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Game of October 10, 2011 at 10:48, 6 players
1. 538 pts mylover81
2. 408 pts ginalee
3. 373 pts raggedy01

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. diorssw   H3    28    28   swords
 2. afmoort   3C    28    56   farmost
 3. aceiiot   4A    31    87   coate
 4. aaeoruy   A1    30   117   yarco
 5. ?bnssuz   5C    60   177   bez
 6. ceehilv   8A   101   278   vehicles
 7. adeiruv   2I    38   316   avider
 8. delnosx   3K    49   365   noxes
 9. aginstu   1C    81   446   sauting
10. degiotu   4L    38   484   doit
11. ?elnnou   5J    28   512   neons
12. almnqtu   B6    36   548   quena
13. defilrw   D7    80   628   wildfire
14. aabegil  A10    29   657   abelia
15. aeeikly  C12    35   692   key
16. aeegilo  11D    22   714   foliage
17. eijmnpt  H10    63   777   tajine
18. eghimpr  12H    41   818   jimper

Remaining tiles: ghptuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7134 Filemylover81   5 18:31  -280  538     1.7134 mylover81   5 18:31  -280  538 
  2.5418 Fileginalee     2 20:21  -410  408            Group: intermediate
  3.6057 Fileraggedy01   2 13:57  -445  373     1.6057 raggedy01   2 13:57  -445  373 
  4.4718 Filestrykyster  0 17:17  -470  348     2.6041 annelhynz   1 11:36  -573  245 
  5.6041 Fileannelhynz   1 11:36  -573  245     3.6474 charmz      0  0:44  -791   27 
  6.6474 Filecharmz      0  0:44  -791   27            Group: novice
                                             1.5418 ginalee     2 20:21  -410  408 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4718 strykyster  0 17:17  -470  348 

On 1st draw, SWORDS H3 28 --- SWORD a weapon having a long blade for cutting or thrusting [n] --- SWORD to wield a weapon with a long blade [v]
Other moves: WORDS H4 26, SWORDS H8 24, DROWS H4 22, SWORD H8 22, SWORDS H4 22
SWORDS H3 28 raggedy01, ginalee, mylover81
DOWS H5 16 strykyster

On 2nd draw, FARMOST 3C 28 --- FARMOST most distant [adv]
Other tops: FORAMS 3C 28
Other moves: FORMATS 3B 26, FORAM 6F 24, SAMFOO 3H 24, FOAM G2 22, FOOTRAS 3B 22
FOAM G2 22 mylover81
TOOM G2 19 raggedy01
FORM 5G 9 strykyster

On 3rd draw, COATE 4A 31 --- COATE to cite as evidence [v]
Other moves: COAT 4A 27, CATE 4B 23, COAITA D1 22, CIAO 2B 21, CITE 2B 21
COATE 4A 31 mylover81, raggedy01
COAT 4A 27 charmz
COTE 2B 21 strykyster
COAT D1 18 ginalee

On 4th draw, YARCO A1 30 --- YARCO (Australian slang) a young working-class person who wears casual sports clothes [n]
Other tops: COREY A4 30, COYER A4 30, ORACY A1 30
Other moves: WEARY 4H 24, UEY 2E 22, ARECA A1 21, COURE A4 21, REO 5C 21
COREY A4 30 ginalee
YE 5C 17 mylover81
TORE I3 13 raggedy01
FAY C3 9 strykyster

On 5th draw, B(E)Z 5C 60 --- BEZ the second tine of a deer's horn [n]
Other moves: S(E)Z 5C 54, Z(O)BOS 5E 54, Z(O)BO 5E 52, Z(A) 5E 44, Z(O) 5E 44
B(E)Z 5C 60 mylover81
Z(O) 5E 44 ginalee
REZ E3 24 strykyster

On 6th draw, VEHICLES 8A 101 --- VEHICLE a device used as a means of conveyance [n]
Other moves: HI 2F 30, ELICHE 2I 28, WELCH 4H 28, WEEVIL 4H 26, EH B1 25
HI 2F 30 mylover81
HOVEL 5G 22 raggedy01
VOICE 5G 20 ginalee
HE I5 12 strykyster

On 7th draw, AVIDER 2I 38 --- AVID eager [adj]
Other moves: WAIVED 4H 28, WAIVER 4H 26, WAVED 4H 26, WAVIER 4H 26, WIVED 4H 26
WAIVED 4H 28 raggedy01, mylover81
CURVED E8 24 ginalee
DE 9B 13 strykyster

On 8th draw, NOXES 3K 49 --- NOX short for nitrogen oxide [n]
Other moves: DEX 3K 46, OXEN 3L 45, OXES 3L 45, NOX 3K 43, SEX 3K 43
OXEN 3L 45 strykyster, mylover81, raggedy01
OX 1N 29 ginalee

On 9th draw, SAUTING 1C 81 --- SAUT to season [v]
Other moves: SINUATING K1 70, OUTGAINS 5H 68, ADUSTING 7G 66, SALUTING F6 63, SATIN 1K 39
GIANTS 1D 30 mylover81
SAG 1M 25 raggedy01, strykyster
TAG 1M 25 annelhynz
STINGS O3 24 ginalee

On 10th draw, DOIT 4L 38 --- DOIT a former Dutch coin [n]
Other moves: DOG 4L 34, GOD 4L 34, DOE 4L 31, DOT 4L 31, GOE 4L 31
GOD 4L 34 mylover81
DOG 1M 29 annelhynz
DIG 1M 29 raggedy01
TOD 1M 25 strykyster
DODGE L2 16 ginalee

On 11th draw, NEON(S) 5J 28 --- NEON a gaseous element [n]
Other moves: (C)ONN 5K 27, EON(S) 5K 26, NEON 5J 25, EON 5K 23, E(B)ON 5J 23
NON 5K 23 mylover81
STOLEN O3 18 raggedy01
STUNNE(D) O3 18 ginalee
STONE(S) O3 15 annelhynz
NON 9B 14 strykyster

On 12th draw, QUENA B6 36 --- QUENA a bamboo flute [n]
Other tops: QUEAN B6 36
Other moves: EQUANT G8 26, EQUAL G8 24, MURLAN 6F 22, AM 9B 19, MAL 7B 18
QUEAN B6 36 mylover81
EQUAL G8 24 annelhynz
CALM E8 16 ginalee
QI D7 11 strykyster

On 13th draw, WILDFIRE D7 80 --- WILDFIRE a raging, destructive fire [n]
Other moves: WIFED C10 29, WIFE C10 25, WILDER C10 25, WEIRD C10 23, WIDER C10 23
WIFED C10 29 raggedy01
IF 9F 20 mylover81, annelhynz
DREW C10 19 ginalee
NEF 9B 18 strykyster

On 14th draw, ABELIA A10 29 --- ABELIA a plant with pink or white flowers [n]
Other moves: FILABEG 11D 26, FLEABAG 11D 26, GAB C12 23, AIRBAG 13B 22, BAAL C12 22
BAEL C12 22 annelhynz
LAB C12 20 mylover81
FABLE 11D 20 ginalee
FAB 11D 16 strykyster

On 15th draw, KEY C12 35 --- KEY to provide with a key (a device used to turn the bolt in a lock) [v]
Other tops: KAY C12 35, LARKY 6F 35
Other moves: FLAKEY 11D 32, EARLY 6F 31, FAKEY 11D 30, FLAKY 11D 30, KELLY F6 30
KEY C12 35 annelhynz, mylover81
FLAKY 11D 30 ginalee, raggedy01
FLY 11D 18 strykyster

On 16th draw, FOLIAGE 11D 22 --- FOLIAGE the growth of leaves of a plant [n]
Other moves: FOGIE 11D 18, FOGLE 11D 18, AE E10 17, EA E10 17, EE E10 17
EA E10 17 annelhynz, mylover81
FLOG 11D 16 ginalee
FOG 11D 14 strykyster

On 17th draw, TAJINE H10 63 --- TAJINE a clay pot [n]
Other moves: TAMEIN H10 33, TAMINE H10 33, AMENT H11 30, AMINE H11 30, JEEP J10 29
AMENT H11 30 mylover81
JEEP J10 29 annelhynz, raggedy01, ginalee
JET J10 26 strykyster

On 18th draw, JIMPER 12H 41 --- JIMP natty [adj]
Other moves: GIMPIER 13G 34, HEMP 10J 32, HERM 10J 30, HEM 10J 29, HEP 10J 29
HEMP 10J 32 mylover81, strykyster
HIM 10J 29 annelhynz
HEMP 12J 27 ginalee, raggedy01

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