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Game of October 10, 2011 at 11:32, 10 players
1. 476 pts mylover81
2. 473 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 418 pts leobill

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. chlmoor   H3    34    34   chromo
 2. adeiktw   4H    34    68   hawked
 3. ?doqttu   6F    38   106   quoad
 4. eijlnrs   K1    32   138   jerks
 5. aceefor   2J    32   170   feare
 6. aeiprrt   I8    65   235   partier
 7. aegiint   3J    37   272   argent
 8. dilstyz  13C    94   366   stylized
 9. beeeips  H13    44   410   zep
10. elnostt   O1    30   440   ostent
11. degimow   D8    30   470   widget
12. ailnovy   8A    36   506   oilway
13. eiottuv  11A    22   528   outgive
14. alnotuv  A10    30   558   volant
15. aceeiin   3C    22   580   acinic
16. aefimos   D1    30   610   ficoes
17. ?abelou   1A   158   768   outfable
18. beinorx   9D    30   798   ibex
19. agimnor  10H    69   867   armoring

Remaining tiles: hnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7138 Filemylover81   3 17:28  -391  476     1.7138 mylover81   3 17:28  -391  476 
  2.6409 FileGrace_Tjie  2 13:37  -394  473            Group: intermediate
  3.4867 Fileleobill     0 18:47  -449  418     1.6409 Grace_Tjie  2 13:37  -394  473 
  4.6047 Fileraggedy01   1 24:58  -468  399     2.6047 raggedy01   1 24:58  -468  399 
  5.4628 Fileremij       1 17:36  -555  312     3.6741 sunshine12  0  4:19  -782   85 
  6.4718 Filestrykyster  0 24:41  -567  300     4.6052 annelhynz   0  2:41  -799   68 
  7.5184 Filetonikay     1 16:19  -589  278            Group: novice
  8.5774 FileBouncingS   0  9:39  -705  162     1.5184 tonikay     1 16:19  -589  278 
  9.6741 Filesunshine12  0  4:19  -782   85     2.5774 BouncingS   0  9:39  -705  162 
 10.6052 Fileannelhynz   0  2:41  -799   68            Group: not rated
                                             1.4867 leobill     0 18:47  -449  418 
                                             2.4628 remij       1 17:36  -555  312 
                                             3.4718 strykyster  0 24:41  -567  300 

On 1st draw, CHROMO H3 34 --- CHROMO a type of colour picture [n]
Other tops: MOLOCH H7 34
Other moves: CHROMO H4 32, CHROMO H8 32, MOLOCH H4 32, MOLOCH H8 32, MOOCH H8 32
CHROMO H3 34 mylover81
MOOCH H8 32 raggedy01, leobill
MOOCH H4 30 Grace_Tjie
CHOOM H4 30 strykyster

On 2nd draw, HAWKED 4H 34 --- HAWK to peddle [v]
Other moves: HAWKIE 4H 32, HAWKIT 4H 32, DAWK G6 31, DAWK I6 31, KAWED G6 31
WAKED G6 31 mylover81, Grace_Tjie
KAWED G6 31 annelhynz
WAKE G6 29 strykyster
WICKED 3F 22 leobill
WICKET 3F 21 raggedy01
MAKE 7H 11 remij

On 3rd draw, QUO(A)D 6F 38 --- QUOAD so far as [conj]
Other moves: QUOT(E)D 6F 35, QUO(I)T 6F 35, QU(A)RTO 5E 35, QUOD 6F 34, QUOD(S) 6F 34
QUOT(E)D 6F 35 leobill, BouncingS
QUOD 6F 34 mylover81, remij
QUOD M1 28 raggedy01
QU(I)D M1 26 Grace_Tjie
OD 5K 21 annelhynz
TOD 3L 16 strykyster

On 4th draw, JERKS K1 32 --- JERK to move with a sharp, sudden motion [v]
Other tops: JINKS K1 32
Other moves: J*W J2 29, J*SM 7E 28, JEDIS M2 26, JINS 9E 26, JIRDS M1 26
JINKS K1 32 mylover81
J*W J2 29 Grace_Tjie, BouncingS, leobill, raggedy01, strykyster

On 5th draw, FEARE 2J 32 --- FEARE a companion [n]
Other tops: FAW J2 32, FEW J2 32
Other moves: ORFE 3J 30, REFACE 2J 26, FEDORA M2 22, REEF 3K 22, OF L1 21
FAW J2 32 tonikay
FEW J2 32 Grace_Tjie
FEARE 2J 32 mylover81
REEF 3K 22 raggedy01
ACE 3M 16 annelhynz
FEED M1 16 remij
FEE 2J 14 strykyster, leobill
FORCE 8G 10 BouncingS

On 6th draw, PARTIER I8 65 --- PARTIER one who parties [n]
Other tops: PARTIER G8 65
Other moves: PRIORATE 8E 61, TRAPE O1 39, TRIPE O1 39, PRATER O1 36, PRATIE O1 36
TRIP O1 36 Grace_Tjie
APE 1M 21 remij
JEAT 1K 19 mylover81
ERA O1 18 raggedy01
PRIDE M1 16 leobill, BouncingS
AA L1 13 strykyster
QAT F6 12 tonikay

On 7th draw, ARGENT 3J 37 --- ARGENT silver [n]
Other moves: OPIATING 8H 36, GAEN H12 30, GEAN H12 30, GEAT H12 30, GNAT H12 30
GEAT H12 30 mylover81, Grace_Tjie
REDATING M2 26 raggedy01
GRADIENT M1 22 leobill
ENG 3M 18 strykyster
TAN H13 13 remij
TEARING 14F 12 BouncingS
STAG 5K 10 tonikay

On 8th draw, STYLIZED 13C 94 --- STYLIZE to make conventional [v]
Other moves: ZITS 15F 49, ZITIS 12H 48, DITZY 12H 40, STYLIZE 13C 40, ZESTILY 13H 38
ZITS 15F 49 remij, leobill
ZITIS 12H 48 mylover81
Y*DS 15F 34 tonikay
ZITS 12H 23 Grace_Tjie, raggedy01, BouncingS
TRY 14H 14 strykyster

On 9th draw, ZEP H13 44 --- ZEP a long zeppelin shaped sandwich [n]
Other moves: ZEE H13 38, BEEPS 15E 37, BESEE 15G 31, EPEES 15E 31, PEISE 15F 31
ZEP H13 44 remij, Grace_Tjie
BEEPS 15E 37 mylover81, leobill, BouncingS
PEES 15F 28 tonikay
PE 1N 17 strykyster
BEY E11 16 raggedy01

On 10th draw, OSTENT O1 30 --- OSTENT appearance [n]
Other moves: TONLETS O3 24, SANTOL 9H 21, TELSON O3 21, TESTON O3 21, TONLET O3 21
EST O1 18 mylover81
ELOPS 15E 17 tonikay
TOES 12A 16 Grace_Tjie
TOPS 15F 16 leobill
SLOE 14A 12 strykyster
DEN J13 11 remij

On 11th draw, WIDGET D8 30 --- WIDGET a gadget [n]
Other moves: GODWIT D8 26, MIDGET D8 26, WEDGY E9 26, MIDGY E9 24, DEWY E10 22
WIELD F10 21 leobill
EM 12D 19 Grace_Tjie
WORMED 10G 18 mylover81
WOE 14B 16 strykyster
TWIG 11I 16 tonikay
MOER 10F 12 raggedy01

On 12th draw, OILWAY 8A 36 --- OILWAY a channel for the passage of oil [n]
Other moves: AVOW 8A 30, AVIDLY 10A 29, NOILY E9 29, OVALLY F9 28, VAIRY 10F 27
AVOW 8A 30 raggedy01
ALOW 8A 21 Grace_Tjie
VLY F12 17 strykyster
Y*D 10B 15 leobill
YA C7 14 mylover81, tonikay

On 13th draw, OUTGIVE 11A 22 --- OUTGIVE to give more than [v]
Other moves: TATOU E7 21, UEY E11 20, OUTVIE N5 19, QUYTE F6 19, VIDEO 10B 19
VIDEO 10B 19 leobill
OGIVE 11C 18 mylover81
GIVE 11D 16 tonikay
VET 14A 14 Grace_Tjie
EVO 14A 14 raggedy01
VET 6M 8 remij

On 14th draw, VOLANT A10 30 --- VOLANT flying or capable of flying [adj]
Other moves: EVO 12D 21, VOLVA F11 19, VULVA F11 19, OATER 14E 18, UNVAIL B4 17
OATER 14E 18 tonikay
VAIN B6 15 mylover81, remij
VAT 14A 14 Grace_Tjie
VOLT C6 12 strykyster
DA J13 10 raggedy01

On 15th draw, ACINIC 3C 22 --- ACINIC relating to a sacklike division of a gland [adj] --- ACINUS a small sacklike division of a gland [adj]
Other moves: DIENE J6 19, ENIAC N6 19, AINEE 9C 17, ENE J8 16, TENACE 11I 16
NEE J9 13 Grace_Tjie
TICE 11I 12 mylover81
ICE N6 11 sunshine12
ACE N6 11 strykyster
NE J9 10 raggedy01
VILE F11 9 tonikay
RACE 10I 8 remij

On 16th draw, FICOES D1 30 --- FICO something of little worth [n]
Other tops: FACIES D1 30
Other moves: NOISE 14A 29, FACES D1 28, FICES D1 28, FICOS D1 28, FACE D1 26
FACIES D1 30 raggedy01
FACES D1 28 Grace_Tjie, sunshine12, leobill, mylover81, tonikay
FARMS 10G 21 remij
SCAM D2 16 strykyster

On 17th draw, OU(T)FABLE 1A 158 --- OUTFABLE to surpass in fabling [v]
Other moves: BEFOUL(S) 1B 33, BE(E)FALO 1A 33, BUF(F)ALO 1B 33, BU(F)FALO 1A 33, B(E)EFALO 1A 33
BU(F)FALO 1A 33 raggedy01
FABLE 1D 30 Grace_Tjie, mylover81, remij
BLUF(F) 1A 27 leobill
BE(E)F 1A 24 tonikay
LOBE(S) 7K 15 sunshine12
TABLE 11I 14 strykyster

On 18th draw, IBEX 9D 30 --- IBEX a wild goat [n]
Other moves: BOXEN 5A 28, BOXER 5A 28, NEXT 6L 27, OXES 6A 27, IBEX 5B 26
XIS 6B 26 Grace_Tjie
IBEX 5B 26 mylover81
TOXINE 11I 26 raggedy01
TOXIN 11I 24 leobill
EX J8 23 sunshine12
REX 5C 20 tonikay
TEX 11I 20 remij
REX 10I 12 strykyster

On 19th draw, ARMORING 10H 69 --- ARMOR to furnish with armor (a defensive covering) [v]
Other moves: ANIMA E1 24, INARM N6 19, OARING N5 19, AMONG N6 18, OM 2A 18
OARING N5 19 raggedy01
TRAM 11I 12 leobill
ARM 10H 11 remij
MOS 6B 11 Grace_Tjie
DA J13 10 strykyster
EM 5D 8 sunshine12

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