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Game of October 9, 2011 at 12:41, 7 players
1. 413 pts mylover81
2. 395 pts ginalee
3. 385 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aenouv   H7    70    70   nouveau
 2. abeefls   G2    69   139   befleas
 3. adefgnu   H1    40   179   fade
 4. deinnrv  11E    98   277   innerved
 5. ?ackost   1H   101   378   fatstock
 6. elmnrtu   N1    32   410   centum
 7. adeersy   F5    38   448   eyed
 8. aiprtuw   E5    37   485   twp
 9. aeilqrs  13F   106   591   squailer
10. alnorst  N10    32   623   loast
11. dgoortz   O6    43   666   orzo
12. acgjnru  12A    36   702   cajun
13. eggioux  O11    36   738   ox
14. ahimorw  14B    49   787   omrah
15. aegilru  15A    32   819   gruel
16. ghiinpt   3B    28   847   pighted
17. aiiinrw   L8    30   877   windier
18. adgioty   A8    33   910   yogic
19. abdeeit   B6    29   939   beedi

Remaining tiles: aiit

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7178 Filemylover81   2 15:20  -526  413     1.7178 mylover81   2 15:20  -526  413 
  2.5458 Fileginalee     0 25:53  -544  395            Group: intermediate
  3.5200 Filetonikay     0 17:24  -554  385     1.6037 annelhynz   1 12:29  -683  256 
  4.6037 Fileannelhynz   1 12:29  -683  256     2.6605 rn.roselle  1  6:44  -758  181 
  5.6605 Filern.roselle  1  6:44  -758  181     3.6770 una         0  5:56  -851   88 
  6.5982 FileJennyB      0  7:10  -814  125            Group: novice
  7.6770 Fileuna         0  5:56  -851   88     1.5458 ginalee     0 25:53  -544  395 
                                             2.5200 tonikay     0 17:24  -554  385 
                                             3.5982 JennyB      0  7:10  -814  125 

On 1st draw, NO(U)VEAU H7 70 --- NOUVEAU newly arrived or developed [adj]
Other tops: NOUVEA(U) H2 70, NOUVEA(U) H3 70, NOUVEA(U) H4 70, NOUVEA(U) H7 70, NOUVEA(U) H8 70, NO(U)VEAU H3 70, NO(U)VEAU H4 70, NO(U)VEAU H6 70, NO(U)VEAU H8 70
Other moves: NOUVEA(U) H5 68, NOUVEA(U) H6 68, NO(U)VEAU H2 68, NO(U)VEAU H5 68, AVENU(E) H3 24
VENU(E) H4 22 ginalee
NOVA(S) H4 16 tonikay

On 2nd draw, BEFLEAS G2 69 --- BEFLEA to infest with fleas [v]
Other tops: BEFLEAS I2 69
Other moves: BEEFALOS 8B 64, EASEFUL 13C 30, BEFLEAS 11D 24, BEFLEAS 11G 24, BEFLEAS 12C 24
FEEBLES 11G 24 ginalee
FLAB G5 17 tonikay

On 3rd draw, FADE H1 40 --- FADE to lose colour or brightness [v]
Other moves: DEAF F3 39, FANE H1 36, FED F6 35, GADE H1 34, DEF H1 30
FAN H1 24 ginalee
FANG G11 19 tonikay

On 4th draw, INNERVED 11E 98 --- INNERVE to stimulate [v]
Other moves: UNDRIVEN 13H 76, INNERVED 11B 74, (U)NDRIVEN 9H 66, INNERVE 11E 40, DRIVEN F6 29
FENDER 4G 20 tonikay, ginalee

On 5th draw, FA(T)STOCK 1H 101 --- FATSTOCK livestock that is fat and ready for market [n]
Other moves: FATS(T)OCK 1H 98, STOCKAD(E) L5 84, OUT(B)ACKS 13G 80, (B)ACKOUTS 13C 80, OATC(A)KES K5 76
TOCKS 12K 32 mylover81
D(E)CKS L11 24 ginalee
K(I)DS L9 16 tonikay

On 6th draw, CENTUM N1 32 --- CENTUM one hundred [n]
Other moves: CENTRUM N1 26, MULTURE 13G 26, CRUMEN N1 24, CULMEN N1 24, FERMENT 4G 24
MENT 12K 22 mylover81
BALE 2G 13 tonikay
TERM L1 12 ginalee

On 7th draw, EYED F5 38 --- EYE to watch closely [v]
Other moves: YEARDS O6 37, REDYES O5 36, YEDE F6 36, DEARY 12K 35, DERAY 12K 35
YEARDS O6 37 mylover81
YADS O6 31 tonikay
DEERS 7J 18 ginalee

On 8th draw, TWP E5 37 --- TWP stupid [adj]
Other moves: TAW E5 31, WRAPT 12A 30, PARTI O5 29, TAP E5 28, RUPIA O5 27
TAP E5 28 mylover81
PAWN 3K 18 ginalee
WAR I4 15 tonikay

On 9th draw, SQUAILER 13F 106 --- SQUAILER a throwing stick [n]
Other moves: QAIDS L8 50, ARIELS O4 30, LASQUE 5J 30, QADIS L9 30, RISQUE 5J 30
QI 10E 28 tonikay, annelhynz
QATS 4L 28 ginalee
SQUARE 13F 26 mylover81

On 10th draw, LOAST N10 32 --- LOSE to misplace or be deprived of [v]
Other tops: ROAST N10 32
Other moves: ORANTS O4 30, ARSON N11 28, ORALS O4 27, ORANT O4 27, ALSO N11 26
ROAST N10 32 mylover81
LOST N11 26 ginalee, rn.roselle
ROANS N9 25 tonikay
LOTS N10 24 annelhynz

On 11th draw, ORZO O6 43 --- ORZO rice-shaped pasta [n]
Other moves: DZO O8 41, ORZO O7 41, ZOO O8 38, DROOG O8 36, ZOOT 10B 35
DZO O8 41 mylover81
ZOO O8 38 rn.roselle, annelhynz, tonikay, ginalee

On 12th draw, CAJUN 12A 36 --- CAJUN pertaining to the Cajun traditions [adj]
Other moves: JAUNCED 3B 34, JUDGER L9 30, JUGA 10B 30, JURA 10B 29, CAJUN 3J 28
JUN 12C 22 mylover81
JUN 3L 20 rn.roselle
JA M9 19 annelhynz, tonikay
CURT 4K 12 ginalee

On 13th draw, OX O11 36 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: EX O11 36, JEUX C12 36
Other moves: EX O14 29, OX O14 29, XI 14H 28, GO 13B 27, EXING 3K 26
OX O11 36 annelhynz, rn.roselle
EX O11 36 mylover81
XI O11 22 tonikay
EXIT 4K 22 ginalee

On 14th draw, OMRAH 14B 49 --- OMRAH a Muslim lord [n]
Other moves: HAM 13B 43, HOM 13B 43, WHAMO B10 42, HAO 13A 39, HORMIC A7 39
HOM 13B 43 mylover81, tonikay
HI 14F 37 rn.roselle
CHAW A12 36 JennyB
CROW A12 27 annelhynz, ginalee

On 15th draw, GRUEL 15A 32 --- GRUEL to disable by hard work [v]
Other moves: ARIEL 15A 29, REGULA 15E 29, REGULI 15E 29, URAEI 15A 29, AUGER M3 28
GEAR 15E 24 rn.roselle, mylover81
GIE 15A 18 tonikay
ERA 15F 15 una
EAR 15F 15 ginalee
AG O14 11 annelhynz

On 16th draw, PIGHTED 3B 28 --- PIGHT to pitch (eg a tent) [v]
Other moves: PITH 4L 26, NIGHTED 3B 24, PITHED 3C 24, SPIGHT K1 24, HINGED 3C 22
PITH 4L 26 JennyB
PITH 10B 21 una
HINT 3L 14 ginalee
HIN 3L 12 annelhynz
DIET L11 10 mylover81

On 17th draw, WINDIER L8 30 --- WINDY marked by strong wind [adj]
Other moves: RANI 4A 22, NARIC A8 21, RAPINI B1 20, ANI 4B 18, IWI 10D 18
AW O14 17 una, JennyB, mylover81, annelhynz
WIN 4A 16 tonikay
WAG D1 11 ginalee

On 18th draw, YOGIC A8 33 --- YOGIC pertaining to yoga [adj]
Other moves: YOGA 2A 30, GADI 4A 29, DATO 4A 26, DITTY 4K 26, DOTTY 4K 26
DOTTY 4K 26 ginalee
DITTY 4K 26 JennyB
YOD 2A 25 mylover81
YOD M7 23 annelhynz
Y*D 4A 18 tonikay
YONI 3L 14 una

On 19th draw, BEEDI B6 29 --- BEEDI (Hindi) a hand rolled cigarette [n]
Other moves: APTED B2 24, DEAVE 10E 23, OBIA M1 22, TABI B7 22, BEAD B6 21
BEAD B6 21 una, annelhynz
DEBATE 4J 20 JennyB
BATED B5 18 mylover81
BAND 3L 14 ginalee
DAE B7 11 tonikay

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