERTY 2I 36 685 1/1
15 BDENORT BORED 1E 27 -12 385 1/1 BETROD 1D 39 724 1/1
16 EIINPQU QUAIL O6 14 -19 399 1/1 LUPINE O10 33 757 1/1
17 BGIIQST QI N13 37   436 1/1       794 1/1
18 BDIISTY BY 1N 28 -4 464 1/1 BYSSI 13C 32 826 1/1

Total: 464/826 or -362 for 56.17%
Rank: 6191

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