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Game of October 9, 2011 at 01:14, 3 players
1. 411 pts charmz
2. 202 pts MissDinty
3. 156 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. begnoss   H4    22    22   bongs
 2. ?acegyy   6E    28    50   gynney
 3. aehiopt   5J    27    77   ophite
 4. ceinnot   O1   149   226   neotenic
 5. aeioprt   N1    38   264   opiate
 6. aeemotu   4J    32   296   moe
 7. aeiilot   7H    21   317   galiot
 8. ?aadlsu   E6    68   385   graduals
 9. eiilmrt   1H    33   418   mirliton
10. abijlnr   8A    45   463   bajra
11. ginotuw  13B    80   543   outswing
12. defortv  B10    32   575   fetor
13. knorrsu  H12    39   614   knur
14. aessuvw  J10    31   645   vaws
15. aeilrsv   L7    80   725   oversail
16. aenqruz  D11    41   766   zeta
17. adfhioq   K9    41   807   foh
18. aeinqrx   4D    32   839   niqab
19. ddeenru   2C    68   907   endured

Remaining tiles: cdeex

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6495 Filecharmz      1 19:58  -496  411     1.6495 charmz      1 19:58  -496  411 
  2.3908 FileMissDinty   0 16:41  -705  202            Group: not rated
  3.4971 Filefatcat      0 10:59  -751  156     1.3908 MissDinty   0 16:41  -705  202 
                                             2.4971 fatcat      0 10:59  -751  156 

On 1st draw, BONGS H4 22 --- BONG to make a deep, ringing sound [v]
Other moves: BONES H4 20, BONGS H8 18, GNOSES H4 18, BONES H8 16, BONGS H5 16
BONGS H4 22 charmz

On 2nd draw, GY(N)NEY 6E 28 --- GYNNEY guinea hen [n]
Other tops: C(L)AYEY I1 28
Other moves: GY(N)Y I3 25, (H)AYEY I2 25, AGENCY 6E 24, BEAC(H)Y 4H 24, BY(W)AY 4H 24
CAY I3 20 charmz

On 3rd draw, OPHITE 5J 27 --- OPHITE an igneous rock [n]
Other tops: OPAH 5H 27
Other moves: GHAT 7H 26, EPHA 5B 24, HATPEG E1 24, HAO 5D 23, OPAH 5J 23
OHO 5H 16 charmz

On 4th draw, NEOTENIC O1 149 --- NEOTENIC pertaining to neoteny [adj] --- NEOTENY attainment of sexual maturity in the larval stage [adj]
Other moves: NEOTENIC O4 83, COTININE M2 74, NICOTINE M4 62, COIN 4L 35, COIT 4L 35
CENTO O4 30 charmz

On 5th draw, OPIATE N1 38 --- OPIATE to treat with opium [v]
Other moves: PIETA N2 34, OPERATE 2I 30, TOEA 4J 30, PIRATE 2J 28, PRATIE 2J 28
THEIR L4 18 charmz
PATIOS 8C 9 MissDinty

On 6th draw, MOE 4J 32 --- MOE a wry face [n]
Other tops: MOA 4J 32, MOU 4J 32
Other moves: MEATHE L1 28, MEATH L1 26, MOUTH L1 26, TOE 4J 26, TEAM 5C 25
TEAM 5C 25 MissDinty
MITE M4 15 charmz

On 7th draw, GALIOT 7H 21 --- GALIOT a small galley [n]
Other tops: EGAL 7G 21, GELATI 7H 21, GELATO 7H 21
Other moves: GALE 7H 18, GEAL 7H 18, GEAT 7H 18, GELT 7H 18, GAL 7H 17
AGILE E5 12 MissDinty
TAG E4 8 charmz

On 8th draw, G(R)ADUALS E6 68 --- GRADUAL a hymn sung in alternate parts [n]
Other moves: S(O)DA 8J 24, AU(T)OPSIA K1 22, SULDA(N) 5A 22, A(N)OPSIA K2 21, S(O)D 8J 21
AA 5E 15 MissDinty
SLAG E3 10 charmz

On 9th draw, MIRLITON 1H 33 --- MIRLITON a tropical vine [n]
Other moves: TREMA 8A 30, LIME F8 29, RIME F8 29, TIME F8 29, MITRAL 8A 27
ME D8 17 charmz
STIMIE 13E 10 MissDinty

On 10th draw, BAJRA 8A 45 --- BAJRA a type of millet [n]
Other moves: JIN D8 40, JA D8 37, JAIL D11 37, JAI D11 35, BAJRI 2D 34
JA D8 37 charmz
JAIL 12B 22 MissDinty

On 11th draw, OUTSWING 13B 80 --- OUTSWING an outward swing [n] --- OUTSWING to surpass in swinging [v]
Other moves: OUTWING G8 65, JOWING C8 36, TOWTING M7 30, OUTWING L7 24, OWLING 12C 24
JOWING C8 36 charmz
STOWING 13E 13 MissDinty

On 12th draw, FETOR B10 32 --- FETOR an offensive odor [n]
Other moves: OVERDO L7 28, FETOR D11 27, DEVOT B10 26, FRO 14B 26, DOWF F11 24
DEVOT B10 26 MissDinty
DONER H11 21 charmz
DROVE 2D 15 fatcat

On 13th draw, KNUR H12 39 --- KNUR a bump on a tree [n]
Other moves: KRONUR H10 33, SNOWK F10 32, KONS J10 31, KORS J10 31, RUSK J11 31
SUK 15B 21 charmz
SUN J13 18 fatcat
DOR 9E 5 MissDinty

On 14th draw, VAWS J10 31 --- VAW the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other moves: UVEAS J9 29, VAES J10 28, VAUS J10 28, WAES J10 28, WUSS J10 28
SAVES 15B 21 fatcat
ASS 15A 18 charmz

On 15th draw, OVERSAIL L7 80 --- OVERSAIL to project [v]
Other moves: REVIVALS 10H 66, SARI F8 30, SERA F8 30, SIRE F8 30, OVARIES L7 28
WAVERS 12J 26 charmz
TRAVELS M7 22 fatcat
RIVERS 15D 10 MissDinty

On 16th draw, ZETA D11 41 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: QUERY F2 37, QUA 2F 36, ZEA 2F 36, ZAG I11 34, AQUA B5 33
QUA 2F 36 charmz
AQUA B5 33 fatcat
QUEAZY F1 29 MissDinty

On 17th draw, FOH K9 41 --- FOH expressing disgust [interj]
Other tops: FAH K9 41, QAID 2F 41
Other moves: DAH K9 35, DOH K9 35, FAD K9 33, HAD K9 33, HOD K9 33
FAD M13 26 MissDinty
OH A14 17 charmz
OF A14 17 fatcat

On 18th draw, NIQAB 4D 32 --- NIQAB (Arabic) a type of veil worn by some Muslim women that is made of lightweight opaque fabric and leaves only the eyes uncovered [n]
Other moves: AX A14 29, EX A14 29, NIX M13 26, ILEX 14K 22, IXIA 13L 22
EX A14 29 charmz
LAX 14L 20 fatcat

On 19th draw, ENDURED 2C 68 --- ENDURE to last [v]
Other moves: DENUDE 2E 23, BREDE A8 20, DERED 3A 19, DREED 3A 19, DUDE 2G 19
DUDE 3A 14 charmz
LEED 14L 10 fatcat

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