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Game of October 8, 2011 at 22:03, 5 players
1. 528 pts sunshine12
2. 505 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 436 pts marigold

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dmmott   H4    26    26   madtom
 2. cceissu  10H    80   106   succise
 3. aeekorv   4H    86   192   makeover
 4. abilnot   8H    83   275   oblation
 5. aenotuw   5H    31   306   awato
 6. fhijnot   3I    59   365   john
 7. aeefios   6F    30   395   feds
 8. adeisuz   O1    48   443   izards
 9. aadeilr   F6    64   507   fairlead
10. einnpuy  E11    34   541   pyin
11. ?hpqrtu  D10    61   602   qoph
12. aadenrt   2M    26   628   adz
13. aaenorw  C13    34   662   woe
14. aaeginr   1G    79   741   anergia
15. gilortx  15A    60   801   grex
16. eilortu   2A    70   871   outlier
17. binnotv   1A    31   902   boi
18. eeiltuy  K10    22   924   cutely
19. eeginru  14G    72   996   reguline

Remaining tiles: efntv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6695 Filesunshine12  2 19:17  -468  528     1.6695 sunshine12  2 19:17  -468  528 
  2.6660 FileGLOBEMAN    2 18:43  -491  505     2.6660 GLOBEMAN    2 18:43  -491  505 
  3.5371 Filemarigold    2 15:27  -560  436            Group: novice
  4.5282 FileAndy1990    0 15:21  -592  404     1.5371 marigold    2 15:27  -560  436 
  5.4262 Filelynne321MH  0 21:21  -675  321     2.5282 Andy1990    0 15:21  -592  404 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4262 lynne321MH  0 21:21  -675  321 

On 1st draw, M(A)DTOM H4 26 --- MADTOM a North American catfish [n]
Other tops: M(A)DTOM H7 26
Other moves: MOD(E)M H4 24, MOD(E)M H8 24, MOTM(O)T H4 24, M(O)TMOT H4 24, T*MMeD H7 24
T*MM(*)D H7 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
MOM H6 14 Andy1990
D(E)MO H8 12 lynne321MH

On 2nd draw, SUCCISE 10H 80 --- SUCCISE ending abruptly below [adj]
Other moves: SUCCISE 10C 78, SUCCISE G8 70, SUCCISE I8 70, CUSECS 10F 33, CUSEC 10F 32
SICES 10H 24 Andy1990, sunshine12
MISUSE 4H 16 lynne321MH

On 3rd draw, MAKEOVER 4H 86 --- MAKEOVER a complete change of appearance [n]
Other moves: TAKEOVER 7H 70, OVERTAKE 7D 67, REVOKE G1 29, EVOKE G2 28, REEVOKE N8 28
KIVA L9 22 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
MAKER 4H 22 marigold
CORK K10 20 Andy1990
CRAVE K10 20 lynne321MH

On 4th draw, OBLATION 8H 83 --- OBLATION the act of making a religious offering [n]
TRIBAL O3 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
BLART O1 21 Andy1990
ABLATION I1 21 marigold
BRAIN O3 7 lynne321MH

On 5th draw, (A)WATO 5H 31 --- AWATO (Maori) a wormlike fungus [n]
Other moves: AWOKEN J1 23, ATWEEN N1 22, NAVEW M2 22, WAKEN J2 22, WOKEN J2 22
WOVEN M2 22 marigold
WAKEN J2 22 Andy1990
OWER O1 21 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
ROW O4 6 lynne321MH

On 6th draw, JOHN 3I 59 --- JOHN a toilet [n]
Other moves: JOT 3I 49, JO 3I 45, FOHN 3I 43, FOH 3I 39, FONT 3I 37
JOHN 3I 59 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
JO 3I 45 marigold
JAW I3 21 lynne321MH
JOE N2 20 Andy1990

On 7th draw, FEDS 6F 30 --- FED a federal agent [n]
Other tops: FADS 6F 30, FIDS 6F 30
Other moves: FAERIE O1 27, FEARES O1 27, FIERES O1 27, FEEDS 6E 25, FEODS 6E 25
FEARS O1 24 sunshine12, Andy1990, lynne321MH, GLOBEMAN, marigold

On 8th draw, IZARDS O1 48 --- IZARD a type of ibex [n]
Other moves: AZURES O1 45, IZARD O1 45, ZAIRES O1 45, AZURE O1 42, IZARS O1 42
ZAIRES O1 45 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, Andy1990
DAZE 5C 33 marigold
SIZED M10 30 lynne321MH

On 9th draw, FAIRLEAD F6 64 --- FAIRLEAD a device used to hold a ship's rigging in place [n]
Other moves: ADZ 2M 26, L*Z 2M 24, REZ 2M 24, RIZ 2M 24, AIRSIDE M7 20
REZ 2M 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
CRADLE K10 18 lynne321MH
RIDE 5C 15 Andy1990
RADE 5C 15 marigold

On 10th draw, PYIN E11 34 --- PYIN a protein compound contained in pus [n]
Other moves: PYE E11 32, UEY E9 26, PEIN E11 25, YEP 7K 25, YIP 7K 25
PYE E11 32 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, marigold
YEAN 12D 14 Andy1990
DUPE 13F 9 lynne321MH

On 11th draw, Q(O)PH D10 61 --- QOPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: PRUH D12 48, QU(O)P D9 48, QU(A)RT D9 46, PHUT D12 45, PR(U)H D12 45
Q(I) 7M 42 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, marigold
EQU(I)P N10 30 lynne321MH
QUID 13C 28 Andy1990

On 12th draw, ADZ 2M 26 --- ADZ a cutting tool [n] --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: DENARI 8A 24, REZ 2M 24, TEAD G12 24, TEND G12 24, TEAR G12 23
RAD 9K 20 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
FAIRLEADER F6 20 marigold
CRATED K10 18 Andy1990
TRIDENT L8 16 lynne321MH

On 13th draw, WOE C13 34 --- WOE tremendous grief [n]
Other tops: WAE C13 34, WAN C13 34, WAR C13 34, WEN C13 34, WON C13 34
Other moves: WE C13 32, WO C13 32, RAWHIDE 13A 30, ENOWS 6K 27, CROWEA K10 22
WEN C13 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
CROWN K10 20 Andy1990, lynne321MH

On 14th draw, ANERGIA 1G 79 --- ANERGIA lack of energy [n]
Other moves: GRAINE 1H 26, REAGIN 1H 26, REGAIN 1H 26, REGINA 1H 26, NAGARI 8A 24
AGER 15A 18 Andy1990
GREE 15A 18 marigold, sunshine12
CAGER K10 16 lynne321MH

On 15th draw, GREX 15A 60 --- GREX a group of plants with a common hybrid ancestor [n]
Other moves: ILEX 15A 57, TIX 7K 39, OXER 15A 36, XI 7M 36, XI 2F 27
GREX 15A 60 marigold
TIX 7K 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
COX K10 24 Andy1990
EX 15C 17 lynne321MH

On 16th draw, OUTLIER 2A 70 --- OUTLIER some part detached from the main portion [n]
Other moves: TORULI 8A 21, FAIRLEADER F6 20, ELUTOR 2B 18, LOITER 2B 18, LOURIE 2B 18
LOITER 2B 18 marigold
RUT 9K 16 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
STOLE M10 10 Andy1990

On 17th draw, BOI 1A 31 --- BOI a boyish looking lesbian [n]
Other moves: BONITO A1 27, BO 1A 26, OOBIT A1 24, NOINT 3B 22, BOON A1 21
BOI 1A 31 marigold
BOOT A1 21 Andy1990, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, lynne321MH

On 18th draw, CUTELY K10 22 --- CUTE pleasingly attractive [adv] --- CUTELY in a cute manner [adv]
Other moves: CETYL K10 20, CULTY K10 20, CUTEY K10 20, EELY 7K 20, TALCY K7 20
TYE 9M 19 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
CLY K10 16 Andy1990
BOY A1 8 lynne321MH

On 19th draw, REGULINE 14G 72 --- REGULINE pertaining to a regulus [adj] --- REGULUS a mass that forms beneath the slag in a furnace [adj]
Other moves: EYEING 15J 33, GYRENE 15J 33, ENERGY 15F 30, GREENY 15F 30, GURNEY 15F 30
EYEING 15J 33 marigold
ENERGY 15F 30 lynne321MH
GREENY 15F 30 Andy1990
GLUER 14J 20 sunshine12

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