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Game of October 10, 2011 at 00:12, 4 players
1. 576 pts musdrive
2. 343 pts Suzette
3. 250 pts coffeeman

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aflpuuy   H8    28    28   uplay
 2. ?hootty  10B    73   101   toothily
 3. aaeiruw  11D    26   127   wae
 4. defgirt  12A    42   169   fried
 5. ?eefhkt  12G    30   199   kythes
 6. eeilnst   K5    82   281   selenite
 7. acdnors   6E    65   346   dracones
 8. aaeimnu   H1    39   385   anemic
 9. aeiilpu  A12    27   412   flap
10. adijnos  14A    34   446   adjoins
11. begirsv   2C    72   518   verbings
12. bceiort  15G    41   559   terbic
13. aegortz   D1    46   605   zero
14. dnooqrw  15C    30   635   own
15. aaaegim   C2    23   658   vagi
16. aadeitu   1J    26   684   ideata
17. aegouux   L6    40   724   saxe
18. eeilnou   8K    36   760   exile
19. efnoruv   E1    28   788   orfe
20. gmoqruu   8D    27   815   quorum

Remaining tiles: gnuuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7279 Filemusdrive    8 14:47  -239  576     1.7279 musdrive    8 14:47  -239  576 
  2.4742 FileSuzette     2 21:12  -472  343            Group: intermediate
  3.5257 Filecoffeeman   2 12:59  -565  250     1.6386 dannyboy    0  2:39  -742   73 
  4.6386 Filedannyboy    0  2:39  -742   73            Group: novice
                                             1.5257 coffeeman   2 12:59  -565  250 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4742 Suzette     2 21:12  -472  343 

On 1st draw, UPLAY H8 28 --- UPLAY to hoard [v]
Other moves: LAYUP H8 26, LAYUP H4 22, UPLAY H4 22, FLAY H5 20, FLAY H6 20
FLAY H5 20 musdrive
FLAP H5 18 Suzette

On 2nd draw, TOOTH(I)LY 10B 73 --- TOOTHILY in a toothy manner [adv] --- TOOTHY having or showing prominent teeth [adv]
Other moves: TOOTH(S) 13C 34, HOO(E)Y G7 28, YO(U)THY 12C 28, YO(U)THY 12H 28, HOL(E)Y 10F 26
HOTTY 12D 22 musdrive, Suzette

On 3rd draw, WAE 11D 26 --- WAE woe [n]
Other tops: WAI 11D 26
Other moves: AURAE 11B 25, AUREI 11B 25, AIRWAY 12C 24, AWEARY 12C 24, WEARY 12D 22
WAE 11D 26 musdrive
WAY 12F 9 Suzette

On 4th draw, FRIED 12A 42 --- FRY to cook over direct heat in hot fat or oil [v]
Other tops: FIRED 12A 42
Other moves: FREIT 12B 37, FIRE 12A 34, FRET 12A 34, FRIT 12A 34, RIFTE 12A 33
FIRED 12A 42 musdrive

On 5th draw, KYTHE(S) 12G 30 --- KYTHE to make known [v]
Other tops: *FF*(D) A11 30, FE(C)K A12 30, F(A)KE A12 30, F(I)KE A12 30, F(Y)KE A12 30, KYTHE(D) 12G 30
Other moves: EF(S) 13B 28, FEH(M) A12 27, FEH(S) A12 27, F(I)EF A12 27, F(I)FE A12 27
F(A)KE A12 30 musdrive
FEET A12 21 Suzette

On 6th draw, SELENITE K5 82 --- SELENITE a variety of gypsum [n]
Other tops: ENLISTEE K5 82
Other moves: ENLISTEE K6 66, LENITES I2 61, LITENES(S) L5 58, LITENE(S)S L6 58, SETLINE(S) L5 58
SEEN 13H 26 Suzette
STILE 11J 20 musdrive

On 7th draw, DRACONES 6E 65 --- DRACONE a container used for transporting liquids by sea [n]
Other moves: CANDORS I2 64, CARDONS I2 64, DACRONS I2 64, DECORS 8J 36, SECOND 8J 36
DECORS 8J 36 musdrive
SONAR 13K 20 Suzette

On 8th draw, ANEMIC H1 39 --- ANEMIA a disorder of the blood [adj] --- ANEMIC suffering from anemia [adj]
Other tops: NEUMIC H1 39
Other moves: MANIAC H1 33, FAME A12 27, FUME A12 27, MEANIE 8J 27, ANEMIA 5A 24
MANIAC H1 33 musdrive
FAME A12 27 Suzette
MEAN 5D 22 coffeeman

On 9th draw, FLAP A12 27 --- FLAP to move, as of wings [v]
Other tops: FLIP A12 27
Other moves: LIPA G1 24, LIPE G1 24, EPAULE 3H 22, LIPEMIA 4D 22, NAUPLII 2H 22
FLAP A12 27 Suzette
FLIP A12 27 musdrive, coffeeman

On 10th draw, ADJOINS 14A 34 --- ADJOIN to lie next to [v]
Other moves: SHOJI J11 33, ADJOIN 14A 32, DJINNS 2E 32, SIJO 13K 32, SOJA 13K 32
SOJA 13K 32 coffeeman
JINS 2F 27 Suzette
JIN 2F 26 musdrive

On 11th draw, VERBINGS 2C 72 --- VERBING using a nouns as a verb [n]
Other moves: BEVERS 8J 45, BEVIES 8J 45, REVIES 8J 39, REVISE 8J 39, REGIVE 8J 36
BEVIES 8J 45 musdrive
SIRE 13K 18 Suzette
SEIR 15E 18 coffeeman

On 12th draw, TERBIC 15G 41 --- TERBIC pertaining to terbium [adj] --- TERBIUM a metallic element [adj]
Other moves: REBITE 8J 33, RECITE 8J 33, TERBIC 8J 33, EROTIC 1J 29, OBITER 15G 29
ICE 15G 17 coffeeman
BOIS L3 14 musdrive

On 13th draw, ZERO D1 46 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other tops: ZETA D1 46
Other moves: REZ 9A 45, GRAZE 5A 36, AZOTE 5A 34, GAZE 5B 34, GRAZED E1 34
ZERO D1 46 musdrive
GRAZED E1 34 coffeeman
ZOS L4 26 dannyboy
ZEE D1 22 Suzette

On 14th draw, OWN 15C 30 --- OWN to have as a possession [v]
Other tops: ENDOW 8K 30
Other moves: OW 15C 27, VOW C2 27, POOD 15A 26, POON 15A 22, POOR 15A 22
ENDOW 8K 30 musdrive
OW 15C 27 dannyboy
WOOS L3 16 coffeeman
WONT B7 7 Suzette

On 15th draw, VAGI C2 23 --- VAGUS a cranial nerve [n]
Other tops: AGMA I1 23, EGMA I1 23, VEGA C2 23
Other moves: AGAMIS L1 22, MADGE E4 22, MIDGE E4 22, VAG C2 21, VEG C2 21
SIMA L6 20 dannyboy
AIM G1 17 musdrive
MET B8 5 Suzette

On 16th draw, IDEATA 1J 26 --- IDEATUM the real object of an idea [n]
Other moves: AUDIT 5E 25, ARED E1 24, AREA E1 22, ARET E1 22, REDID E2 22
REDID E2 22 musdrive
TEAT B7 4 Suzette

On 17th draw, SAXE L6 40 --- SAXE as in saxe blue [adj]
Other moves: GOX 2M 38, SAX L6 37, SOX L6 37, EX 7F 36, XU L8 36
SAXE L6 40 musdrive
SAX L6 37 Suzette, coffeeman

On 18th draw, EXILE 8K 36 --- EXILE to banish from one's own country [v]
Other tops: EXINE 8K 36
Other moves: ENOL 2L 18, LIEN 2L 18, LION 2L 18, TOLUENE N1 18, OE M8 17
EXILE 8K 36 musdrive, coffeeman, Suzette

On 19th draw, ORFE E1 28 --- ORFE a golden-yellow fish [n]
Other moves: FROE 2L 27, NIFE G1 26, RIFE M7 26, VIER M7 26, RIF M7 25
RIFE M7 26 musdrive
FEVER O7 11 Suzette
FEVER O5 11 coffeeman

On 20th draw, QUORUM 8D 27 --- QUORUM a particularly chosen group [n]
Other moves: MIG M7 25, MOG 2M 23, MOR 2M 20, ROM 2M 20, TUMOUR N1 20
GUM 9A 18 musdrive
MORE O5 6 Suzette

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