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Game of October 9, 2011 at 20:19, 3 players
1. 303 pts sunshine12
2. 208 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 46 pts Suzette

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cerstw   H3    80    80   twicers
 2. ?aadeer   5D    78   158   eradiate
 3. agnorst   D1    74   232   stonerag
 4. aehmnno   6F    41   273   mache
 5. aanoruy   C5    33   306   raya
 6. abdeiop   L1    36   342   bipod
 7. aeegrtt   8H    80   422   retarget
 8. hijnopy   1D    45   467   shoji
 9. diklouv   7F    30   497   uke
10. enostuu   B8    72   569   tenuous
11. abmnpvy   2F    35   604   ya
12. adenotv  A12    30   634   doen
13. eeilnnv   G9    68   702   enliven
14. eglosvz   A3    66   768   glozes
15. dfimnou  15D    39   807   found
16. aiimnqr   1K    27   834   mbira
17. ceiloqv   B2    25   859   qi
18. eilnopx   M3    35   894   ex
19. cfilnow   N3    36   930   wolf
20. ciiiitv   K7    20   950   vatic
21. biiilnp   J8    23   973   tip

Remaining tiles: biiln

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6722 Filesunshine12  4  8:02  -670  303     1.6722 sunshine12  4  8:02  -670  303 
  2.6658 FileGLOBEMAN    3 11:26  -765  208     2.6658 GLOBEMAN    3 11:26  -765  208 
  3.4746 FileSuzette     0  1:57  -927   46            Group: not rated
                                             1.4746 Suzette     0  1:57  -927   46 

On 1st draw, TW(I)CERS H3 80 --- TWICER a compositor and pressman [n]
Other moves: TW(I)CERS H4 74, TW(I)CERS H6 74, TW(I)CERS H7 74, TW(I)CERS H8 74, TW(I)CERS H2 72
WREC(K)S H4 28 Suzette

On 2nd draw, ERAD(I)A(T)E 5D 78 --- ERADIATE to shoot out like a ray of light [v]
Other moves: AWARDEE(S) 4G 72, AWEAR(I)ED 4G 72, REAWA(K)ED 4E 72, A(C)ERATED 3C 70, DEA(E)RATE 3B 70
WADER 4H 18 Suzette

On 3rd draw, STONERAG D1 74 --- STONERAG a lichen [n]

On 4th draw, MACHE 6F 41 --- MACHE a European herb [n]
Other tops: MACHO 6F 41, MOCHA 6F 41
Other moves: HAREM 6B 36, HOSEMAN 1B 36, WHAMO 4H 36, MACH 6F 35, MOCH 6F 35

On 5th draw, RAYA C5 33 --- RAYA a non-Muslim inhabitant of Turkey [n]
Other moves: YAR C3 32, YEAN 7G 32, RAY C5 29, YEA 7G 29, NOWY 4F 28

On 6th draw, BIPOD L1 36 --- BIPOD a two-legged support [n]
Other tops: BIPED L1 36
Other moves: PIRAYA C3 32, BEAD 7G 30, ADOBE L4 28, BIPED 4K 28, BIPOD 4K 28

On 7th draw, RETARGET 8H 80 --- RETARGET to target again [v] --- TARGET to make a goal of [v]
Other moves: ERGATE B6 27, GETTER E7 25, GEAT 7G 24, GESTATE 1B 24, REBATE 1J 24

On 8th draw, SHOJI 1D 45 --- SHOJI a paper screen used as a partition or door in a Japanese house [n]
Other moves: JOYS 1A 42, PHYSIO 1A 42, PITHY 2B 42, SYPHON 1D 42, SOPHY 1D 39

On 9th draw, UKE 7F 30 --- UKE a small guitar-like instrument [n]
Other tops: BILK 1L 30, BOUK 1L 30, BUIK 1L 30, BULK 1L 30
Other moves: DOWL 4F 24, VAKIL K7 24, DO 2F 23, KOW 4F 23, DUKE K2 22

On 10th draw, TENUOUS B8 72 --- TENUOUS having little substance or strength [adj]
Other moves: TONES K2 26, TUNES K2 26, STENO 2C 25, TESTON 2A 25, ONES M1 24
STENO 2C 25 sunshine12

On 11th draw, YA 2F 35 --- YA you [pron]
Other moves: BABY 1L 33, TAY 2D 32, YAM A13 31, YAP A13 31, MANY A9 30
TAY 2D 32 sunshine12

On 12th draw, DOEN A12 30 --- DO to begin and carry through to completion [v]
Other tops: ABOVE 1K 30, DOAT A12 30
Other moves: DEVIANT 2I 26, VOTED 12A 26, TOAD A12 25, TOED A12 25, ABODE 1K 24
DOAT A12 30 sunshine12

On 13th draw, ENLIVEN G9 68 --- ENLIVEN to make lively [v]
Other moves: ENLIVEN 2I 24, ENLIVEN N8 24, VENINE 2I 22, ENE M1 20, LOVE 3C 20

On 14th draw, GLOZES A3 66 --- GLOZE to explain away [v]
Other moves: VEGOS A4 54, ZELS A5 54, ZOLS A5 54, VOLES A4 51, ZOS A6 51
ZOS A6 51 sunshine12

On 15th draw, FOUND 15D 39 --- FOUND to establish [v]
Other moves: BUMF 1L 33, MOUND 15D 33, UNFOND 15C 33, DIF M2 30, DOF M2 30
FOUND 15D 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 16th draw, MBIRA 1K 27 --- MBIRA an African musical instrument [n]
Other tops: ABRIM 1K 27
Other moves: MEAN 14F 25, MEIN 14F 25, QI B2 25, BARM 1L 24, BIMA 1L 24
QI 2K 11 sunshine12

On 17th draw, QI B2 25 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: COVE 3C 24, ALCOVE K8 22, CIVIE 12D 22, CIVIL 12D 22, CALVE K7 20
CLEVE N6 18 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 18th draw, EX M3 35 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: OX M3 35
Other moves: OXLIP 12D 34, EXPO E8 32, EX 2N 31, EXPEL N5 30, PIXIE 12D 30
OX M3 35 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 19th draw, WOLF N3 36 --- WOLF a carnivorous mammal [n] --- WOLF to devour voraciously [v]
Other moves: COIF N3 34, CONF N3 34, FOIL 2J 30, COWL N3 28, COIL 2J 27
WOLF N3 36 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 20th draw, VATIC K7 20 --- VATIC pertaining to a prophet [adj]
Other moves: IRITIC L7 16, IT 3G 14, JAI G1 14, LICIT 11G 14, CESTI 9F 13
TI F9 11 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 21th draw, TIP J8 23 --- TIP to tilt [v]
Other moves: GIPON 3A 16, LIPIN 12D 16, BI F9 15, PI F9 15, IT 3G 14
PI F9 15 sunshine12

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