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Game of October 9, 2011 at 05:46, 4 players
1. 470 pts jimbo
2. 331 pts denbay
3. 315 pts Stranger

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdhnor   H3    32    32   chorda
 2. ?aaooqu   6F    35    67   qorma
 3. enorttz   5J    39   106   zoner
 4. adeeksy   O3    60   166   yesked
 5. eimprsu   9C    77   243   spumier
 6. aginrtt   M3    72   315   treating
 7. ?aabiiw   L8    30   345   biali
 8. efjlost  12G    69   414   jetfoils
 9. acerruv  13A    86   500   verruca
10. adilopt  A11    36   536   pavid
11. aeeistt  H11    28   564   testa
12. deelouy  B11    31   595   eyed
13. aefghnn   N1    27   622   feh
14. egiloux  D11    40   662   lurex
15. aeiilno   1L    24   686   info
16. eegnouv   8B    24   710   vouge
17. eilmnot   3C    78   788   monticle
18. aaeginw   4A    34   822   gnaw
19. abeilnw   2A    32   854   blaw

Remaining tiles: eiino

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5525 Filejimbo       1 17:17  -384  470     1.7141 Stranger    2 12:50  -539  315 
  2.3919 Filedenbay      1 14:02  -523  331            Group: novice
  3.7141 FileStranger    2 12:50  -539  315     1.5525 jimbo       1 17:17  -384  470 
  4.5223 Filecoffeeman   2 12:00  -669  185     2.5223 coffeeman   2 12:00  -669  185 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3919 denbay      1 14:02  -523  331 

On 1st draw, CHORDA H3 32 --- CHORDA a primitive sort of spinal column [n]
Other tops: CHADOR H3 32
Other moves: CHADOR H4 30, CHORDA H4 30, RANCHO H8 30, CHADO H4 28, CHARD H4 28
RANCH H8 28 jimbo
ANCHOR H3 24 denbay

On 2nd draw, QOR(M)A 6F 35 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: QUO(T)HA 4D 34, ROQU(E) 6H 33, QUA(S)H 4D 32, QUO(T)H 4D 32, AQUA(E) 9D 26
QUAD 7E 15 denbay, jimbo

On 3rd draw, ZONER 5J 39 --- ZONER one that zones [n]
Other moves: OOZE 5H 38, ROZET 9E 38, TREZ 9F 37, ZERO 5J 37, ZERO 9G 37
ZONER G8 26 jimbo
RAZE 8G 13 denbay

On 4th draw, YESKED O3 60 --- YESK to hiccup [v]
Other moves: DYKES O1 57, SKYED O5 54, ASKED O4 48, DEKES O1 48, KADES O1 48
SEEDY O5 42 denbay
KEYED 9G 35 jimbo

On 5th draw, SPUMIER 9C 77 --- SPUMY foamy [adj]
Other tops: RUMPIES 9C 77, UMPIRES 9C 77
Other moves: SPUMIER I8 67, PUMICERS 3D 66, RUMPIES I8 65, SPERMIC 3B 28, DUPERS 7H 27
PRIMES 9D 27 jimbo
PRIMES M1 20 denbay

On 6th draw, TREATING M3 72 --- TREAT to behave in a particular way toward [v] --- TREATING the act of treating [n]
Other tops: ARETTING M3 72
Other moves: RATTINGS C2 70, TRANTING L2 70, RATTING N7 65, TARTING N7 65, TRACTING 3E 63
TARTING N7 65 jimbo
GRAIN L1 16 denbay

On 7th draw, BIA(L)I L8 30 --- BIALI an onion roll [n]
Other tops: WASABI(S) C7 30
Other moves: WA(S)ABIS C3 28, WAB(S) 11J 25, BWA(Z)I 7B 24, WABAI(N)S C3 24, BA(S)AN L1 23
BAW(L)S C5 13 jimbo
CAW 3H 9 denbay

On 8th draw, JETFOILS 12G 69 --- JETFOIL a jet-powered hydrofoil (a boat with winglike structures for lifting the hull above the water) [n]
Other moves: JOSTLES C7 44, JEST K10 37, JETS K10 37, JET K10 35, JOES 10B 35
JOR 4K 33 Stranger
JEST 13J 29 jimbo
JILTS 12K 13 denbay

On 9th draw, VERRUCA 13A 86 --- VERRUCA a wart [n]
Other moves: VERRUCAS C2 82, VARECH 4C 28, VERRA 13C 28, VERRUCA 3C 28, CARVERS C3 26
CARVERS C3 26 jimbo
CRAVERS C3 26 Stranger
EVER H12 21 denbay

On 10th draw, PAVID A11 36 --- PAVID timid [adj]
Other moves: PIVOT A11 33, DAVIT A11 30, DIVOT A11 30, PLIANT L1 30, PALED B10 28
PIVOT A11 33 Stranger
OVAL A12 24 jimbo
COP 3H 8 denbay

On 11th draw, TESTA H11 28 --- TESTA the hard outer covering of a seed [n]
Other tops: TESTE H11 28
Other moves: IDES 7G 24, TATES B10 24, TETES B10 24, EASIED 7C 23, STATE 10B 23
TESTE H11 28 Stranger
IDES 7G 24 coffeeman
TEES H11 17 jimbo
SECT 3F 8 denbay

On 12th draw, EYED B11 31 --- EYE to watch closely [v]
Other moves: YEDE B12 30, YO 10F 30, DUROY D11 26, LORDY D11 26, DREY D12 24
YO 10F 30 Stranger
DYE 8A 23 jimbo
MY F9 15 coffeeman
LOUSY C6 9 denbay

On 13th draw, FEH N1 27 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: FAH N1 27
Other moves: GERAH D11 26, HA I3 25, HE I3 25, FAH I1 24, FAUGH E11 24
HER 4K 21 Stranger
AFGHAN 15H 14 jimbo
GRAN D12 12 denbay
FAG J12 11 coffeeman

On 14th draw, LUREX D11 40 --- LUREX a metallic yarn or thread -- a trademark [n]
Other tops: GREX D12 40
Other moves: DEX 7H 33, DUX 7H 33, EXO 8A 32, EX 12D 31, OX 12D 31
EXO 8A 32 jimbo
FIX J12 29 coffeeman
LIFE 1L 24 denbay
XI 7E 20 Stranger

On 15th draw, INFO 1L 24 --- INFO information [n]
Other tops: LIFE 1L 24, NIFE 1L 24
Other moves: AISLE N10 20, ELSIN N10 20, EOSIN N10 20, LIED 7E 20, LIND 7E 20
LIFE 1L 24 Stranger, denbay, jimbo, coffeeman

On 16th draw, VOUGE 8B 24 --- VOUGE a foot-soldier's weapon [n]
Other moves: DOGE 7H 22, DEG 7H 21, DOG 7H 21, DUG 7H 21, ENOUGH 4C 20
DOGE 7H 22 Stranger
VEE 8A 20 jimbo
EVE 8A 20 coffeeman
LOVE M12 14 denbay

On 17th draw, MONTICLE 3C 78 --- MONTICLE a little hill [n]
Other moves: ENTOMIC 3B 24, TELOMIC 3B 24, TONEMIC 3B 24, ITEM 14G 22, MEN 10E 22
MOR 4K 18 Stranger
SOME N12 12 denbay
MOST C7 9 jimbo

On 18th draw, GNAW 4A 34 --- GNAW to wear away by persistent biting [v]
Other moves: GWINE 4A 32, ANEW 4A 30, WAIN 4A 30, WEAN 4A 30, AWA 2I 29
WEAN 4A 30 coffeeman
ANEW 4A 30 Stranger
FEW J12 17 denbay
GOWN D2 16 jimbo

On 19th draw, BLAW 2A 32 --- BLAW to blow [v]
Other moves: WANGLE A1 30, WEB 5C 30, AWE 2I 29, AWL 2I 29, AWN 2I 29
BLAW 2A 32 coffeeman
WANGLE A1 30 Stranger, denbay
BANGLE A1 27 jimbo

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